Not all but some* are perpetually concerned with the religion of others, the religious practices of others yet they advocate freedom of choice and they hate it when they themselves are judged for their actions, lifestyles and beliefs. So what's up with the double standards?
*I don't think all atheists are this way, so this is only for those that are.
Excuses for trying to meddle into something that they don't understand, don't care to understand and something that they reject, are that: Excuses. Mankind alone creates conflicts - not religion - this is a common-sense fact that has been discussed to death.
Lovely bitter DF atheists if you don't like religion, why do you concern your sweet little heads with it? I don't like Cricket, I don't understand it, don't know its rules, don't care to know them, why on earth would I even think of contributing to Cricket forums and threads? To justify my irrational belief that sports make people violent? Yeah, I should try that argument one of these days

Instead of posting senseless rhetorical questions, instead of displaying signs of resentment and scapegoat mentality, why not actually display something positive - as you claim to be? Like instill in your kids to mind their own business, not to be angry, not to be racists, not to live with airs of other words.....teach them things that you could have learned better yourselves.