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As for my disagreeing with your comments... What do you think??

As for the religious war thing, what do you think?
I find your approach towards me quite childlike.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
kanelli wrote:Liban, you call me grasshopper and other condescending names as a passive aggressive way to assert your dominance over me. The fact remains that even if we disagree, I am an intelligent and assertive woman who can stand up to whatever comes my way.
kanelli wrote:I'm well aware that Indonesia is mulitcultural, but North America is still far more multicultural. That was my thought when posting at the time.
If there is a war and Muslims want to make it a religious war - so be it. Let the most powerful side win.
kanelli wrote:Yes, some areas of North America have a higher concentration of people of certain backgrounds than others.
kanelli wrote:Islam is being used as an excuse to fight the West, and the West in turn is demonising the religion. There have always been some misunderstandings about Islam because it has been tied to cultural practices that are part of a region or country and not really related to Islam at all. Education is what is needed to fight this, not supporting terrorism and wishing the West death and destruction.
kanelli wrote:Yes, some areas of North America have a higher concentration of people of certain backgrounds than others. The government, however, makes laws and the country has a cultural fabric that is created from all areas of the country - so it is still my assertion that North America is a great example of multicultralism and tolerance of people from other cultures.
kanelli wrote:Yes, some areas of North America have a higher concentration of people of certain backgrounds than others. The government, however, makes laws and the country has a cultural fabric that is created from all areas of the country - so it is still my assertion that North America is a great example of multicultralism and tolerance of people from other cultures.
Terrorist groups have attacked in the name of Islam. This is why there is less tolerance since Sept. 11 - people are afraid of Islamic terrorists and they are buying into sensational stories about what goes on in Islamic countries, like the stoning of women, honour killings, polygamy etc. This is wrong and shouldn't be happening.
The Arab countries are easier to push around because they aren't as powerful as China and North Korea, for example. The Middle East has a lot of oil, which especially the US wants for its continued economic success. Big business has its hands in the political affairs. This is why I am saying that religion has nothing to do with the original underlying causes of the problems between the East and West at the moment.
Islam is being used as an excuse to fight the West, and the West in turn is demonising the religion. There have always been some misunderstandings about Islam because it has been tied to cultural practices that are part of a region or country and not really related to Islam at all. Education is what is needed to fight this, not supporting terrorism and wishing the West death and destruction.
Liban wrote:kanelli wrote:I'm well aware that Indonesia is mulitcultural, but North America is still far more multicultural. That was my thought when posting at the time.
If there is a war and Muslims want to make it a religious war - so be it. Let the most powerful side win.
Muslims want to make it into a religious war?
You are generalizing. Also your true colors are coming out. You speak of openness and tolerence then you post this???? Contemptable.
Liban wrote:"As far as I am concerned, the Jews are a curse on this planet...
They are like a disease. They infest and spread like vermin.
Sure some Jews died 60+ years ago... But so did millons more other people. So why do we keep blabbering about those bastards? Why? Because they have their dirty little fingers and crooked noses congtrolling all media, money, governments, etc... Satan's little helpers.
I curse the evil Jew. And as far as I am concerned. Hitler was a BIG LOSER because he couldn't finish what he started...
kanelli wrote:Shaf, thank you. Some of my arguments might be facile at the moment because I am still reading up on the issues, and still trying to understand. I try to put myself in other people's shoes, but I don't know what it is like to be a Muslim or Arab/Muslim or Palestinian or Israeli etc. I can't comprehend why some people think that just because the US and some other countries are complete hypocrits on the nuclear issue, that Iran is fully entitled to develop nuclear weapons. That isn't logical to me.
There seems to be more effort on some people's parts to demonise one group or another without much effort trying to make some positive change. This is primarily why I get upset at people like Lionheart who post on here.
The expats who live here are the perfect group of people to have a dialogue with because many move back to their home countries and they can educate people about what the Middle East is really like and dispel some of the propaganda on both sides. Unfortunately, some people would rather spend their time hating and disseminating propaganda.
kanelli wrote::lol:
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