This Is Zionism

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This is Zionism Oct 13, 2006
A team of Italian journalists investigating Israeli weapons is claiming that an experimental weapon has been used against the Palestinians in recent months.

The weapon is believed to have caused more than 300 serious injuries leading to 62 amputations and 200 deaths between the months of June and July, doctors told Aljazeera.

It is widely believed the weapon is similar to the one tested by the US military and called Dime (Dense Inert Metal Explosive). It causes a powerful blast within a small radius. ... 5FC1B2.htm

Put Arab bullets in zionist brains now :evil:

Dubai chat master
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Oct 14, 2006
u have no clue what kind of biological weapons they have....... read throught the mysterious deaths of scientists workign for Iraqi nuclear single soul has been charged......body blown due ot some unknown virus
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Oct 15, 2006
Jews have turned Israel into a terrorist State, which no human being with sound mind can deny. Jews also have destroyed Labanon, only to promote more hatred against themselves but on the contrary used the western media to label Israel as a permament victim of aggression.

Jews also used clustor bombs as many as 30,000 wered ropped in densly populated areas, hotels and resorts, schools and Hospitlas. Jews also left behind half a million mines which will continue to take more innocent lives including children.

The occupation of the middleeast will continue and innocent inhabitants will suffer under the Phronic jewish regimes all over again similar to the Popes terroristic crusade.

May Allah guide the Jews and Christians before its too late.... and Let Peace Prevail. inshallah
Dubai Forums Member
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Oct 15, 2006
u know its just plain stupid ... all goverments tryin for peace .. there is never gonna be peace in the middle east ... unless the arabs cease to exist or the isaril's ...
cause the two of them will an can never co-exist.. simple an plain.
Mr. DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 15, 2006
[quote="viewsoniczee"]Jews have turned Israel into a terrorist State, which no human being with sound mind can deny. Jews also have destroyed Labanon, only to promote more hatred against themselves but on the contrary used the western media to label Israel as a permament victim of aggression.

Jews also used clustor bombs as many as 30,000 wered ropped in densly populated areas, hotels and resorts, schools and Hospitlas. Jews also left behind half a million mines which will continue to take more innocent lives including children.

The occupation of the middleeast will continue and innocent inhabitants will suffer under the Phronic jewish regimes all over again similar to the Popes terroristic crusade.

Have you ever viewed the vidieo blasing saddles where he said" hell no send a few chinks to check for qiuck sand." Well you are the new chinks so shut up and get use to it
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
Dubai Forums Talker
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Oct 17, 2006
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:
viewsoniczee wrote:Jews have turned Israel into a terrorist State, which no human being with sound mind can deny. Jews also have destroyed Labanon, only to promote more hatred against themselves but on the contrary used the western media to label Israel as a permament victim of aggression.

Jews also used clustor bombs as many as 30,000 wered ropped in densly populated areas, hotels and resorts, schools and Hospitlas. Jews also left behind half a million mines which will continue to take more innocent lives including children.

The occupation of the middleeast will continue and innocent inhabitants will suffer under the Phronic jewish regimes all over again similar to the Popes terroristic crusade.

Have you ever viewed the vidieo blasing saddles where he said" hell no send a few chinks to check for qiuck sand." Well you are the new chinks so shut up and get use to it

please make sense of your reply...
Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 43

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Oct 17, 2006
Jamal wrote:u know its just plain stupid ... all goverments tryin for peace .. there is never gonna be peace in the middle east ... unless the arabs cease to exist or the isaril's ...
cause the two of them will an can never co-exist.. simple an plain.

I donot agree with your analysis of armagaddon between arabs and Jews.

Christians persecuted Jews beacsue the early church lead them to belive that their Saviour was murdered on the cross by the Jews, the Jews hate christians and see Jesus as a demon and her mother as a whore...

Islam ruled over jerusalem for more than 800 years and christians, jews and Muslims lived together as neighbours all that harmoney was brought to an end when the terror of christs crusador Pope ransacked jerusalem and massacred everyone including people of their faith and Jews.

Where christianism rejects Judaism and Judaism rejects christiansim, Islam accept both to be people of the book and Allah (Father, Yehwah) commanded the believers to treat them with fairness and according to their own book.

If we look at christian history never was their a time when jews and christians coexisted, this was only possible under islamic rule, the rule of GOD.

Islam is the only religion which has wonderful verses in the Miracolous Quran respecting Moses and Jesus and Virgin MAry, Infact a Muslim is not a Muslim unless he accepts the Moses, Noah, Jesus, David, Solomon as messengers of Allah (Father in the Heaven).

The only solution is for the Jews to abandon thier terrorist state and christiian church to stop funding the zionists. Peace will automatically previal in the MIddleeast which lasted for over a century under islamic rule.

MAy Allah help soften the Hearts of the Jews and Chirsitians and help them recognize the satan within them and provide them with wisdom to shun satan and send him back to hell which is his last destiny.
Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 43

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