Here's a conversation that took place between a Muslim and a Christian:
The Muslim: Why in the world are you wearing the cross on your neck?
The Christian: Because it represents the thing on which Jesus was crucified on.
The Muslim: Was Jesus in favor of getting crucified on it?
The Christian: No
The Muslim: Now tell me about Jesus, did he mount on the a/ss willingly to get to where he needs to?
The Christian: Yes
The Muslim: Now was it his hope that the a/ss live long enough to use him for his needs?
The Christian: Yes
The Muslim: So you leave out what Jesus hoped to live and what he mounted on willingly, and resorted to what he was mounted on unwillingly and wore it on your neck? So based on this analogy, you should wear the a/ss on your neck and toss the cross, stupid.
So do you still want to evangalize to these people?