Arabs have played a very important Role in the history of mankind, there is no doubt about that. Every time you speak to any Arab or even any muslim, he will refer to that golden era straight away.
But Centuries have gone past. what about today's world. Are they having any political role to play in modern times. Do they have any vision. Do they have any self respect left at all. what kind of tribe, Nation or above all, humans are they.
West Laughs at them today. Makes fun of their culture, their humanity and way of life but they very happily kiss westrn ass whenever they get a chance and try to show them that their culture is so amazing and they are very peace loving people.
New generation is of course loving the fact that they have got the money and they love to have a laugh as well while sitting in western lap. They dont bother about education, about their religion and any political instance in the world.
Their behaviour has led this world to those shameful events(911 & 7/7 and many more) which brings shame to humanity and one feels ashamed to live a life as a human. Even Today they show more respect to them who commiited these crimes and those are the people who blame them for doing it and laugh at them.
I will suggest that Arabs should declare that this part of the world is secular world and stop using Islam as religion as we cant see it anywhere in this region as its not just about five prayers in a day. Every one is fighting for their political and tribal Interests.
One thing is for sure that You have all the money in the world and You will continue to get even more as the number of muslims are increasing and will continue to increase for sure.
shame on you Arabs, Your way of life in modern times is a shame for us who are associated with this religion and therefore are connected with you somehow.
Please dont refer to that Golden Era anymore. Its not westners who dont know about those times its you and your new generations who dont know what that was all about and what they stood for.
Go and have a drink, have 6ex with the woman waiting for you in the hotelroom and when you see a white man just kiss his ass and greet
"Welcome to Arab World my Lord."