The Cartoons - UK Press Comment (yes, Another Thread!)

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Feb 07, 2006
With the amount you spend on bullshit, I am surprised your small fortune has gotten you as far as they have...

Besides, some of us work for the pleasure of working. Jacking off all day in front of Dubaiforums is not what many would consider "fun".

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Feb 07, 2006
Liban wrote:With the amount you spend on bullshit, I am surprised your small fortune has gotten you as far as they have...

Besides, some of us work for the pleasure of working. Jacking off all day in front of Dubaiforums is not what many would consider "fun".

What makes you think i have a "small" fortune??

8) 8) 8)
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Feb 07, 2006
Liban wrote:

Besides, some of us work for the pleasure of working. Jacking off all day in front of Dubaiforums is not what many would consider "fun".

mmmmmmmm ssems you have a similar hobby to me then, and such a good average over the year too :P

Yes, i remember the days when i "had" to work, the problem was i was so good at it, it came to the point, that i didnt have to 8)

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:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Feb 08, 2006
So your point is Arnie that Liban's real name is Wayne Kerr? :lol:
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violent reactions Feb 08, 2006
A danish newspaper publishied few cartoons . It would have gone unnoticed . But today the whole world knows about it and the newspaper as well as the catoon got the best publicity ,it doens't deserve

Who has done more harm ? Is it the newspaper or is it the so called solidiers of almighty ? And does Almighty needs the help of these so called soldiers ?

Dubai Forums Member
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Feb 08, 2006
Peaceful protest would have been one thing, but all the violence and threats of violence now reflect poorly on Islam, unfortunately.

I really hope that more moderate Muslims will take actions to reign in or disassociate themselves from radical Muslims. Not saying anything and sitting back to watch the fur fly gives the impression that moderate Muslims would rather support the radicals than admit that fellow Muslims are acting out of line.

It is the same thing with Iraq. Where is the big protest from Muslims at the fellow Muslims of differing factions who are killing dozens of innocent civilians in Iraq every day? Why are the coalition forces being blamed for more deaths when it is the Muslims of different factions that are killing far more civilians than the coalition forces are? It gives the message that it is okay for Muslims from surrounding countries to come in and make Iraq unstable for political purposes, but it isn't okay for the coalition to be in Iraq.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 08, 2006
Well as I said in the other thread Kanelli, Moderate Muslims in the UK and the Islamic leaders called for all those with placrds condoning violence and asking for killings etc and the guys dressed as suicide bombers to be arrested, which many have been, so they're starting to react to those who act appallingly.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 08, 2006
That is excellent news Chocoholic.

I look forward to seeing large protests that show the radicals how small of a group they really are, and that they are not being supported by wider Islam.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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