The Myth Of Atheists Being Bitter/petty..true?

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The myth of Atheists being bitter/petty..true? Mar 22, 2007
What is it with atheists on DF?

Not all but some* are perpetually concerned with the religion of others, the religious practices of others yet they advocate freedom of choice and they hate it when they themselves are judged for their actions, lifestyles and beliefs. So what's up with the double standards?
*I don't think all atheists are this way, so this is only for those that are.

Excuses for trying to meddle into something that they don't understand, don't care to understand and something that they reject, are that: Excuses. Mankind alone creates conflicts - not religion - this is a common-sense fact that has been discussed to death.

Lovely bitter DF atheists if you don't like religion, why do you concern your sweet little heads with it? I don't like Cricket, I don't understand it, don't know its rules, don't care to know them, why on earth would I even think of contributing to Cricket forums and threads? To justify my irrational belief that sports make people violent? Yeah, I should try that argument one of these days :roll:

Instead of posting senseless rhetorical questions, instead of displaying signs of resentment and scapegoat mentality, why not actually display something positive - as you claim to be? Like instill in your kids to mind their own business, not to be angry, not to be racists, not to live with airs of other words.....teach them things that you could have learned better yourselves.

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Mar 22, 2007
Poorly structured and subjective stuff again freza. Oops, forgot I'm not allowed to criticise!

Why concern myself with religion? Like it or not, it impacts significant chunks of my life, cricket on the other hand does not.

As for some of your recommendations on how to bring my daughter up, the day I tell her to "mind her own business" is they day I've failed as a parent. Oh dear daughter, just ignore the hypocrisies and damages in the world, just accept your minor role, close your eyes and be safe in the knowledge that it's all part of a grand scheme we cannot see. Yeah right.

Speaking of hypocrisies, I find it amusing you start a topic critising the "failings" of atheists and then berating those who criticise!

My own personal view on this, sometimes I post for real debate, and people like shafique take on the questions well, and sometimes to just wind people up by pointing out the extremes in their argument as today. Both are valid ways of taking on a point and very common in the West, for whatever reason the latter seems to really upset some people on here.

As for taking things personally, I debate things logically on here and really don't care beyond that, it's only an internet site. I'm very happy in my life choices thanks, please feel free to point out the flaws on here whilst I'm out enjoying myself.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 22, 2007
I'm sorry but ur recent posts do contradict with what ur saying here..u do sound bitter and u do talk in an air of superiority as ferza says it...i can't see any logic in ur late posts the only thing u portrayed lately were bitterness, sarcasms …oh and some new racist remarks towards (locals)..But hey the last thing its ok it’s a trend going on among all DF's (stereotyping locals)...i forgive you.. my religion teaches me tolerance. :?
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Mar 22, 2007
How exactly does religion impact a large chunk of your life? That frankly sounds bizarre...You can not honestly believe that religion plays are larger role in the life of a Western atheist than plain old politics and economics do. If you're living in a country that has obvious religious aspects, and you dislike this, why are you here? Don't expect the world to cater to your mentality, life doesn't work that way.

scot1870 wrote:Speaking of hypocrisies, I find it amusing you start a topic critising the "failings" of atheists and then berating those who criticise!
Clearly you didn't get it. Did you not read my disclaimer? I did not state the failings of atheists just because they're atheists, rather I'm pointing out the double-standard of "some" of them and the shoe fit you perfectly.

scot1870 wrote:I debate things logically on here
Nah, you don't, on the contrary. And as Mema pointed out, we can tell...

By minding one's own business I'm talking about others choice to follow a religion. There is a big difference between questioning things and staying out of other people's religious convictions. You criticize something that you do not understand and something that you've pre-judged. This is not questioning - this is detrimental biased prejudice - and it seems that it's a society-influenced prejudice, not one that you've reached from genuine individual knowledge of the subject.

Unless you don't mind being judged by what you believe/don't believe in then don't do the same towards others...
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Mar 22, 2007
mema wrote:I'm sorry but ur recent posts do contradict with what ur saying here..u do sound bitter and u do talk in an air of superiority as ferza says it...i can't see any logic in ur late posts the only thing u portrayed lately were bitterness, sarcasms …oh and some new racist remarks towards (locals)..But hey the last thing its ok it’s a trend going on among all DF's (stereotyping locals)...i forgive you.. my religion teaches me tolerance. :?

Racist? Where? The occasional generalisation, but oft repeated by others and much true from my own observation. Stereotypes have at least a grain of truth, occasionally they have often a whole bucket of sand behind them.

Again, not bitterness here, I'm really easy going in real life. Plenty of good old British sarcasm, but again often with truth behind it. Like the post which apparently triggered this when we got preached to about Western vanity, when vanity is just expressed in different ways here (big cars, private number plates, constant need to tell people who you know and how important you are, make no mistake, it's easier to spot wealth and status here than in the West). It's satire, and apparently satire around here when some very powerful insights can often be drawn from it. Cultural differences in sense of humour I guess.

And freza, religion affects many elements of life across many cultures, it's shaped societal laws and beliefs. For someone (AGAIN!) who preaches open-mindedness, I did like the comment "Don't expect the world to cater to your mentality", you really in a class of your own in this logic lark, I really can't compete. I understand much more than you think, it doesn't mean I have to accept it as truth though.

I don't mind being judged, I do mind being preached to. The big bonus of being an atheist is you know that ultimately none of this matters so all I ask is not to fill my life with meaningless stuff, I'll get on with what I enjoy.
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Mar 22, 2007
I don't believe athiests exist.
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Mar 22, 2007
Dr.D wrote:I don't believe athiests exist.

'I'm a dsylexic atheist - I don't believe in dog!'

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Mar 22, 2007
Freza -

Why don't you let us know whom and what you have seen to validate your claims - otherwise without reference its no more then mud slinging.
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Mar 23, 2007
scot1870 wrote:It's satire
but I thought satire is supposed to be funny...

scot1870 wrote:And freza, religion affects many elements of life across many cultures, it's shaped societal laws and beliefs.
We all know this, but my question was how specifically does it affect you and your culture? It seems that you evaded the question with another vague answer because you yourself don't even believe that religion affects your life.

scot1870 wrote:For someone (AGAIN!) who preaches open-mindedness, I did like the comment "Don't expect the world to cater to your mentality", you really in a class of your own in this logic lark, I really can't compete. I understand much more than you think, it doesn't mean I have to accept it as truth though.
I don't preach and I don't claim to be open-minded. Actually I'm not that open-minded, so I don't know why you make things up - not good. And where's the illogic about stating the obvious?

jabbajabba wrote:Freza -

Why don't you let us know whom and what you have seen to validate your claims - otherwise without reference its no more then mud slinging.
Well it's clear that one example is Scot and I'm not mudslinging - I can definitely mudsling (and so can you) but here I'm just pointing out a double standard and wondering why the obsession of some atheists with religion.

Usually in threads made in (true) satire criticizing the British government, culture etc. some of you have taken those threads oh so seriously and have acted oh so definsively. It's a classic case of dishing it out but not being able to take it.

have a nice weekend.
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Mar 23, 2007
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Mar 23, 2007
freza wrote:Well it's clear that one example is Scot and I'm not mudslinging - I can definitely mudsling (and so can you) but here I'm just pointing out a double standard and wondering why the obsession of some atheists with religion.

Usually in threads made in (true) satire criticizing the British government, culture etc. some of you have taken those threads oh so seriously and have acted oh so definsively. It's a classic case of dishing it out but not being able to take it.

have a nice weekend.

I would not really agree with it being obsessional on DF forum - I have not seen any Atheist initiated Topics. All I have witnessed are new topics stating religious views (normally with some penalty if the individual does not adhere to these 'laws' or views).

I cannot answer for Scot - as he is quite capable of pitching his own arguments. But as someone who has posted in, lets not mince words 'direct disagreement' with some of the views put forth on this forum, this must to a degree include myself?

I myself have personally and fundamentally disagreed with some of the religious doctrine (dogma in my view) that has been posted on this forum - why? Because I deem it harmful and have witnessed it so.

But I have also had members (well only shafique so far) who have posted that some of these views are in fact different (cultural) interpretations and not the common view - in fact some are totally incorrect and misunderstood.

You state there are double standards over the offense taken on critic about the British Government, culture - you really need to provide some reference here for definitive discussion.

I will preemptively no doubt agree with most of what you may say about the government (in fact most governments) , but I will probably take exception on what you say about what is my culture - which I am entitled to do, as you are to over critic of your religion / culture.

However if either of us don't like that we should not offer views on a medium which contains a reply button.

You have a nice weekend to - and god bless.
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Mar 25, 2007
Freza, what you wrote clearly indicates a typical theist with popular misconception about atheist and what they stand for. Every time atheist questions the veracity of religious teachings & practices, they will be misconstrued as people full of bitterness & resentment etc.

I don’t think all religious people are deluded, simpleton and irrational nuts, though some of them are. So far, I haven’t seen anyone standing up & say – oops, one moment please - that doesn’t make any sense. Don’t question, just sit, listen, believe and accept what the preacher has to say. They have to believe because it was expected of them. I noticed how religion discourages its believers from thinking so deeply about it & asking questions, so long you have faith. I learned something superb i.e peer pressure. Better to stay in a very comfortable zone, inside the box, and stop opening an avenue to learn new things. Learning something new is meddling.

We’re born an atheist (infant don’t believe in religion nor God). Your religion depends on your upbringing. E.g: If your parents are Christians, you are most likely to be one. Most of them had been indoctrinated & ingrained in their psyche at a young age, and the belief system became a part of their life that the concept of questioning and/or doubting never occurred to them, instead they always believe that it’s true.

I don’t concern myself with religion (though I studied major religions on earth & its philosophy, as these are compulsory in Jesuit schools and universities), but I won’t hesitate to argue with religious who advocate physical exploitation etc against women beneath a false religious happiness.

Until now, I am open to be corrected & I don't mind being judge. Who knows I am wrong, but i won't tolerate brainwashing.
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Mar 25, 2007
For the record, I have been encouraged to question every aspect of faith and religion. I encourage my children and all and sundry to do the same - to follow anything blindly, without comprehension and without the belief making sense is dangerous in my opinion.

However, I do have sympathy for asc's observation that many religious people aren't so open to other viewpoints and aren't encouraged to be critical about some core beliefs (and many non-core beliefs).

I also differ on the opinion that humans are born atheist - but that can be tackled in another, future thread. :)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Mar 25, 2007
More crap....? crap here...crap there...meaningless and time consuming crap...

Cant u guys come up with anything better to talk about...some where perhaps more than 4 people can even bother to contribute their time and thinking too...hmmm? This is pathetic.

(why did i even bother to post this, not worth it) :thefinger:

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Mar 25, 2007
More crap....? crap here...crap there...meaningless and time consuming crap...

Cant u guys come up with anything better to talk about...some where perhaps more than 4 people can even bother to contribute their time and thinking too...hmmm? This is pathetic.

(why did i even bother to post this, not worth it) :thefinger:

Not my fault the server is slow...been like this for a few months now....(double post)

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Mar 25, 2007
More crap....? crap here...crap there...meaningless and time consuming crap...

Cant u guys come up with anything better to talk about...some where perhaps more than 4 people can even bother to contribute their time and thinking too...hmmm? This is pathetic.

(why did i even bother to post this, not worth it) :thefinger:

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Mar 25, 2007
^Oh! the nerd-stud criticizing us. Unfortantely you won't find anything that might interest you here, so sorry, but try looking in the romance section - it's full of lovely and umm very "meaningful" threads (especially gracy's threads, they're superb).

(Do you still think you and I have something in common? Aha! I thought so...)
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Mar 25, 2007
Of course we share some stuff in common....

Only a fool would reply to a fools message (such as mine)


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Mar 26, 2007
Nerd, be useful and download the first season of Prison Break for me, thanks.

I don't think I need to remind you of what you've written in the past, but the MAC (British are___) thread is a good example of how some people took something seriously and defensively when it should have been dismissed with a laugh-off.

Religion is not about brainwashing, that is left to modern-day sects (like the Scientologists, Jehova's Witness etc). On the contrary, true established religions teach spiritual freedom and encourage soul searching. That some people choose to follow their religion only superficially and without challenge is to be expected of human behavior. But the invitation and encouragement to go deeper is always there and many have taken it.

Now real brainwashing is everywhere; You surely follow trends, you surely have been influenced by a number of marketing slogans, magazine articles, media, politics etc. or even by Atheism itself. You believe that religion brainwashes people, ((hello)) someone can claim that you've surely been brainwashed to believe this :) If you've ever bought a product because you've believed that it will make you look or feel more attractive, yup, you've been a victim to marketing influences whether you admit it or not.
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Mar 26, 2007
freza wrote:Asc
Religion is not about brainwashing, that is left to modern-day sects (like the Scientologists, Jehova's Witness etc). On the contrary, true established religions teach spiritual freedom and encourage soul searching. That some people choose to follow their religion only superficially and without challenge is to be expected of human behavior. But the invitation and encouragement to go deeper is always there and many have taken it.

Now real brainwashing is everywhere; You surely follow trends, you surely have been influenced by a number of marketing slogans, magazine articles, media, politics etc. or even by Atheism itself. You believe that religion brainwashes people, ((hello)) someone can claim that you've surely been brainwashed to believe this :) If you've ever bought a product because you've believed that it will make you look or feel more attractive, yup, you've been a victim to marketing influences whether you admit it or not.

I thought bright people like you could understand complex things. NOT. A word becomes a paragraph and summing it up with erroneous conclusion. That's typical freza anyway.

To make it simpler so you can understand. Atheism neither a choice nor an arbitrary decision. I am surrounded by religious people (both muslims & non-muslims family) and I don't have friends, who are atheists. Now, go make a conclusion out of it. My pleasure to read it afterwards. :P

Shafique, i am waiting for your thread.
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Mar 26, 2007
Can't people just accept that some people choose to believe in something and others don't? Does it really matter? The only person it should really matter to is the individual, and their personal choices.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 26, 2007

The brainwashed by atheists example was not serious, hence the --> :) I thought you had gotten this, but oh well, next time, I'll explain it better..for you.

I do believe that most of us are influenced by society, media, politics etc. - some to a greater degree than others, and this should be the concern, not religion. Religion seems to be the easy target for some who want to blame it for all or most of the world's ills and these people usually claim they are immune to influences, when in fact none of us are.

((hello)) you really missed the point.
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Mar 26, 2007
freza wrote:asc

The brainwashed by atheists example was not serious, hence the --> :) I thought you had gotten this, but oh well, next time, I'll explain it better..for you.

:geek: Knowing you from your posts freza...You're good at throwing back things. Biting it seriously will lead this thread down south. :joker:
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