You're actually asking Sniper about religion

In Islam (Because I'm sure you know it all about Christianity) All prophets are of the same status. However, there are 5 prophets which are placed a bit higher because of the exceptional suffering/turmoil/pivotal historical significance they represent:
Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and Mohammed.
Mohammed is given the privilege of "pardoning" people on Judgment Day, and since he is considered (by Muslim) to be the last prophet with the complete message, then he is usually described as "The Sir of Prophets".
There are messengers and prophets. Quran mentions 25 prophets/messengers. It is stated in Hadith (What The prophet Mohammed said or did) that God sent thousands of prophets that weren't mentioned in Quran (for lack of relevance I suppose).
Messengers are those prophets that had "Holy Books" revealed to them. Prophets received divine revelation, but no Book. The terms are usually used interchangeably.
Ishmael, Moses and the whole lot are considered prophets/messengers and are all respected/revered in the Islamic system.
Any other questions?