Why Www.faithfreedom.org Is Blocked??

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Why www.faithfreedom.org is blocked?? Dec 21, 2007
One of my Indian friend from UAE mailed me and asked me to visit this site saying some moron is trying to mess up with the religious emotions and I tried to open it because I am neutral and respect and value all religions, out of curiousity to know what is there on that site. BLOCKED :( Has anyone tried opening it and let me know whats in there :?: :?:

Dubai Forums Member
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Re: Why www.faithfreedom.org is blocked?? Dec 23, 2007
"O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith." (Quran. 5:101-102)

Faith Freedom International is a grassroots movement of those who asked prohibited questions and on that account lost their faith. We came to see that Islam is a hoax. It is an imperialistic ideology, disguised as religion, invented by Muhammad for his own personal gains. With a bogus promise of a carnal and orgiastic paradise (just for men) and threat of hell he goaded his foolhardy followers to raid and slay innocent people under the the pretext that they were infidels. He looted them, enslaved them and raped their women. To this day, Muslim terrorists are following the footsteps of their prophet who bragged, “I have been made victorious with terror” [Bukhari 4.52.220] No other cause is responsible for more death than Islam. Isn't this alone proof enough that Islam is satanic? Our goal is to expose this religion of terror and warn of its danger. We also want to help Muslims see the stupidity of it, end their "us" vs. "them" ethos and embrace the human race in amity. No one is their enemy, it is they who are the enemy to everyone else. We strive for the unity of mankind through the elimination of Islam, the most insidious doctrine of hate. Humanity is one.; let not charlatans like Hitler and Muhammad divide us with their big lies.
Islam can't be reformed, but it can be eradicated. It can't be molded, but it can be smashed. It is rigid, but brittle. That is why Muhammad could not tolerate criticism of it. To eradicate Islam, all we have to do is tell the truth. It's that simple. This was not possible before, but with the help of the Internet, it is now. The asininity of this creed is so glaringly obvious that boggles the mind. All it takes to see that is to read the Quran.

Truth about Islam is out. It's here in this site. With truth and reason alone we can demolish this tall tower of lies. If you help spread the truth we can bring this house of cards down sooner than anyone can imagine. With truth, the decent Muslims will leave Islam and with each Muslim that leaves, we gain a new soldier in our fight against terrorism. We are growing exponentially. The days of Islam are numbered and world peace is around the corner. Many of us will see that day. We may have to go through dreadful times meanwhile. A storm is approaching. It will wipe out Islam, but it will also destroy millions of lives in its path. We can avoid this Armageddon if we stop lying. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is evil. It is a dangerous cult of death and terror. The proof is here. Let us tell the truth. Save lives, not lies. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Do something and save the world. To become a soldier in this army of light, all you have to do is promote this site. Let the truth reach the world. It will do its work.

Dear Muslim: If you love your faith and want to keep it, leave this site NOW. We have set thousands of Muslims free. Some of them were more faithful and more knowledgeable than you. Many of them are now helping other Muslims in their journey to freedom. Truth is very powerful and you may not have the strength to resist it. This site has the potential to undo Islam. This is no hyperbole. It is a reality that is already happening. A silent revolution is taking place, unprecedented in history. If you don't leave Islam, chances are that your children will. The sun of truth has dawned. Your only chance to remain a Muslim is to keep your head deep in the sand. The more you learn the truth the more you will lose your faith. Truth will set you free, but if you fear freedom leave this site NOW. However, if you feel valiant, meet my challenge and I will remove this site.

جَاء الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish." (Q. 17:81)

Faithfreedom.org is blocked in many Islamic countries. You can bypass any ban with a software created to help people in communist and Islamic countries to have access to free thought. You can download the software for free from their site tor.eff.org If that site is also blocked send an email to sendtor (at) gmail.com and an automatic responder will send you the software.
Dubai Forums Enthusiast
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Dec 23, 2007
No surprises it's blocked though, I think you kind of have to expect that sort of thing going on here.

As for the printed page... it lost me when it mentioned Hitler. There is such a thing as Godwin's law.
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