The Biggest Robbery Of The 20th Century

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The biggest robbery of the 20th century May 13, 2006
Check this out...



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May 13, 2006
Well, I have news for u pal, the whole world is watching, and no one is doing anything !!!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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May 13, 2006
Yes, it truely is sad... :cry:

Yshimy, remember a basic Islamic tenant, this world is but a vessel...

I know it won't make us feel much better right now but things always work out. Keep the faith and lets hope 1967 border Palestine does become reality on this world and in our lifetime.

Oh and wrong forum bro :wink:
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May 14, 2006
ture for both Palkid and Liban,

Liban, yeah, i'm old enough to know it is wrong forum and ... i usually flame those who post in wrong forums.

But.... i just wanted to be checked by the highest traffic (marketing getting into me)

Just hope we gain any land. keep our fingers crossed, and.... well don't know how can we help... :( very sad

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May 14, 2006
soz Yshimy i have transferred but left a tracer in general for you.
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May 14, 2006
thanks arnieMan

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May 14, 2006
well they got their promised land back
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May 14, 2006
I agree with the 1967 land area plan. Why on earth can't it be enforced by the international community! I'm getting increasingly angry about the situation after seeing the pics Intimacy posted, the story Fayz told me about when he was visiting there, and the fact that aid has been pulled from the Palestinians because they elected a Hamas government, and Israel is holding back money that belongs to the Palestinians. It is much like Africa - no one in the international community is pushing to do what is right - they are ignoring the plight of the people.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 14, 2006
First Liban and now you :shock:

Very well written, The world is a sad state but hopefully we can all work together to better it.

okay time to sing "Kum by yah".
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May 14, 2006
fayz wrote:First Liban and now you :shock:

Very well written, The world is a sad state but hopefully we can all work together to better it.

okay time to sing "Kum by yah".

Ahem... I always post in the same way. No new behaviour on my part. 8)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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May 14, 2006
my apologies, I actually usually don't make it into this forum but I think i'm going to start. :)
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May 14, 2006
Guys and Gals,

Nah, i only take the 1946 borders... which .. there were no borders.

I think enough discussions were made, but bottomline, i can't give kanelli's car as a gift to someone who help me, simply because it is not mine.

that exactly what happened.

Anyway, just sharing and feeling helpless.


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May 14, 2006
Its a shame you wern't as sad and vocal during the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq.

:roll: :roll:
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May 15, 2006
My knowledge on the subject would be called limited at best but I thought someone more knowledgable could add their 2 cents. Surely the argument of who's land is whose runs back way before 1946?

In someones mind the changes since 1946 are corrections rather than confiscations?
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Some participants need to do some homework on History...etc May 15, 2006
It is great to see the post that at least generate discussion.
But it is a real travesty to see that there are folks who know little about history, culture, geography etc before responding.

The pics of map of Palestinian land 1947 encompasses culture, history, and geo..

Indigenious Palestinian land would have had Jews living there as historically that was the case.

History shows that Falashan Jews are indigenous to Old Palestine pre 1947,, not ''Israel"

'Israel is not a place but a son of a Jew,,, hence a creation for land grabbing plan.

The people being exported from Europe are not Falasha , but Hashkanazi,,,and they do not accept or want to integrate with the indigenous Falasha Jews... why is this..

People need to do the research on this topic, go and visit and then you may find less opportunity to insult common sense and intelligent thinking .

At least if people want to address the problem in a fair manner and attempt to right wrongs,,, then we have a place to start by knowing some key facts and putting them on the table of discussion

So how can fair minded , reasonable people expect that indigenous people should ever accept the confiscation and land grab of some misguided, deluded illusionist of the past, present or future..

It amazes me that someone can look at the maps of Palestine past and present and not find something inherently wrong in what is taking place under the watchful eyes of World "Democratic" bodies.
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May 15, 2006
I can see big words here and alot of complications.

If we went back far before 1940s we will still see is as arabian land.

for as far as the countries were established and their borders as far as i know.

if you asked to go back before that, then lets go back till adam and eve ;)


About the Flasha jews.... i think they are the black jews (which is a contradiction to the jewish religion that says a true jew is that of jewish father and mother and as they are Sons of SAM, like arabs) They should be no true black jewish....

This might sounds wierd that i'm saying that, but they themselves belive in it but doesn't reveal it that much as they need manpower and need support from all the people so they wouldn't publicize it but t hey belive in it.

Example is that they didn't allow visas for the black jews (Flasha) from Eithiopia and other african countries except after things went really bad with palstinians and they wanted cheap labour... so as jews.... they allowed the Flasha jews to join their so called "promissed land"

cheers, i might be wrong about alot of things, i'm not perfect, but these are some thoughts of my knowledge.

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May 15, 2006
The original inhabitants of the area are the Sephardic Jews. These are Jews from Arab lands that were, pre-Israel, for all intents and purposes Arabs.

Just a FYI :)
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