9-11 Symposium

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9-11 Symposium Sep 03, 2006
Alex Jones, James Fetzer, Webster Trapley, Charlie Sheen, robert Bowman, Steven E. Jones.

It was aired on C-Span...Watch it, learn from it!


If this doesn't convince you that it was an inside job, then you don't deserve to know!

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Sep 03, 2006
type in Loose Change in google Video section another good movie which shows that sept 11 was an inside job watch it if you dont believe me :p
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Sep 04, 2006
I know about Dylan Avrey's movie, its pretty good but there are others as well:

Painful deceptions and Terrorstorm...although PD is old (2003)...terrorstorm is the latest and it has a lot of information about Operation Northwoods and USS Liberty and how Hitler burnt the Reischtag to round up the commies...all false flag operations done by governments for imperialistic goals and supress freedoms
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Sep 05, 2006
i dont think that many westerns will watch this movie because they want to believe what they think it is right to them..
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Sep 05, 2006
rudeboy wrote:i dont think that many westerns will watch this movie because they want to believe what they think it is right to them..

You hit the nail in the head it is a MOVIE. Fiction of course :wink: And plaese don't exhaust yourself "convincing" me or others that: "it did not happen" "its a conspiracy -Cia, Bush, et. al." as you will simply be wasting energy. But if it makes you feel good knock yourself out (Oliver Stone might be interested - although I doubt it very much).
Dubai Forums Zealot
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