The True Insulters Of The Prophet Mohammad

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The True Insulters of the Prophet Mohammad May 24, 2007
The True Insulters of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)

Everyone in the world witnessed the anger , the riots the demands for mortal actions against a Dutch Cartoonist.
I myself was extremely hurt and very offended at seeing the representations of my beloved Prophet in such a way.
Each and every Muslim in the world holds the Prophet (pbuh) in very high esteem and can not tolerate any kind of insult against the last prophet of Allah.
I am a very staunch proponent of free speech but when it comes to the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) free speech rules and regulations do not apply. The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is over an above any kind of insult or derogatory remarks what so ever. These remarks can not be tolerated.
Looking at the whole situation I also do realize that this person was unfamiliar with the feelings Muslims have for the prophet Mohammad and / or he did it on purpose to instigate discontent between the different religions and by doing that gain financially or in other ways. But what ever his reasoning was it was unacceptable and we can not condone or justify these actions.
But is he the only one who has recently insulted the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) or insults the prophet each and every single day of the year and nothing is said or done about it?.
Looking at the Pakistani society I notice that insulting the prophet has not only common by is has become fashionable is done on a constant basis.
This Journalist was a non Muslim and as such can justify his actions by claiming ignorance and unfortunately, even if I want to take action against him I am held back by Allah’s commandments and the example of the Prophet (pbuh) to be forgiving and Allah has ordered me that if someone breaks a law, any law in ignorance he / she can not be held responsible.
On the other hand if someone is fully aware of the laws and regulation of the religion and then breaks these rules, he / she should be punished to the full extent of the law.
The living example of the Commandments of Allah was the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). He practiced what he preached for 23 years of his life. Oh! He was a perfect example for any human even before he was blessed with Prophet hood.
Millions of men in Pakistan have visually proclaimed their submission to the Prophets and proudly wear a beard to show their love for the prophet. These people will defend and protect their beard and their decision to wear that beard in every circumstance and will readily claim that they are “following the Sunna of the Prophet” and no one should object to their decision. In most cases they demand that they be given special treatment because they have let their beard grow
Personally, I get offended, as should any other person who holds the Prophet in the highest regard, by the total disregard these people have of the rest of the sunna “Words and actions” of the Prophet. Supporting that beard is total extent as to which they follow the Prophet.
These people are visually proclaiming their love and submission to the words of Allah and his greatest Prophet. These people are openly proclaiming that they are followers of the prophet and will do anything and everything in their power to follow his example in everyway possible. They are Visually proclaiming to be part of this Elite Group!
In any society people like to be part of groups, these groups are social, economic, political or institutional.
A good example would be that the Schools and Colleges require the student to wear uniforms; the students earn the right to wear that uniform after they have gone thru a selection process which could include entrance exams, interview and other selection criteria.
After they join these groups they proudly display these associations in every way possible, they place stickers in the rear windows of their cars, they carry all sorts of paraphernalia with the Institutions colours etc.
These people are showing their affection and their pride for being part of that particular institution
When these people are away from their institution anything they do good or bad while wearing the colours of the institution does not reflect on them individually but reflects on the institution they belong to.
Let me give you a few examples. If a Bahria University student is outside in the market and saves someone’s life while in uniform, the headline in next days news paper will most probably read,
“Bahria University Student saves life of stranger”
In the same way if a Bahria University student drive his car badly is rude to someone, with a Bahria University logo in the back window of the car, the comment will most probably be,
“That Bahria University Student did that bad thing”
The actions of individuals reflect on the greater institution , it is very common to see if the infarction by the student is severe enough; the student is stripped of the privilege of wearing the Institutions colours and is expelled from the University.
In exactly the same way, whenever a bearded man breaks the law, his actions do not reflect on him only, but reflect directly on the Prophet, his actions are a direct insult to the prophet.
This person is openly saying, “I proclaim that I am part of the elite group of the followers of the Prophet and I knowingly and on purpose disregard his words”
Anyone who supports a beard and claims that he is doing so to follow the “sunna”, has to be held to a very high standard and deserves to be punished to the total extent of the law.
Anyone, visually proclaiming to follow the sunna and then caught, knowingly breaking the Islamic law should be stripped of his membership to this Elite group exactly like a student can be expelled for disgracing the institution while wearing its colours.
That person should not be allowed to insult the Prophet anymore; he should not be allowed to proclaim (at least openly) to be the follower of that greatest of people.
These people should be stopped from exploiting the emotions of the true believers and should be stopped from insulting the prophet day in and day out, 24 hours a day.
In my discussions with these “True Insulters of the Prophet”, they will readily claim that they are “at least trying” to follow the prophet. While in every single case it has taken me less than a minute to show them that they are continuously, knowingly and willingly doing things, on a daily basis, to insult the prophet. Their actions do not reflect on them but reflect directly on the Prophet!
I have witnessed their lives are a living example of every single thing the prophet told his followers not to do.
When I have pointed these things out to these “Insulters of the Prophet”, they immediately fall back on the old Pakistani over used clichés of “Oh! The rest of the people in Pakistan is doing it as well” or “how can I not do this illegal thing, how else can I make ends meet” . The most hilarious excuse I hear day in and day out, the favourite of these insulters “what can we do? We are incapable of doing anything so we close our eyes and let it happen” this is the biggest cope out of anyone who wants those crimes / in justices continue and supports those crimes / in justices.
One more tactic common with these “Insulters of the Prophet” is to immediately go on the offensive and ask me “oh! Do you follow the prophet?; I am at least trying to do something! ” These people do not realize that, I truly respect the Prophet Mohammad and do not consider myself worthy claim that I am part of the Elite Group of proclaiming that I follow the Sunna.
These are the same “Insulters of the Prophet” who claim to be the standard bearers of the religion and occupy the all powerful pulpits in the country. They wear a beard not to honour the Prophet but to Insult him!.
These “Insulters of the Prophet” try to imitate the prophet in his looks and then go out and do every single illegal and immoral thing possible. In the past 300 years or so, they have turned what was considered holy, pious, respected, and honored, something which was a symbol of everything good into a symbol of dishonestly, fear, terror, something which represents pure evil all over the world.


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May 25, 2007
I believe the danish cartoons were insensitive and it was a mistake and dam stupid but as you say it was more out of ignorance then malice.

I also witnessed the aftermath in my hometown of London which i found quite as insulting compared to the cartoon itself - slogans such as 'behead those who insult islam'.

When you see people acting in such a way I can only imagine how sadly the prophet may think to himself how wrong you have all misunderstood me.

Why do I make this claim?

There is the story of where the prophet (pbuh) on his walk to pray each day would pass a women whom would throw her rubbish at him and call him names. He instead of calling for revenge or taking up a sword would continue to walk and not show any reaction. He was in great control of himself and clearly could see the bigger picture.

One day he passed and the women was not there - 'concerned for her welfare' he asks about her and learned she was ill so went to visit her. She was so taken back from this that she took an interest in islam and then converted.

We here many stories of where other prophets such as Jesus (Matthew 5:43-48 43) and Buddha (Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. ) and many of the worlds great teachers have shown incredible tolerance and compassion in the face of violent verbal attacks.

You look around the world now at so many so called Christians and Muslims and Buddhist's etc and you can't but help feel they have misunderstood the message purveyed by the great men.

Sorry i kind of missed your main point on the beards - but I remember being a kid in church and seeing people drop a large quantity of money into the basket for all to see which amounts to the same - being seen by man rather then by god.
Dubai chat master
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May 25, 2007
'The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is over an above any kind of insult or derogatory remarks what so ever. '

This remark from the post is interesting. If this is so, then why don't his followers take that example and ignore any comments etc? Instead of burning effigies, carrying insulting placards and degenerating into violent acts.

If someone has strong beliefs, then they shouldn't care what others say, and should trust enough in their own feelings and practices.

People are always going to insult religious figures etc. it happens on a daily basis the world over, how you deal with it, shows what kind of person you are. And it is not for you to judge nor dish out punishment either.

Just a personal opinion.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 25, 2007
Chocoholic wrote:'The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is over an above any kind of insult or derogatory remarks what so ever. '

This remark from the post is interesting. If this is so, then why don't his followers take that example and ignore any comments etc? Instead of burning effigies, carrying insulting placards and degenerating into violent acts.

If someone has strong beliefs, then they shouldn't care what others say, and should trust enough in their own feelings and practices.

People are always going to insult religious figures etc. it happens on a daily basis the world over, how you deal with it, shows what kind of person you are. And it is not for you to judge nor dish out punishment either.

Just a personal opinion.

People are always going to insult any famous perosn.. does not matter if they are religious or not.. but there are some limits which should never be crossed.

I give you an example .. in the USA you are allowed to say anything against the president.. but once someone threatens the life of the president that is against the law.. (this is just an example to prove that there are always LIMITS to everything!.. :-)

In the same way.. there are some people in this world who hold such respect in the hearts of people who belive in them that they should be ABOVE any kind of insults.. Prophet Mohammad is one of them :-)

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May 25, 2007
jabbajabba wrote:I believe the danish cartoons were insensitive and it was a mistake and dam stupid but as you say it was more out of ignorance then malice.

I also witnessed the aftermath in my hometown of London which i found quite as insulting compared to the cartoon itself - slogans such as 'behead those who insult islam'.

When you see people acting in such a way I can only imagine how sadly the prophet may think to himself how wrong you have all misunderstood me.

Why do I make this claim?

There is the story of where the prophet (pbuh) on his walk to pray each day would pass a women whom would throw her rubbish at him and call him names. He instead of calling for revenge or taking up a sword would continue to walk and not show any reaction. He was in great control of himself and clearly could see the bigger picture.

One day he passed and the women was not there - 'concerned for her welfare' he asks about her and learned she was ill so went to visit her. She was so taken back from this that she took an interest in islam and then converted.

We here many stories of where other prophets such as Jesus (Matthew 5:43-48 43) and Buddha (Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. ) and many of the worlds great teachers have shown incredible tolerance and compassion in the face of violent verbal attacks.

You look around the world now at so many so called Christians and Muslims and Buddhist's etc and you can't but help feel they have misunderstood the message purveyed by the great men.

Sorry i kind of missed your main point on the beards - but I remember being a kid in church and seeing people drop a large quantity of money into the basket for all to see which amounts to the same - being seen by man rather then by god.

That is exactly my point :-) that if you follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad.. there is NO way n the world they would act and behave the way they do...
NOT ONCE did he misbehave ALL his life.. NOT once did he raise his voice to a single person..
NOT ONCE did he ever act in any way shape or form the way these SO CALLED "Followers of the Prophet" are doing..
the only thing they follow the prophet is in growing the BEARD.. which is like FOLLOWING ABU LAHAB (the biggest enemy of the prophet during his time) more than following the Prophet Mohammad

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May 25, 2007
Well obviously! As insulting someone and threatening their life are two different things. I might not like someone, but I certainly would never threaten to murder someone, and if you're a citizen of a country and threatening the life of their leader or monarch, it's grounds for treason - obviously!

It's not a comparable situation at all.

People these days, have far too many chips on their shoulders, if someone insults something - so what? Get over it! Unless it's a hpysically abuse or threat to a persons life, if it doesn't affrect you, get over it - be the bigger person and shrug it off.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 25, 2007
Chocoholic wrote:Well obviously! As insulting someone and threatening their life are two different things. I might not like someone, but I certainly would never threaten to murder someone, and if you're a citizen of a country and threatening the life of their leader or monarch, it's grounds for treason - obviously!

It's not a comparable situation at all.

People these days, have far too many chips on their shoulders, if someone insults something - so what? Get over it! Unless it's a hpysically abuse or threat to a persons life, if it doesn't affrect you, get over it - be the bigger person and shrug it off.

Chocoholic, :-)
You are very correct :-).. Too many people have chips on their shoulders and whill not accept someone elses opinion and will get ready to harm anyone who does not agree with them :-)

I am not one of them .. Fortunately.
That was NOT the main POINT I was trying to make in the article :-) but I guess thats what caught your eye..


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May 26, 2007
The beard thing? Well it's just a piece of facial hair after all, can it really make that much of a difference?

And personally....I don't like beards.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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May 26, 2007
netgeek2k2 wrote:
People are always going to insult any famous perosn.. does not matter if they are religious or not.. but there are some limits which should never be crossed.

I give you an example .. in the USA you are allowed to say anything against the president.. but once someone threatens the life of the president that is against the law.. (this is just an example to prove that there are always LIMITS to everything!.. :-)

There are limits to free speech but they differ from culture to culture. Here are some examples:
1. Fighting words doctrine, read
2. Blasphemy is illegal in several Western countries e.g. Greece
3. In Italy, media Tycoon Silvio Berlusconi censored the satirical Raiot series by Sabina Guzzanti after the first broadcast on RAI (the state TV), arguing that it was plain vulgarity and disrespectful to the government.
4. In some European countries, Holocaust denial is a criminal offence. A prominent proponent of this view, David Irving, was sentenced for 3 years in Austria for denying the Holocaust in February, 2006.
5. In Canada, school teachers have limited freedom of speech, both on and off the job, regarding certain issues (e.g., homosexuality). Chris Kempling was suspended without pay for writing letters, on his own time, to a local newspaper to object to LGBT-related material being introduced into public schools.
Reference: ... ree_speech
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