USA- The Real Terrorist?

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USA- the Real Terrorist? May 28, 2007
It was shocking to READ THIS ARTICLE. Twenty years ago- the USA (government) was also terrorising the world. It is not something new, it has history!!

How long can they continue to fool the world?

http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... le4068.htm

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May 28, 2007
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May 28, 2007
I dunno... people blowing themselves up in the middle of a crowd looks so real a terrorist to me too...
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May 28, 2007
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May 28, 2007
Like when recently I have just been terrorized by the USA, more specifically by Hollywood, terrorized visually and aurally by a crappy movie about pirates.
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May 28, 2007
yujinn wrote:Like when recently I have just been terrorized by the USA, more specifically by Hollywood, terrorized visually and aurally by a crappy movie about pirates.

Well, you paid for it, so you asked for it.
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May 28, 2007
American terrorism is visible in our eveyday lives and in countless forms.
From the toxic pepsi and coca-cola we choose to consume to various 'dead foods' that lack any nutrients (chocolates, canned foods, etc etc). It is also prominent in the movies and sometimes commercials, and their 'uniting with local companies around the world and partnering with over 50% always. You might say it's Western terrorism, as this applies to some European countries, perhaps supported by the US. Germany has bought shares in Cairo AIRPORT! And others are now partners in local banks!!!

Most of the beauty and food brands are run by American/Israelis. It's a disaster but it doesn't scare anybody so it will continue. A lot of our money goes into weaponries and war support against our own nation. That is another well-known fact that is ignored and over-looked.

A country like Syria for example; as poor as it might be- although they do have some money with higher powers- as a country they insist of having their own products, even if that will make them remain poor. From clothes to food (as i heard from many of my syrian friends), everything is locally made and international- and esp.american products are rarely seen, and when they are sold they are priced outrageous, in order to encourage local products. This is not easy to do and calls for a lot of respect being a good example for other middle-eastern countries.

There is an egyptian saying 'when you need the dog, you will call him Sir', does this remind you of America-Middle East relationship?

Yet, the USA needs the Middle East in many ways so I don't understand why they are so desperate to stay in good terms and are too cowardly to display their views like Iran does for example. This can be done in a saner and less extreme way than Iran.

The worst part always is that the public suffer and get into conflicts, and the real people behind it (either the country's government, some terrorist or Bush) sit back, relax and enjoy the consequences of their action.
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May 28, 2007
If it wasn't for the American and European led economies buying your oil for the last 30 years countries in this region would still be in poverty! Get real! You complain about European companies buying shares in Cairo Airport yet you fail to mention the amount of European and American businesses owend by Arabs! P&O Ports for example.

Take of the blinkers and you might see the real world!
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May 28, 2007
I've seen arguments like these before. They start like this and end the same way.
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May 28, 2007
Muslim countries are like = 0+0...............+0 = 0

No matter how many time u count "0", the result is always "ZERO".

Dont give the excuse to US , its so simple :=).
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May 28, 2007
Germany has bought shares in Cairo AIRPORT!

So what?! - as someone points out there are plenty of companies operated around the world whom originate from another country and good for them - whats terrorist about that?

As for the US - just wait until China takes over :)
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May 28, 2007
In my opinion, an airport- esp a major one- should not be treated as a retail shop or an investment opportunity. In this case ofcourse, one side is clearly greedy and looking for money whatever the cost is.
An airport or a restaurant; it's all the same as long as the offer is high enough. I wouldn't be surprised if one day they sell the Pyramids for a billion or two. :roll:

If you cannot see the connection, then think about it long-term. It is critical that governments nowadays are only thinking short-term and on a personal level, worrying about the years they will be alive to see.
Global warming is one of the biggest results, in addition to all decisions taken daily that hardly benefit public affairs. It is pure selfishness, greediness, 'me first' attitude and shows no real concern for world affairs.
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May 28, 2007
Come to think of it, the US and Spain did a fake war just to make it appear that the former liberated the Philippines from the latter. But the truth is, the islands were bought from Spain- for a few million bucks. See, even in as early as the late 1800's, these so called great country the US can be very cunning and deceitful while appearing goody goody at the same time. What more today?
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May 28, 2007
Again you show your blinkered opinion and fail to answer valid questions about Arab owned companies in Europe and the US. Ports are of far greater strategic importance than airports and Dubai know owns a significant number of ports through its purchase of the British company P&O Ports.

Don't forget Arabs can freely buy property in the UK, Europe and America but the same right doesn't exist here.

As for your rant about Pepsi and coke. If you dont like it dont buy it. There are plenty of alternative drinks.
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May 28, 2007
Rosbif71 wrote:Again you show your blinkered opinion and fail to answer valid questions about Arab owned companies in Europe and the US. Ports are of far greater strategic importance than airports and Dubai know owns a significant number of ports through its purchase of the British company P&O Ports.

Don't forget Arabs can freely buy property in the UK, Europe and America but the same right doesn't exist here.

As for your rant about Pepsi and coke. If you dont like it dont buy it. There are plenty of alternative drinks.

Respect Ros 8)
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May 28, 2007
Anyone against foreign investment in Cairo airport clearly has never been there - it's the worst airport I've ever been to!

Arabs have huge stakes in Western companies, the UAE governments alone have hundreds of investments including the likes of Mubadala investing in Ferrari - do the Italians cry about it? As for the ignorant comments about Coke's money funding the US government, you can bet the same is true that much Middle Eastern money invested in the West finds the proceeds invested in unsavoury elements in the Middle East and beyond. The only difference being Coke has no say over where its money goes (by the way it pays local tax in each country it operates in) as opposed to people who deliberately choose to put their money in to it.

Overall, America has a huge amount of influence in arming and influencing governments and it's not right, but there are very few countries who don't operate like that, it's just the US is biggest and most visible and will remain the most powerful until China and India sort out some serious structural issues in their economies.
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May 29, 2007
but how could anyone in the ME live without costa/starbucks/maccy D/BK etc etc etc

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 29, 2007
Yup, I'd like to see the day people in the Middle East give up all their big American cars and other luxuries that come from there. They'd never cope.
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May 29, 2007
arniegang wrote:but how could anyone in the ME live without costa/starbucks/maccy D/BK etc etc etc

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've been to Starbucks 5 times. What are those other places? :roll:
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