Let's review what I actually wrote and compare with your statement above:
I think you should take your own advice and review what I actually write instead of pontificating on a topic when this was already explained by myself:
I wrote:
Misconception number one was debunking the false claim that Islam=peace and explaining that the primary meaning of slm refers to submission, not peace.
You then write five posts later what was *already* explained by myself in the previous quote. Apparently, you have a difficult time reading:
The fact that you can't get your head round that Peace is a secondary meaning of the root of Islam just highlights the fact that you don't actually read the information you posted (pretty much like your selective quotes from Kennedy, Hadith etc).

Just curious, but what about my previous explanation that the root word of Islam has several meanings, including the primary meaning of to submit and the secondary meaning of peace did you not understand?
Thanks again for providing yet another demonstration in either poor reading skills or an example of you never missing an opportunity to write a 'lengthy' post to sound like you've injected new information into the discussion. I know how much you love to read your own posts and everything, but it is really unnecessary to repeat something that another poster has already written and pretend they were wrong the entire time.