Why Do Arab Muslims Think They Are Better?

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Jan 22, 2006
HP wrote:sleep less in dubai :

u got a good point.

I also used to think we have some big non Muslims names in history , who benefited the society through invention , research or engaging in other activities. For example doctors who save the lives and bring revolution in medicine ,Scientists or mother Teresa ( many others).

Now my question is

"how can God throw them in hell who have dedciated their lives for noble mission" ?

who is most important ? a person who has helped final messenger ...help in many times in many ways.....or the one who has dedicated his life for noble mission ?

if God has dicided to put messenger uncle in the hell who helped his beloved messenger....
now the answer is wit u about all other pure souls...

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Jan 22, 2006

dont worry my dear u will believe everything soon after death...i dont force anyone to belive wat i given the reference....
u have same mentality as that of my christian friend...i asked him 'if Jesus Christ (PBUH) comes and says Mr XX u are not muslim u have to follow islam to reach heaven what u would do then' ? he answered me " no i will no change to islam..i m a good person god wil not punish me..."

he is waiting for god to come and say MR XX come to islam to reach heaven.....God has sent his book to follow and still he is waiting for God to come and meet in person ???

i think u have a same answer...am i rite ? i m sorry to say my dear u will loose evrything...[/quote]

Why are you sorry?, we all have different beliefs, some of us believe in an afterlife, some of us dont, its that simple.

Personally, i totally agree with sleepless - Maybe its just best, to agree to disagree.
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Jan 22, 2006
arniegang wrote:[quote="emadullah

dont worry my dear u will believe everything soon after death...i dont force anyone to belive wat i given the reference....
u have same mentality as that of my christian friend...i asked him 'if Jesus Christ (PBUH) comes and says Mr XX u are not muslim u have to follow islam to reach heaven what u would do then' ? he answered me " no i will no change to islam..i m a good person god wil not punish me..."

he is waiting for god to come and say MR XX come to islam to reach heaven.....God has sent his book to follow and still he is waiting for God to come and meet in person ???

i think u have a same answer...am i rite ? i m sorry to say my dear u will loose evrything...

Why are you sorry?, we all have different beliefs, some of us believe in an afterlife, some of us dont, its that simple.

Personally, i totally agree with sleepless - Maybe its just best, to agree to disagree.[/quote]

Probably right my friends as there's some people who're just stuck in a mental hiccup.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 22, 2006
who is most important ? a person who has helped final messenger ...help in many times in many ways.....or the one who has dedicated his life for noble mission ?

The person who has dedicated his life for noble mission. just a little example "If we dont have doctors today then what will happen? " or how many non muslims people saved the lives of people who were under the debris after the earth quake in Pak ,its was non muslims who used the latest machines to detect the people's breath .

u can find 100 of examples, where contribution of non-muslims toward society is 101 % better than muslims.
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Jan 22, 2006
Islam teaches that each person will be judged by Allah alone on the day of Judgement.

Not all muslims will be going to heaven. Not all non-Muslims will be going to straight to hell.

No where in the Quran does it say that Allah will bar non-Muslims from Heaven.

Islam teaches that there is no compulsion in religion (La Ikra fi Deen is what Allah says). Islam also teaches that Muslims must protect the religious freedom of others - even to the point of waging war against those who do wrong

"...And if Allah had not repelled some people by means of others, cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft remembered, would surely have been destroyed. And Allah will, surely, help him who helps Him. Allah is, indeed, Powerful, Mighty"

Note the order in which the places of worship are mentioned - cloisters (i.e. monasteries and convents), churches and synagogues - then Muslim places of worship.

If one looks at the areas where Muslims were in power in the early days of Islam, you will find complete religious tolerance and no compulsion whatsoever. People were free to believe what they wanted to believe and discussions were respectful.

What Islam abhors though is idol worship, and even there Islam does not allow Muslims to ridicule the idols of idol worshippers (see quote in my previous submission).

I see absolutely no point in trying to ram one's own set of beliefs down another person's throat. It serves only to cause ill-will and does not change anyone's opinion. I personally don't enjoy hitting my head against a wall :)

Sleepless - your post was excellent and actually encapsulates what Islam teaches (that every soul is good - all are born pure and there are good and evil tendencies in everyone. Ultimately we are judged on what we do and there is only one judge.)

To the muslims, don't get me wrong - the Quran does say that Islam is the final religion and will be the only religion accepted by Allah - but it also specifies what following Islam actually means in practice. Islam is submission to the will of God to gain His pleasure (and therefore find peace). The first Muslim according to the Quran was Abraham, and one of the wife of Pharaoh is described as a very pious lady who was vouchsafed revelation from Allah.

Ask any Imam what the fate of a person who has never heard of Islam, but leads a pious and good life (there are many parts of the world or even this country, the UK, where the message of Islam hasn't really been preached). If a person, through no fault of their own, has not been given the chance to accept or reject Islam, but leads an exemplary life - will that person automatically go to Hell? If you say 'yes', then I humbly ask for a reference (or even an Imam who believes this).

Anyway, I will resist saying anything else in this thread now.

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Jan 22, 2006

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Jan 22, 2006
Liban I said the only thing you did that was smart was move to Canada because I knew that you held a Canadian passport for if you were still in Lebanon you most likely would not be talking on this forum - you are such a joke. With that Canadian passport it enabled you to get into Dubai and get a job that paid you enough to support your lifestyle. Why a Canadian passport Liban, the USA would not let you in? See Liban I do not live in Dubai, but I am a Canadian. See what happens - religious fanatics like yourself bring out the worse in themselves and you got mad because I thought Shafique was a female and said she was smarter than you, thus proving that you think you are superior to a female. My job is done now, I wanted to see this side of you because I knew it was there and it sure came out. You are apparently grateful for nothing as you are saying go back to Canada, did they treat you that bad Liban? What you need is a humbling experience and with your attitude it is not long in coming your way.
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Jan 22, 2006
kelly1966 wrote:
I have to laugh at you Liban......are you going to be the new ruler of Dubai........you sure act like you own the place since you've been there. I really think you need an attitude adjustment, I sure read you wrong when I first met you.

Why do you hold a Canadian passport then? Probably the only country that would take your sorry a#s.

You know, since I know you and your husband, I will stay civil. I will ask you not to insult me again because I really don't want to attack you and get down to your level.

Nerves my dear, nerves... CALM THEM DOWN! :x
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Jan 22, 2006
wolfsievers wrote:Liban I said the only thing you did that was smart was move to Canada because I knew that you held a Canadian passport for if you were still in Lebanon you most likely would not be talking on this forum - you are such a joke. With that Canadian passport it enabled you to get into Dubai and get a job that paid you enough to support your lifestyle. Why a Canadian passport Liban, the USA would not let you in? See Liban I do not live in Dubai, but I am a Canadian. See what happens - religious fanatics like yourself bring out the worse in themselves and you got mad because I thought Shafique was a female and said she was smarter than you, thus proving that you think you are superior to a female. My job is done now, I wanted to see this side of you because I knew it was there and it sure came out. You are apparently grateful for nothing as you are saying go back to Canada, did they treat you that bad Liban? What you need is a humbling experience and with your attitude it is not long in coming your way.


1) I do have the Lebanese passport and I am proud of Lebanon, one of the best countries in the world.

2) I would get the same salary. I work for locals and my passport had no effect on my salary. I got the job on my merits not nationality.

3) The Canadian passport doesn't help in Dubai. Many people of many countries have it. It is not like a European passport. Nowhere like it.

4) I wouldn't live in the US if I was paid millions. So I don't get your argument.

5) I left Canada because there is more opportunity here.

6) As for my reasons for living in Canada when I did live there, you'd be surprised.

7) I didn't care about Shafique being a female. If you would read some of my other posts genius you would know that women to me are to be put on pedestals. But you can't seem to read well...

Now get off your high horse and don't bother coming to Dubai. Also why are you in this forum?????

Also who is gonna humble me? You??? As far as I care, you need humbling. Mr. I am on Dubai Forums but live far far away....
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Jan 23, 2006
I'm not insulting you Liban, and you're not getting on my nerves in anyway.....just goes to prove that you always have to be the last one to have a say and you're always right....as for you knowing my husband and I, won't even go there as I could comment on some things but not on here. We both thought you were a nice guy, but I must say, you had us both fooled.

LOL you only wish you were at my level......

I'm just tired of you claiming that your beliefs are correct and everyone elses are incorrect......why can't you just accept that there is more than one religion in the world? How would you feel if someone was on here trying to telly ou that Christianity is the only true religion and that others are a scam? I'm sure you would be hurt. Well treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.......

And what is this crap now about Canada? What is wrong with you anyway?
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Jan 23, 2006
kelly1966 wrote:I'm not insulting you Liban, and you're not getting on my nerves in anyway.....just goes to prove that you always have to be the last one to have a say and you're always right....as for you knowing my husband and I, won't even go there as I could comment on some things but not on here. We both thought you were a nice guy, but I must say, you had us both fooled.

LOL you only wish you were at my level......

I'm just tired of you claiming that your beliefs are correct and everyone elses are incorrect......why can't you just accept that there is more than one religion in the world? How would you feel if someone was on here trying to telly ou that Christianity is the only true religion and that others are a scam? I'm sure you would be hurt. Well treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.......

And what is this crap now about Canada? What is wrong with you anyway?

1) Thats what PMs are for... C'mon tell me what you think that way... Lets see what you have to say.

2) Heh. Try as I may, I can't get low enough... :P

3) I never said that there are no other religions. Only that there is the right path to God and I follow the Quran's path which to me is the right path.

4) Crap about Canada? What crap? I like it for the most part. The weather blows chunks though :)

5) Problem? Hmmm... Could ask you the same.
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Jan 23, 2006
Blab on all you want, as I have nothing more to say to you................fill your boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jan 23, 2006
kelly1966 wrote:Blab on all you want, as I have nothing more to say to you................fill your boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats nice.... Well I thought you might have more sense and speak your mind to me in a PM rather than say "I am not talking to you anymore" booo hoo...

And fill your boots? We don't need those in Dubai Einstein... :lol:
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Jan 23, 2006
It is nice to see that people hate someone else too ,otherwise i used to think that i am the only one ........Liban keep up the good work :).
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Jan 23, 2006
I really must commend you since you have returned HP, keep up the good work, you are behaving yourself lol.....now maybe someone else can take lessons from you.
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Jan 23, 2006

Respect to you girl - nice one
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Jan 23, 2006
kelly1966 wrote:Blab on all you want, as I have nothing more to say to you................fill your boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liban was saying that u were dying to come in Dubai but your husband was not as qualified as Liban ws and he couldt manage to find any place in dubai .........

is it true ? :roll:
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Jan 23, 2006
Thank you Arnie.....that really meant alot after all this crap I've been putting up with from Liban.......I really think that someone should do something about him.....there's no need of him going on the way he does....have you read his posts? Alot of people have left this forum because of him and it's a shame because I have met alot of really good friends on here and people can obtain alot of useful information on here as well, as there are alot of really well spoken, knowledgeable people here. Unfortunately, they don't want to read this crap.
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Jan 23, 2006
HP wrote:
kelly1966 wrote:Blab on all you want, as I have nothing more to say to you................fill your boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liban was saying that u were dying to come in Dubai but your husband was not as qualified as Liban ws and he couldt manage to find any place in dubai .........

is it true ? :roll:

What do you think?
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Jan 23, 2006
kelly1966 wrote:Thank you Arnie.....that really meant alot after all this crap I've been putting up with from Liban.......I really think that someone should do something about him.....there's no need of him going on the way he does....have you read his posts? Alot of people have left this forum because of him and it's a shame because I have met alot of really good friends on here and people can obtain alot of useful information on here as well, as there are alot of really well spoken, knowledgeable people here. Unfortunately, they don't want to read this crap.

kelly 1966 , his name is Taliban not Liban ,jst add " Ta "= Ta...Liban ... :wink:
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Jan 23, 2006
What do you think?

why do u care about the remarks of Liban ,he is not the person who decides who ll go in hell and who not. If it is up to him ,i am the first person to go in hell.

so just relax and enjoy your stay here instead of boiling your blood.
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Jan 23, 2006
Good one HP
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Jan 23, 2006
wolfsievers wrote:Not were smarter, but are smarter. And I will have to give it to you as you were smart to move to Canada!! Talk about biased, well if you go back over the posts in this forum you will see who is exactly biased in here. What you say is a joke!

Kekeke I guess Liban provided the reply. Am I biased ? I guess so cos I am human and no a bot. Ok Liban this is going out of control, learn to control the wild horse. I guess Shaf is good for that.
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Jan 23, 2006
You know it is one thing to have a discussion about religion and politics, etc. but when one of the moderators intentionally bashes a Canadian for not being as smart and as qualified as him to secure a job is going over the boundaries. He should be removed as a moderator immediately.

All I have to say before deleting this forum from my computer forever is I hope one day to meet him in person and believe me I will - I am Kelly's sister and when it comes to bashing my sister's family for no apparent reason then I will step in. You have shown just how wonderful an upbringing you have had (meant to be a joke) and you do your parents proud!! You are a disgrace to your fellow countrymen and for a person of your low upbringing I would be thanking the powers to be for giving me a chance at some kind of existence in this world afforded by the Canadian government.


I said you were smart for going to Canada because the real reason is that if you had stayed in Lebanon the Syrians would have f......ing killed you. Be sure all your posts concerning what you hated in Canada have been copied and will be used for future reference. Enta Hamar
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Jan 23, 2006
wolfsievers wrote:You know it is one thing to have a discussion about religion and politics, etc. but when one of the moderators intentionally bashes a Canadian for not being as smart and as qualified as him to secure a job is going over the boundaries. He should be removed as a moderator immediately.

All I have to say before deleting this forum from my computer forever is I hope one day to meet him in person and believe me I will - I am Kelly's sister and when it comes to bashing my sister's family for no apparent reason then I will step in. You have shown just how wonderful an upbringing you have had (meant to be a joke) and you do your parents proud!! You are a disgrace to your fellow countrymen and for a person of your low upbringing I would be thanking the powers to be for giving me a chance at some kind of existence in this world afforded by the Canadian government.


I said you were smart for going to Canada because the real reason is that if you had stayed in Lebanon the Syrians would have f......ing killed you. Be sure all your posts concerning what you hated in Canada have been copied and will be used for future reference. Enta Hamar

LOL Well Miss Wolf. First this was a general discussion about the religion and ppl are usually optionated when discussing these matters. Some just dont know to express without offending other ppl but some ppl like Shaf are extremely good at replying in cool and freindly manner. This discussion had gone out of topic and turned into some personal bickering. My advice to Liban and wolf is to resolve the matters outside this forum in a friendly way just like Canadians. :D
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Jan 23, 2006
shafique wrote:Islam teaches that each person will be judged by Allah alone on the day of Judgement.

Not all muslims will be going to heaven. Not all non-Muslims will be going to straight to hell.

No where in the Quran does it say that Allah will bar non-Muslims from Heaven.

Islam teaches that there is no compulsion in religion (La Ikra fi Deen is what Allah says). Islam also teaches that Muslims must protect the religious freedom of others - even to the point of waging war against those who do wrong

"...And if Allah had not repelled some people by means of others, cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft remembered, would surely have been destroyed. And Allah will, surely, help him who helps Him. Allah is, indeed, Powerful, Mighty"

Note the order in which the places of worship are mentioned - cloisters (i.e. monasteries and convents), churches and synagogues - then Muslim places of worship.

If one looks at the areas where Muslims were in power in the early days of Islam, you will find complete religious tolerance and no compulsion whatsoever. People were free to believe what they wanted to believe and discussions were respectful.

What Islam abhors though is idol worship, and even there Islam does not allow Muslims to ridicule the idols of idol worshippers (see quote in my previous submission).

I see absolutely no point in trying to ram one's own set of beliefs down another person's throat. It serves only to cause ill-will and does not change anyone's opinion. I personally don't enjoy hitting my head against a wall :)

Sleepless - your post was excellent and actually encapsulates what Islam teaches (that every soul is good - all are born pure and there are good and evil tendencies in everyone. Ultimately we are judged on what we do and there is only one judge.)

To the muslims, don't get me wrong - the Quran does say that Islam is the final religion and will be the only religion accepted by Allah - but it also specifies what following Islam actually means in practice. Islam is submission to the will of God to gain His pleasure (and therefore find peace). The first Muslim according to the Quran was Abraham, and one of the wife of Pharaoh is described as a very pious lady who was vouchsafed revelation from Allah.

Ask any Imam what the fate of a person who has never heard of Islam, but leads a pious and good life (there are many parts of the world or even this country, the UK, where the message of Islam hasn't really been preached). If a person, through no fault of their own, has not been given the chance to accept or reject Islam, but leads an exemplary life - will that person automatically go to Hell? If you say 'yes', then I humbly ask for a reference (or even an Imam who believes this).

Anyway, I will resist saying anything else in this thread now.


Shafique : anyway u will be resposible for the post if u have misguided ppls..

well my dear friends enjoy ur life with its fullest...its ur life u are sole responsible for that..for u Allah has clearly said

Ch2v 6. As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe.

v7. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur).

v8. Of the people there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day;" but they do not (really) believe.

v9. Fain would they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive themselves, and realise (it) not!

v10. In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).

goodbye friends take care
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Jan 23, 2006
Oh you're leaving? Got too hot for you? Shame!

You seemed like a relatively intelligent person, just devoid of any common sense.

See ya :salute: :cheers:
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 23, 2006
HP wrote:
kelly1966 wrote:Blab on all you want, as I have nothing more to say to you................fill your boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liban was saying that u were dying to come in Dubai but your husband was not as qualified as Liban ws and he couldt manage to find any place in dubai .........

is it true ? :roll:

I never said that. Tell me where I said that.
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Jan 23, 2006
kelly1966 wrote:
HP wrote:
kelly1966 wrote:Blab on all you want, as I have nothing more to say to you................fill your boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liban was saying that u were dying to come in Dubai but your husband was not as qualified as Liban ws and he couldt manage to find any place in dubai .........

is it true ? :roll:

What do you think?

Who cares.
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Jan 23, 2006
wolfsievers wrote:
I said you were smart for going to Canada because the real reason is that if you had stayed in Lebanon the Syrians would have f......ing killed you. Be sure all your posts concerning what you hated in Canada have been copied and will be used for future reference. Enta Hamar

Whatever. Mussi baydati ya a7be.

Oh and ask yourself who controls Syria and then try to figure out just who I am. You have no clue which clan I come from so watch you words lady.

You have no clue who I am and who I know, so for your own good, stay in Qatar and don't bother me anymore.


And fine, save all my posts about me hating the weather in Canada. You can use that for future reference with Mother Nature when she wants to do something bad to me... :lol:
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