Terrorist Names Son George Bush!

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Terrorist names son George Bush! Dec 03, 2009
I'm looking into a claim that the Christian terrorist Group, the Lords Resistance Army of Uganda incorporates some aspects of Islam in their theology.

However, this story tickled my funny bone - the LRA leader has named one of his sons George Bush! I feel sorry for the kid on so many levels!

Joseph Kony The Christian Terrorist Names Son George Bush
Feb.27, 2008 in Christianity, Politicians, Terrorism
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The Lord’s Resistance Army is a particularly nasty Christian terrorist organisation headed by Joseph Kony. It has been responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people in Uganda. However looking at your nightly news coverage one would be very hard pressed to find even one news story about these Christian terrorists murdering in the name of Christ and the Bible.

Joseph Kony’s terrorist group has been fighting the Ugandan army since 1987 and their main objective is to establish a theocratic Christian state that will rule by the Ten Commandments. In this pursuit Joseph Kony’s and his band of Christian warriors have killed around 12,000 people, 2 million civilians have fled the fighting and 20,000 children have been kidnapped by the terrorist group to be used as child soldiers and as sex slaves.

Now news is emerging that the elusive Christian terrorist leader Joseph Kony has named one of his children George Bush after the 43 President of the United States:

“The leader of Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Africa’s most wanted rebel leader, has named one of his sons “George Bush”, said British journalist Matthew Green in a report published recently in the Financial Times magazine.

In 2006, Green had met LRA rebels’ relatives, including three of Kony’s wives in Sudan’s border with Congo.

”He taught us how to pray,” Green quotes one of Kony’s wives speaking of her husband, before seeing the toddler Kony had named “George Bush”.

For two decades his Lord’s Resistance Army has abducted thousands of children in northern Uganda and committed hideous atrocities, slicing off victims’ ears and noses and padlocking their lips together. The conflict has killed tens of thousands and uprooted 2 million people.

Kony and three other commanders have been indicted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague for raping and mutilating civilians, enlisting child soldiers and massacring thousands….

….According to Green, Ugandan newspapers described Kony as a self-styled prophet who wanted to rule according to the Ten Commandments.

Green quoted one of Kony’s aides, Moses, say: “Kony is a messenger from God! We follow the commands of the Holy Spirit!”

Moses continues to explain Kony’s reasoning: “If someone has done something bad to you, you have to kill them!”

“Go and read in Matthew, chapter what and what, it is stated that if your right hand causes trouble, cut if off! It is there in the Bible!” (Source: Middle East Online)

Who would have thought that the Bible is a terrorist manual ? I wonder how many right-wing Christians will be calling for the banning of the Bible as they do the Qur’an ? As can be seen from above the Bible causes human beings to murder, kidnap and rape.

For more on the Lords Resistance Army see :

Murderous And Perverted Christian Terrorists Try To Evade Justice
Christians Do This In The Name Of The Bible?

http://islam-west.com/2008/02/joseph-ko ... names.html


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Terrorist names son George Bush! Dec 03, 2009
george bush said that god told him to go to the middle east :shock:
Dubai forums Addict
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Re: Terrorist names son George Bush! Dec 04, 2009
He could have named his son Muhammad. That would have been more appropriate.
event horizon
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Re: Terrorist names son George Bush! Dec 04, 2009
Pigs may fly as well in your fantastical universe that you seem to inhabit. :)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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