Value Of Time #1

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Value of Time #1 Jan 21, 2007
This is an excerpt from The Value of Time by Sheikh Abu Ghuddah, a famous Syrian scholar in the field of hadith and fiqh. There is so much valuable time wasted these days in conversations whether on msn or phone. For people who watch television or movies, most of time the programs or movies are there to waste your time and destroy your hereafter let alone benefit you. Hence, don’t make your life a WASTE. The scholars of the Muslim Ummah attached such importance to Time, this is why they were able to accomplish so much. I will keep sending more excerpts.

The Value of Time in Sunnah
As for the blessed Sunnah, Al Bukhari narrated, on the authority of Ibn Abbas (rad) that the Prophet (saw) said: “There are two blessings which many people lose: Health and free time for doing good.”
Time is a precious blessing and a great gift, the value of which is only realized and benefited from by the successful guided ones, as indicated by the noble hadith, “which many people lose,” implying that only a minority benefit from it, while the majority are wasters and losers.

From the life of pious scholars

Hafiz Dhahabi said regarding Hammad ibn Salamah, “The Imam, scholar of hadith was born in 91 AH and died in 167 AH. He was very proficient in Arabic, articulate and eloquent, a strict follower of Sunnah, and was a pious worshipper.”

His student Abdur-Rahman said, “If it was said to Hammad: ‘You shall die tomorrow,’ he would not be able to increase his good deeds (since he was always busy with them).” Musa ibn Ismail said: “If I told you that I have never seen Hammad laughing, I would be telling the truth. He was always busy, either narrating the hadith, or reading, or glorifying (Allah), or praying, and he divided his day between them.”
Yunus said: “Hammad died while in prayer, may Allah have mercy on him.” (You die in the way you have lived your life.)
(If you have benefited from this article, raise your hands and pray for me and send it to others)

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