Why???? (A Forwarded E-mail)

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Mar 22, 2006
arniegang wrote:post someat new or original mate, this was posted about a month ago

yawn yawn

Grow up.

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Mar 22, 2006
yshimy wrote:Because they are "SuperPower"
Because they are " Protectors of "Democracy"" ... yes double quotes
Because they are "World Cops"
Because they are "Oil addicts" ...

Because we are "not-united"
Because we are "not strong".... "arms wise"
Because we are "not media conciouse"
Because we are "Anti-Israel"

Sad but true

Add to that that they have the most beautiful woman working for them " Condalisa Rise" :lol: :lol: and she is the most liberal woman
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Re: Why???? (A forwarded E-mail) Mar 22, 2006
Kindly Kanali, dont take my comments personally :)

Jews do not strap bombs to themselves in the London underground or go into Palestinian areas and blow themselves up. So - it isn't a matter of just a beard.

are you sure about this?

This is a stereotype. Many Western women stay home to raise their children. If I have children I will also stay home. My aunts, grandmother and other family members also stayed home until the kids were older.

What this has to do with stereotyping Kanali?! what he said just goes along with what you said here, the only difference that people appreicate what you have done, but when it comes to a muslim houese wife its a different story.

yshimy wrote:Any girl can go to university wearing what she wills and have her rights and freedom?
But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university!

Where, in France? I haven't heard of any country blocking Muslimah wearing a Hijab from the university. Talk about taking a rare circumstance and generalising it.

You are right about this :)

Many Muslims who kill say that they are doing it as Jihad and with the blessing of Allah - so they are the ones putting their religion on trial with their actions.

Thats what the Media Says, If i say that you Kanali have gone to Moon, and you couldnt go on the Media to say that never happened. then my lie will become a fact.

So Palestinians are all innocent? They don't kill, rape
and destroy property and violate Synagogues? Give me a break. They are both sticking it to each other.

do you really think so? then what about when it comes to some aliens who would invade your home land, kill your people and destroy your home, kick you out homeless, kill your father, rape your sister and mother and make you watch that. then take the rest as prisoners for defending them selves.. and these aliens will go and cry on TVs because they were OPPRESSED by the whole world. would u keep standing Still kanali???!!

yshimy wrote:When someone drives a perfect car in a bad way no one blames the car.
But when any Muslim makes a mistake or treats people in a bad manner - people say "Islam is the reason"!

No they don't. If a few morons think that way, they are just morons! Why generalise to the whole population when it is false to do so?

yshimy wrote:Without looking to the tradition of Islam, people believe what the newspapers say.
But question what the Quran says!

Sorry, but people SHOULD question the Quran, the Bible, the Torah, the newspapers, their parents, their governments... A person who doesn't question is easily mislead, doesn't know what he/she stands for etc.

Hmmm, allow me please to say that:

We as muslims dont questions the one who created the universe, or what he sent. maybe you dont know the Koran and i dont blame you for that.

When the boss at work says something to us, he expect us to obay, but when God say something (the one who created me and the whole universe) do you want me to be doubtful about it?

Bible and Torah which are there now are not the real once which have been sent to Jesus and Moses, the Source is the Same for all the books (God) so how come there are differences!?

In science, there is something called you have to doube the fact ONLY for one reason, if you are really looking forsomething behind that fact which is the other way for proving a fact or a rule ( thats also there in math). which is also vaild in islam.

I think that whoever wrote that e-mail has written falsehoods and stereotypes that just make Muslims want to feel sorry for themselves

Maybe you didnt believe it or didnt like you and you are calling it "stereotyping" but its a fact. but at the same time Muslims dont feel sorry for them selves the feel proud... really proud

and feel oppressed by the West or non-Muslims.

if you really know how muslims do feel about non-muslims you will be stunned:

Chapter 3, verses: (this is just what i could remember)

[113] Not all of them are alike: of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (for the right); they rehearse the Signs of Allah all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration.

[114] They believe in Allah and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: they are in the ranks of the righteous.

[115] Of the good that they do, nothing will be rejected of them; for Allah knoweth well those that do right.

[116] Those who reject Faith, neither their possessions nor their (numerous) progeny will avail them aught against Allah: they will be Companions of the Fire, dwelling therein (forever)
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Mar 22, 2006
Intimacy, You are so blind sometimes and stop saying everything in the media is a lie. Oh so those kidnappers who threaten the lives of hostages and behead them then send the tapes to Al Jazeera or post them on the internet, who out of their own mouths, say they're comitting Jihad in the name of Islam and Allah - that's all a lie is it? Wake up! The suicide bombers who made videos and sent them before committing their crimes and my friend they are crimes against every single human being, again committing these acts in the name of Islam against the 'infidels' that's all crap as well suppose! Hello you can log onto any of the websites of these morons and see what they're doing, so please don't deny it, you just look like a fool! You should be condeming these people for bringing the name of Islam and good Muslims into disrepute.

When people say they are doing something in the name of a religion or course they're putting it on trial, they give it a bad name committing such horrible acts. Do you ever see any Christians running around doing things and screaming, we do it in the name of God and Jesus etc - no you don't. Or any Budhists? Hindus?

And no sorry the Palestinians are not all innocent either, it works both ways! Both sides are guilty of killing people, so that view point is not going to stick either.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 22, 2006
I am responding to this for the sake of all the good people in here.

Intimacy, You are so blind sometimes and stop saying everything in the media is a lie.

Have I said "Everthing" ?!!!

You are working for the Media, whether you know it or not but you are defending your self.

An Advice: Jump out of the box, and look around. i think you will know then that you are the one who is blind dear.

Oh so those kidnappers who threaten the lives of hostages and behead them then send the tapes to Al Jazeera or post them on the internet, who out of their own mouths, say they're comitting Jihad in the name of Islam and Allah - that's all a lie is it? Wake up!

Since you are working in the media Choco, tell me something plz: how hard it is it dress up a mask and go on TV and say what ever people is starving for and claim what ever i want?? I am from this party doing this thing for the following purpose. its so easy dear. So i think you need to wake up, not me

again committing these acts in the name of Islam against the 'infidels' that's all crap as well suppose! Hello you can log onto any of the websites of these morons and see what they're doing, so please don't deny it,

Did i deny it??

I just dont know who are those guys for real and for whom r they working for? So Hello, Why the US gov didnt stop their websites till now?!!!!!!!!! Hellooooo. I dont think its hard to stop their bloody sites.. its a click of a button.

you just look like a fool! .


When people say they are doing something in the name of a religion or course they're putting it on trial, they give it a bad name committing such horrible acts. Do you ever see any Christians running around doing things and screaming, we do it in the name of God and Jesus etc - no you don't. Or any Budhists? Hindus?

I am going to quot here

Yshimy wrote: When someone sacrfices himself to keep others alive, he is noble and all respect him.
But when a Palestinian does that to save his son from being killed, his brother's arm being broken, his mother being raped, his home being destroyed, and his mosque being violated -- He gets the title of a terrorist! Why? Because he is a Muslim!

And no sorry the Palestinians are not all innocent either, it works both ways! Both sides are guilty of killing people, so that view point is not going to stick either.

what would you do when it comes to some aliens who would invade your home land, kill your people and destroy your home, kick you out homeless, kill your father, rape your sister and mother and make you watch that. then take the rest as prisoners for defending them selves.. and these aliens will go and cry on TVs because they were OPPRESSED by the whole world. would u keep standing Still
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Mar 22, 2006
Intimacy, I'm not going into the whole Palestinian/Israeli thing, they both have a right to be there, it's home land for both, the issue is they should live together in peace, at the moment it's a never ending issue and I wish you'd stop using it all the time. There is no right from either side right now.

Of course the media can be biased and edited, but there's no way in a million years that all this stuff is made up just to make certain people look bad.

No I won't mind my mouth, who are you to tell me, you do look a fool sometimes.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:No I won't mind my mouth, who are you to tell me, you do look a fool sometimes.

You treated me according to whom you are, and i will do what i do all the time, i will treat you according to who I am

At the place i came from when a man receives an insult from a woman, he just turns his back and move away. As a woman, i cant teach you how to respect others and how to respect your self first of all
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Mar 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
No I won't mind my mouth, who are you to tell me, you do look a fool sometimes.


No more flames!!!
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Mar 22, 2006
Intimacy, you make good valid points most of the time, but what I don't understand is why you find it so hard to belive so things and keep banging on with the same arguments without looking at the possibility that there might be other truths.

That was all.

Liban, I suggest you look at others who're flaming without jumping down my throat first thing, Intimacy was prtty rude to Kanelli in the first instance.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 22, 2006
What ! Rude to Kanelli!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A canadian!!!!!!!!! :x *Sniper420 give stiff look at Intimacy* ok now stick to point
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Mar 22, 2006
Your's was the last flame I saw and hence it was the one I included in my quote.

The order to stop flaming doesn't simply apply to you but to everybody.

Checking some old posts I see that during my absence the flames and insults between people have continued without respite.

I am now back to clean house.

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Mar 22, 2006
Well thank you, I think, but yes I agree with you.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Well thank you, I think, but yes I agree with you.

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Mar 22, 2006
What Sniper, what now what did I do apart from say thanks, geez damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 23, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:What Sniper, what now what did I do apart from say thanks, geez damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Gurl, Didn't you reach what Sniper said...!!!!!


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Mar 23, 2006
kanelli wrote:yshimy, you still justify the stereotypes and a few examples of racist or biased behaviours. You got questioned at the airport because radical Muslims are the ones who used airplanes to crash into US targets, and don't forget the shoebomber. Why would they need to stop the Jewish guy?

Just for info.... Ma German Passport doesn't have "religion" stated, My name doesn't have "obvious" Muslim name.

Not wanting to get into the Palestines/Israel (Zionists) thing ... Why?
On which bases you suggest "Both have the right to be in the land???????????????????"

Hope you didn't base it on "Belford oath"........!!!! are you english?

Can you share that?????

Man, don't think they will get everything, they didn't live in a place were they are close to the events to know how much the media are fabricated or tailored to suite some group needs........

and Man, ease up.. i stopped being too serious in this forum. i started to care about my blood pressure.


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Mar 24, 2006
If people want to discuss Israeli-Palestinian issue with proper facts then read this http://www.dubaiforums.com/viewtopic.php?p=37654#37654
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Mar 24, 2006
yshimy, I have been stopped at the airport twice, and I am not Arab-looking, and don't have an Arab or Muslim name.

I pointed out that the original e-mail has glaring flaws, generalisations and stereotypes. I feel really sorry for any of you who believe in that mail and let your emotions be stirred by such a blatant piece of propaganda.

There is a small group of people here who claim that me and some others aren't open-minded to see the propaganda in our own media - but we do. Countless times we have spoken up about it. This small group of people takes Muslim anti-West propaganda and uses it as fact - then gives us grief when we point out that they are the ones being blinded by propaganda. So, what we have here is a losing battle - I'll just leave you gentlemen to your propaganda.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 24, 2006
To some extent i do agree with you in some points.

The intention of this mail is to point out belifs that exist and happen, but we dont' say ALL the people do it or ALL the people suffer from it.

Sometimes extremes of real cases are used to point out a point.


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