The Demise Of Islam

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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 05, 2011
shafique wrote:It says back then 20,000 are converting every year. So much for the 'demise':

What even more interesting thing in the video is the same trends as in the EU: male/female ratio 1 to 5. Another similarity is that most women "learnt" Islam from their Muslim husbands. 3000 men converts for the democracy with 300 million inhabitance is far from impressive result I must say. :wink:

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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 05, 2011
The statistics do indeed show that the majority of the 20,000 converting each year in the USA are women. Your theory as to why this is the case has to be proven though.

I personally know of women who converted first, and then married Muslim men who they did not know before their conversion. I also know of non-Muslim men who converted first and then married a Muslim lady who they had not known before, and I also know of non-Muslim men who converted so as to marry a Muslim lady they were going out with.

The women featured in the videos posted above show the reasons why the men and women chose to convert. Have you any reason to believe that these reasons aren't a feature in the majority of the 20,000 conversions each year in the US?

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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 05, 2011
shafique wrote:The statistics do indeed show that the majority of the 20,000 converting each year in the USA are women. Your theory as to why this is the case has to be proven though.

There is no need in any additional evasive comments and so called "anecdotal evidence" in the face of YOUR clear stat. 1 to 5 is not "the majority" but vast majority of women. So the pressure from male partner/husband looks like the major reason for a conversion. There is no another explanation for such a disproportion. In addition, one woman on the video directly confirmed this statement.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 05, 2011
Your theory depends on a gallant assumption that has to be proven.

The video links earlier in this thread show women who converted to Islam because of Islam's teachings, not because they had Muslim boyfriends/husbands.

Now, the question becomes how many of the 20,000 are converting for Islam's teachings and how many are doing so because they are attracted to the religion of their partner?

In any case, Islam is growing.

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Re: The Demise of Islam Dec 05, 2011
Why muslums are leaving islam by the thousands every day, interview of 2 former muslums and who explain why.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 05, 2011
CNN report on Demise of Islam

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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 05, 2011
In another story, Many Christians are leaving Christianity everyday because they are discovering that bible is nothing but a lie.
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Re: The Demise of Islam Dec 06, 2011
Another aspect of the demise of islam in the free world is the catastrophic failure of sharia based financing, the islamic funding.
After months of cover ups, the news came out today that a major islamic mortgage lender in Canada has been declared bankrupt.
It will hinder the growth of sharia-compliant finance in North America, and investors in Canada and the United States will think twice now , before considering Islamic finance in future to get screwed later.
There will be more news like that, when the covers ups get exhausted one after the other, the whole thing with islam in the west is just incompatible with western standards, it does not work, it won t work, and what will be left of islam will fail and be rejected. ... 47810.html
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 08, 2011
Nucleus wrote:CNN report on Demise of Islam

Thanks for this nucleus - interesting that the Imam in the piece is none other than Imam Rauf who later was involved in the Park 51 project in Manhattan.

CNN's piece counters the hype and wishful thinking about the so-called demise of Islam very well.

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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 09, 2011
Andyba wrote:In another story, Many Christians are leaving Christianity everyday because they are discovering that bible is nothing but a lie.

That's offensive and worthy of a ban.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 09, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
Andyba wrote:In another story, Many Christians are leaving Christianity everyday because they are discovering that bible is nothing but a lie.

That's offensive and worthy of a ban.

Hate speech is only when it's against Islam BM
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 09, 2011
demise of Islam? nooo nooo no... now that we have Tony Blair's sister-in-law converted to Islam, it definitely must be on the rise.. :d
so Why all the shock and horror? ... NETTXT9038
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 09, 2011
Berrin wrote:demise of Islam? nooo nooo no... now that we have Tony Blair's sister-in-law converted to Islam, it definitely must be on the rise.. :d
so Why all the shock and horror? ... NETTXT9038

The only reason she converted to Islam is the size of her huge backside.
She can now hide it under one of those black get ups and stuff her face till her heart's content.

-- Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:30 pm --

gertrude wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:
Andyba wrote:In another story, Many Christians are leaving Christianity everyday because they are discovering that bible is nothing but a lie.

That's offensive and worthy of a ban.

Hate speech is only when it's against Islam BM

I think you may be right Gertrude.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 19, 2011
Thanks BM, damn yes i am right.

Good news from the UN!

U.N. protections for Islam losing ground, Support plunges in move to stifle speech to benefit Muslims.

The Islamic-led Defamation of Religions proposal in the United Nations has been approved one more time, but by the lowest margin yet and opponents say they will keep picking at the plan until it dies. The most recent vote, this week, had 67 nations voting against the plan, with 79 supporting it, and 40 nations voting "present. The 67 "no" votes is an all-time high, the ACLJ said, and the 12-vote margin is the closest it's ever been. "This continued momentum is very good news, and a clear sign that our education efforts are paying off. We continue to meet with more and more delegations at the U.N. and provide them with the facts on why this resolution is a dangerous threat to religious freedom," the ACLJ reported.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 19, 2011
I wonder why these people are in a muslim country when they hate Islam so much. If you guys are Christian, you are making Jesus (p) so proud (sarcasim).
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 19, 2011
Why don't you ask why people in Muslim countries hate Muslims so much? ... re=related

Why we hate Umar bin Khatab?
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 19, 2011
Right, Christians with each other are living so peacefully in Northern Ireland. I've come across some in US too who were cursing other Chrisitans for being in another denomination.

But it is irrelevant to actual theological issues.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 19, 2011
So does this amount to one of Shaf's Whataboutery arguments?
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 19, 2011
^Yes it does amount to a whataboutery response to a silly question from someone who hasn't quite got a grasp of the facts.

I'd have chosen to challenge eh's misguided argument head on.

Shia generally have A LOT of hatred for Aisha, Abu Bakr, Umar and Omar - there's nothing new there. That's been going on for more than a millenium. What does that have to do with herve's theory that Islam is in decline?

Indeed no one actually seems to be agreeing to herve's latest conspiracy theory. How many have actually produced any evidence or stated they agree with him that Islam is on the decline?

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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 20, 2011
Look around you shaf, and tell me people like arabs :lol: . When a group of people, who happen to be cult members, manage to get so much disliked by everbody else, their cult is deemed to disapear. I agree, islam will get flushed out where it has been until now, and flushed out where it belongs.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Dec 20, 2011
Perhaps you will be proved right caps. There's a first time for everything. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you. ;)


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Re: The Demise Of Islam Jan 31, 2012
Between all the reactions in the developed world against islamists and their medievalist and abusive standards, it is clear that islam will never, could never be accepted in the modern world.

From the outside of islamists, the law is now punishing severely forced marriage, honor killings, polygamy and abuse in the place of works and in their families. It just does not work and more people are realizing it.

Many employers chose now to NOT employ moslems because of the legal consequences if they do.

From the inside, young's in muslum families are grasping western standards against Islamic codes and against their own parents. Western law is no looking into abuses and honor killings which will make it more difficult for islamists to continue their abuse and prevent their children to quit islam.

As a result, it is obvious and inevitable that islam is doomed, first in the developed world, then the arab world will crumble on itself. It already started actually....
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Jan 31, 2012
Hey herve's back!

Thanks for sharing your anti-Muslim views herve. It is a shame that much of it is still fiction and not reality - just like your novels and your alternative profiles you created - gertrude and capiscum.

But thanks for bumping this thread - it shows that despite your hatred of Islam and Muslims, Islam is not actually on the demise. Quite the contrary.

I hope you are on better behaviour this time round!


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Re: The Demise Of Islam Jan 31, 2012
More people in America are getting aware of Islamic Sharia law and are taking steps to make sure it stays outside the borders. Islam is doomed in America.

Oklahoma, Tennessee and Louisiana each passed laws or referendums to ban state judges from considering sharia last year, and more than 20 other states have debated similar legislation. Newt Gingrich has called for a federal law to ban sharia, while his fellow Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has said sharia law is an "existential threat" to America.

When polled, mooslems respond they don't want Sharia, but they petition for it. Typical moslem double language. They say something and do the exact opposite. Beware!
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Jan 31, 2012
Yes, thanks for sharing your views herve.

However, whilst it is true that there is Islamophobia in the States, the stats show that eh's fellow Americans attack Jews more than they attack Muslims.

Also, hatred of Muslims does not change the facts pointed out earlier in the thread that despite the hatred the numbers of people converting to Islam in the USA is increasing. The reasons for the increase include the fact that reality about Islam is very different from anti-Muslim bloggers preach.

Hatred of Islam by some is not a sign that Islam is on the demise - in some ways it is a reaction to the growth in numbers of Muslims.


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Re: The Demise Of Islam Jan 31, 2012
Also, hatred of Muslims does not change the facts pointed out earlier in the thread that despite the hatred the numbers of people converting to Islam in the USA is increasing. The reasons for the increase include the fact that reality about Islam is very different from anti-Muslim bloggers preach.


Ok, you got me. The shoe bomber wasn't an American citizen.

Let's try this guy instead:

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Re: The Demise Of Islam Jan 31, 2012
Smoke and Mirrors.

This thread is about herve's conspiracy theory that Islam is on the decline. No one disputes that your blogger friends and herve all hate Muslims and Islam, and have wild theories about Islam.

The facts remain, that despite you and your friends' hatred - Islam is not in decline in the USA. (Try and keep on topic in future.)

That must explain to a large degree the frustration that comes through in your posts. ;)


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Re: The Demise Of Islam Feb 01, 2012
This century will be remembered as the one in which Islam began its long march to extinction. It will be defeated in its terror war and it will be defeated because many already are abandoning a "religion" that is repelled by modernity, denies human rights, and revels in the blood of its victims.
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Re: The Demise Of Islam Feb 01, 2012
Thanks for the prediction herve.

I admire the faith you have in your Islamophobia - and the fact that you don't let little things like evidence get in the way of your hatred.

It has been shown that the majority of American Christians (58%) justify the killing of innocent civilians. 21% of American Muslims agreed with them when asked the same question. The major wars in this century so far have been invasions of Muslim countries and the killing of hundreds of thousands of Muslims.

Your fantasies about people leaving Islam remain just that, fantasies. But that is all you have to hold on to now - acknowledging that Islam is growing just makes you even more angrier.



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Re: The Demise Of Islam Feb 01, 2012
Video on the decline of islam

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