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DaveDXB wrote:Will America or somone stop the Iranians from becoming a nuclear country?
DaveDXB wrote:I really agree with u HP.
They have been known to critisize the west in the past.
They have even openly talked about wiping Israel of the map.
These ppl r known to have made aggressive accusations.
They are capable and will do these things if they could...
Liban wrote:Consider this:
Israel launches pre-emptive strike against Iran. There are casualties.
Muslim world in an uproar. Iran strikes back at Israel with conventional and maybe chemical means in an aggressive barrage. Israel feeling threatened uses the nuclear option on Iran.
Outrage in the Muslim and Arab world. People on the streets demanding action. Crappy dictatorships and monarchies declare martial law to control the masses. Troops fire on civilians in Pakistan and Indonesia.
Top military generals (close to Islamists) in Pakistan depose Musharref. Use nuclear option on Israel. Israel ravaged. Israel launches all out Masada Option Defense Strike against 22 Arab and Muslim capitals.
Governments all over the Arab and Islamic world crumble as nationalists and Islamists take over. India and Pakistan now at war. Combined elements of the Arab armies (whats left of them) attack the already half destroyed Israel.
The US involves itself. China attacks India to take advantage of the weakness of its adversary due to the war with Pakistan. Russia feeling too encrouched my US troops on its doorstep orders the US to retreat away from it.
The US says no, Russia occupies Ukraine and moves into Afganistan. US and EU give ultimatum to Russia. Russia doesn't comply of course. West attacks Russian positions in Afganistan and Ukraine.
Putin is in a corner, hardline Russian generals want to restore the glory of the USSR. Russian Armed Forces now on the offensive all over the old empire. US leadership is now extremly right wing and hawkish. As the Middle East and Asia burn. Africa in deep famine and warfare. Genocides all over. The UN having died a while ago.
US Army in Europe. The EU falters. The EU no longer an effective institution. Russian generals take over the Russian government. Mishaps happen. One of which launches a nuclear bomb towards Europe. US troops die. US retaliates.
Global Armageddon.
Whats my point. The West should restrain Israel or else this may be what happens in 10, 15, or 20 years.
HP wrote:DaveDXB wrote:Will America or somone stop the Iranians from becoming a nuclear country?
I think Iran must be stopped as it is a terrorist country. Iran is not a responsible country to have weapon.
DaveDXB wrote:I really agree with u HP.
They have been known to critisize the west in the past.
They have even openly talked about wiping Israel of the map.
These ppl r known to have made aggressive accusations.
They are capable and will do these things if they could...
HP wrote:Iran will be great threat to muslim countries instead of any other non-muslim country, especially to none shia statesIt will try to influence in Saudi arab and UAE and other arab countries.
Chocoholic wrote:Iran has proven to be non-compliant with constant requests to monitor its progress. It has openly made threats towards Israel, therefore they should be seen as a threat. Actually no I take that back Iran as a whole is fine, the looney who runs the country should be seen as a threat.
Chocoholic wrote:Lionheart, Iran has refused at every turn to allow international inspectors to check out their program! And Israel has not threatened to wipe an entire nation off the face of the planet - on several occassions!
How many times to we have to tell you these facts before they go in your pea brain!
Like I have said time and time again, if Iran has nothing to hide then what's there problem?! There wouldn't be one, but their constant refusal and indignant responses towards international committee brings them under suspsicion.
Chocoholic wrote:It's pointless to discuss these things with you as you will never see the other side of the argument and keep bashing away at the same issues which we all know will never be resolved and certainly not whilst people like you hold biased views.
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