MC wrote:Habib wrote:Still waiting for someone to pick a wrong statement I made.
How about you provide some sources for your claims then? ............
till then why don't you pick one of those '3000 books' and site them or at least provide some links.
By all means. Here's a topic I wrote some times back on "Shi'ites Qualities", I pray you find it interesting and verify the sources for the good of all
Qualities of the Shi’ites
The Shi’ites have always complained that the vast majority of AhluSunnah have, for centuries, misjudged them simply because they read books written by Anti-Shi’ites.
To better understand them, the Shi’ites would suggest reading books written by Shi’a authors, in order to have a balanced and fair judgment of who they are and what they stand for.
With some reservations, I may be one of those who support this approach. I have purchased hundreds of their books for the sake of that “better” understanding.
In this little “research”, I intend to list the qualities of the Shi’ites, as derived from their authentic sources, for the sake of being “Fair”.
(1) The Shi'ites Are Bastar/ds:
íæäÓ Èä ÙÈíÇä¡ Úä ÃÈí ÚÈÏ Çááå ÌÚÝÑ Èä ãÍãÏ (Ú) Ãäå ÞÇá: Åä ãæÓì æåÇÑæä ÚáíåãÇ ÇáÓáÇã áãÇ ÏÎáÇ Úáì ÝÑÚæä áã íßä Ýí ÇáÐíä ÍÖÑæÇ æÇÓÊÔÇÑåã íæãÆÐ Ýíåã ãä åæ áÛíÑ ÑÔÏå¡ æáæ ßÇäæÇ ßÐáß ÃãÑæå ÈÞÊáåãÇ¡ æáãÇ ÞÇáæÇ ÃÑÌå æÃÎÇå æÃÔÇÑæå ÈÇáÊÃäí æÇáäÙÑ. ÞÇá: Ëã æÖÚ ÃÈæ ÚÈÏ Çááå íÏå Úáì ÕÏÑå æÞÇá: æßÐáß æÇááå äÍä¡ áÇ íäÒÚ ÅáíäÇ ÅáÇ ßá ÎÈíË ÇáæáÇÏÉ
Yunus bin Dhibyaan, from Abu Abdullah Ja'far bin Muhammad [as] saying:
When Moses and Aaron [as] entered on Faroh, there were none among his advisors who was insane. If they were as such, they would have advised him to kill them both. So when they said: "Keep him and his brother in suspense (for a while) [26:36]", they (actually) advised him with reconsideration and attentivness.
(The narrator) Said: Abu Abdullah then placed his hand on his own chest and said: By Allah, such is our case too; no one comes to our support but he who is a bastar/d.
(Reported by: al-Nu'man b. Muhammad al-Tameemy, Sharh al-Akhbaar vol.3, p. 8; Ali al-Tabarsi, Mishkaatul-Anwaar p.455; al-Majlisi, Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol.13, p.137; Muhammad b. Mas'oud al-Ayyashi, Tafseer al-Ayyashi, vol.2, p. 24; al-Fayd al-Kaashaani, Tafseer al-Saafi, vol.2, p. 225; al-Fayd al-Kaashaani, al-Tafseer al-Asfaa, vol. 1, p. 391; al-Huwaizy, Tafseer Noor al-Thaqalayn, vol. 2, p. 55)
(2) Shi’ites are Hypocrites:
ÎÇáÏ Èä ÍãÇÏ ÞÇá: ÍÏËäí ÇáÍÓä Èä ØáÍÉ ÑÝÚå¡ Úä ãÍãÏ Èä ÅÓãÇÚíá Úä Úáí Èä íÒíÏ ÇáÔÇãí ÞÇá: ÞÇá ÃÈæ ÇáÍÓä (Ú): ÞÇá ÃÈæ ÚÈÏ Çááå (Ú): " ãÇ ÃäÒá Çááå ÓÈÍÇäå ÂíÉ Ýí ÇáãäÇÝÞíä ÅáÇ æåí Ýíãä íäÊÍá ÇáÊÔíÚ
“Narrated Khalid bin Hammaad saying: narrated to me al-Hasan bin Talha (quoting) Muhammad bin Ismael, from Ali bin Yazeed al-Shaami saying: Abul-Hasan [as] said: Abu Abdullah [as] said:
No verse revealed by Allah concerning hypocrites, but it perfectly fits those who are of Shi’a persuasion.”
[Reported by al-Majlisi, Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 65, p. 66; Rijaal al-Kash-shy, p. 254, Ali Akbar al-Ghifary, Studies in the Science of Dirayah, p. 155; Rijaal at-Tusi, vol.2, p. 589; Mu’jam Rijaal al-Kho’ei, vol.15, p.265]
ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÇáÍÓä ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÅÈÑÇåíã ÞÇá ÃÎÈÑäÇ ÅÓãÇÚíá Èä ÃÈÇä ÇáÃÒÏí ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÚãÑæ Èä ÔãÑ ÇáÌÚÝí Úä ÌÇÈÑ Úä ÑÝíÚ Èä ÝÑÞÏ ÇáÈÌáí ÞÇá ÓãÚÊ ÚáíÇ (Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã) íÞæá à áÇ ÊÑæä íÇ ãÚÔÑ Ãåá ÇáßæÝÉ æ Çááå áÞÏ ÖÑÈÊßã ÈÇáÏÑÉ ÇáÊí ÃÚÙ ÈåÇ ÇáÓÝåÇÁ ÝãÇ ÃÑÇßã ÊäÊåæä æ áÞÏ ÖÑÈÊßã ÈÇáÓíÇØ ÇáÊí ÃÞíã ÈåÇ ÇáÍÏæÏ ÝãÇ ÃÑÇßã ÊÑÚææä ÝãÇ ÈÞí ÅáÇ ÓíÝí æ Åäí áÃÚáã ÇáÐí íÞæãßã ÈÅÐä Çááå æ áßäí áÇ ÃÍÈ Ãä ÂÊí Ðáß ãäßã æ ÇáÚÌÈ ãäßã æ ãä Ãåá ÇáÔÇã Ãä ÃãíÑåã íÚÕí Çááå æ åã íØíÚæäå æ Ãä ÃãíÑßã íØíÚ Çááå æ ÃäÊã ÊÚÕæäå Åä ÞáÊ áßã ÇäÝÑæÇ Åáì ÚÏæßã ÞáÊã ÇáÞÑ íãäÚäÇ Ã ÝÊÑæä ÚÏæßã áÇ íÌÏæä ÇáÞÑ ßãÇ ÊÌÏæäå æ áßäßã ÃÔÈåÊã ÞæãÇ ÞÇá áåã ÑÓæá Çááå (Õáøì Çááå Úáíå æÂáå æÓáøã) ÇäúÝöÑõæÇ Ýöí ÓóÈöíáö Çááøóåö ÝÞÇá ßÈÑÇÄåã áÇ ÊóäúÝöÑõæÇ Ýöí ÇáúÍóÑøö ÝÞÇá Çááå áäÈíå Þõáú äÇÑõ Ìóåóäøóãó ÃóÔóÏøõ ÍóÑøðÇ áóæú ßÇäõæÇ íóÝúÞóåõæäó
“Narrated Muhammad saying: Narrated to us al-Hasan saying: Narrated to us Ibrahim saying: Ismael bin Aban al-Azdy informed us saying: Narrated to us Amr bin Shimr al-Ju’fy, from Jabir from Rafie’ bin Farqad al-Bajaliyy saying: I heard Ali bin Abi Talib [as] saying:
See you not, O people of Kufah? By Allah I have stricken you with the stick that I hit the idiots with, but I don’t see you ceasing, and I have stricken you with the whips I use for penal codes, yet I don’t see you behaving. The only thing left is my sword, and I know what will straighten you up by will of Allah, but I don’t like to resort to that with you.
What’s amazing about you and the people of Syria, is that their leader disobeys Allah, yet they obey him, while your leader obeys Allah, but you disobey him. If I say to you go forth to meet your enemy, you say the cold prevents us. Do you think your enemy does not feel the cold you feel? But (the fact is) you resemble those people whom the Messenger [saw] said to them: “Go forth in the cause of Allah” and their leaders said: “Go not forth in the heat” and Allah said to His Prophet: “Say: The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat if only they can understand”
[Ibn Hilaal al-Thaqafi, al-Ghaaraat, p.27:
(3) Shi’ites are the filthiest people on the face of earth:
ÍÏËäÇ ãÍãÏ ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÇáÍÓä ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÅÈÑÇåíã ÞÇá æ ÍÏËäÇ ÅÈÑÇåíã Èä ÇáãÈÇÑß Úä ÈßÑ Èä ÚíÓì ÞÇá ÍÏËäÇ ÇáÃÚãÔ Úä ÚÈÏ Çáãáß Èä ãíÓÑÉ Úä ÚãÇÑÉ Èä ÚãíÑ Ãäå ÞÇá ßÇä áÚáí (Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã) ÕÏíÞ íßäì ÈÃÈí ãÑíã ãä Ãåá ÇáãÏíäÉ ÝáãÇ ÓãÚ ÈÊÔÊÊ ÇáäÇÓ Úáíå ÃÊÇå ÝáãÇ ÑÂå ÞÇá ÃÈæ ãÑíã ÞÇá äÚã ÞÇá ãÇ ÌÇÁ Èß ÞÇá Åäí áã ÂÊß áÍÇÌÉ æ áßäí ßäÊ ÃÑÇß áæ æáæß ÃãÑ åÐå ÇáÃãÉ ÃÌÒÃÊå ÞÇá íÇ ÃÈÇ ãÑíã Åäí ÕÇÍÈß ÇáÐí ÚåÏÊ æ áßäí ãäíÊ ÈÃÎÈË Þæã Úáì æÌå ÇáÃÑÖ ÇÏÚæåã ÝáÇ íÊÈÚæäí ÝÅÐÇ ÊÇÈÚÊåã Úáì ãÇ íÑíÏæä ÊÝÑÞæÇ Úäí
“Narrated to us Muhammad saying: Narrated to us al-Hasan saying: Narrated to us Ibrahim saying: - Also, narrated to us Ibrahim bin al-Mubarak from Bikr bin Issa saying: Narrated to us al-A’mash from Abdul-Malik bin Maysarah from ‘Amarah bin Omair saying:
There was a friend of Ali [as] by the nick Abu Maryam, from the Madinah, whom upon hearing about the disbursement of people away from him, he came to him. When he [as] saw him, he said: (Is that you) Abu Maryam? He replied: yes.
He [as] said: What brought you up here? He said: I did not come to you for a need, but I actually think if you were put in charge of this Ummah, you would do good. He said: O Abu Maryam, I am whom you have known, but I was (unluckily) given the filthiest people on the face of earth; when I call on them, they don’t follow me, and when I go along with what they want, they disburse away from me”
[Ibid, p. 44
(4) Liars Who Spit on Each Other’s Face:
17- æó ÈöåóÐóÇ ÇáúÅöÓúäóÇÏö Úóäö ÇáúæóÔøóÇÁö Úóäú Úóáöíøö Èúäö ÇáúÍóÓóäö Úóäú ÃóÈóÇäö Èúäö ÊóÛúáöÈó ÞóÇáó ÞóÇáó ÃóÈõæ ÚóÈúÏö Çááøóåö ( Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã ) ßóíúÝó ÃóäúÊó ÅöÐóÇ æóÞóÚóÊö ÇáúÈóØúÔóÉõ Èóíúäó ÇáúãóÓúÌöÏóíúäö ÝóíóÃúÑöÒõ ÇáúÚöáúãõ ßóãóÇ ÊóÃúÑöÒõ ÇáúÍóíøóÉõ Ýöí ÌõÍúÑöåóÇ æó ÇÎúÊóáóÝóÊö ÇáÔøöíÚóÉõ æó Óóãøóì ÈóÚúÖõåõãú ÈóÚúÖÇð ßóÐøóÇÈöíäó æó ÊóÝóáó ÈóÚúÖõåõãú Ýöí æõÌõæåö ÈóÚúÖò ÞõáúÊõ ÌõÚöáúÊõ ÝöÏóÇßó ãóÇ ÚöäúÏó Ðóáößó ãöäú ÎóíúÑò ÝóÞóÇáó áöí ÇáúÎóíúÑõ ßõáøõåõ ÚöäúÏó Ðóáößó ËóáóÇËÇð
“ With that chain: from al-Wash-shaa’, from Ali bin al-Hasan, from Aban bin Taghlib saying: Abu Abdullah [as] said: How would you feel if the fight broke out between the two mosques, and knowledge withdrew back as the snake withdraw back to its hole, and the Shi’ites disunited (among themselves) and called each other liars, and spat on each other’s face? I said: May I be your ransom, there’s no good (to achieve) at that time. He said to me: All the good is then (and there) three times.”
[Reported by al-Kulainy, al-Kafi, vol. 1, p.340]
(5) Shi’ites are Dishonest and of Bad Morals:
5- ÚöÏøóÉñ ãöäú ÃóÕúÍóÇÈöäóÇ Úóäú Óóåúáö Èúäö ÒöíóÇÏò æó ÛóíúÑö æóÇÍöÏò Úóäö ÇáúÍõÓóíúäö Èúäö ÇáúÍóÓóäö ÌóãöíÚÇð Úóäú ãõÍóãøóÏö Èúäö ÃõæÑóãóÉó Úóäú ãõÍóãøóÏö Èúäö Úóáöíøò Úóäú ÅöÓúãóÇÚöíáó Èúäö íóÓóÇÑò Úóäú ÚõËúãóÇäó Èúäö íõæÓõÝó ÞóÇáó ÃóÎúÈóÑóäöí ÚóÈúÏõ Çááøóåö Èúäõ ßóíúÓóÇäó Úóäú ÃóÈöí ÚóÈúÏö Çááøóåö ( Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã ) ÞóÇáó ÞõáúÊõ áóåõ ÌõÚöáúÊõ ÝöÏóÇßó ÃóäóÇ ãóæúáóÇßó ÚóÈúÏõ Çááøóåö Èúäõ ßóíúÓóÇäó ÞóÇáó ÃóãøóÇ ÇáäøóÓóÈõ ÝóÃóÚúÑöÝõåõ æó ÃóãøóÇ ÃóäúÊó ÝóáóÓúÊõ ÃóÚúÑöÝõßó ÞóÇáó ÞõáúÊõ áóåõ Åöäøöí æõáöÏúÊõ ÈöÇáúÌóÈóáö æó äóÔóÃúÊõ Ýöí ÃóÑúÖö ÝóÇÑöÓó æó Åöäøóäöí ÃõÎóÇáöØõ ÇáäøóÇÓó Ýöí ÇáÊøöÌóÇÑóÇÊö æó ÛóíúÑö Ðóáößó ÝóÃõÎóÇáöØõ ÇáÑøóÌõáó ÝóÃóÑóì áóåõ ÍõÓúäó ÇáÓøóãúÊö æó ÍõÓúäó ÇáúÎõáõÞö æó ßóËúÑóÉó ÃóãóÇäóÉò Ëõãøó ÃõÝóÊøöÔõåõ ÝóÃóÊóÈóíøóäõåõ Úóäú ÚóÏóÇæóÊößõãú æó ÃõÎóÇáöØõ ÇáÑøóÌõáó ÝóÃóÑóì ãöäúåõ ÓõæÁó ÇáúÎõáõÞö æó ÞöáøóÉó ÃóãóÇäóÉò æó ÒóÚóÇÑøóÉð Ëõãøó ÃõÝóÊøöÔõåõ ÝóÃóÊóÈóíøóäõåõ Úóäú æóáóÇíóÊößõãú ÝóßóíúÝó íóßõæäõ Ðóáößó ÝóÞóÇáó áöí Ãó ãóÇ ÚóáöãúÊó íóÇ ÇÈúäó ßóíúÓóÇäó Ãóäøó Çááøóåó ÚóÒøó æó Ìóáøó ÃóÎóÐó ØöíäóÉð ãöäó ÇáúÌóäøóÉö æó ØöíäóÉð ãöäó ÇáäøóÇÑö ÝóÎóáóØóåõãóÇ ÌóãöíÚÇð Ëõãøó äóÒóÚó åóÐöåö ãöäú åóÐöåö æó åóÐöåö ãöäú åóÐöåö ÝóãóÇ ÑóÃóíúÊó ãöäú ÃõæáóÆößó ãöäó ÇáúÃóãóÇäóÉö æó ÍõÓúäö ÇáúÎõáõÞö æó ÍõÓúäö ÇáÓøóãúÊö ÝóãöãøóÇ ãóÓøóÊúåõãú ãöäú ØöíäóÉö ÇáúÌóäøóÉö æó åõãú íóÚõæÏõæäó Åöáóì ãóÇ ÎõáöÞõæÇ ãöäúåõ æó ãóÇ ÑóÃóíúÊó ãöäú åóÄõáóÇÁö ãöäú ÞöáøóÉö ÇáúÃóãóÇäóÉö æó ÓõæÁö ÇáúÎõáõÞö æó ÇáÒøóÚóÇÑøóÉö ÝóãöãøóÇ ãóÓøóÊúåõãú ãöäú ØöíäóÉö ÇáäøóÇÑö æó åõãú íóÚõæÏõæäó Åöáóì ãóÇ ÎõáöÞõæÇ ãöäúåõ
“From several of our Associates: from Sahl bin Ziyad and many others, from al-Hussain bin al-Hasan, all of them from Muhammad bin Awramah, from Muhammad bin Ali from Ismael bin Yasaar, from Othman bin Yousuf saying: I was informed by Abdullah bin Kaisaan from Abu Abdullah [as] saying:
I said to him: May I be your ransom, I am your servant Abdullah bin Kaisaan. He said: I know the linage, but I don’t know you. I said: I was born in the Mountain (area) and was raised in Persia. I got to deal with the people through doing business and other means. I (sometime) deal with a man and see that he enjoys a good appearance, good morals and abundant honesty. But when I investigate him, I find him to be of your enemies (A Sunni) . (On the other hand) I may deal with a man who has ill manners, dishonesty, and crookedness, and upon investigation, I find him to be of your supporters (A Shi’a) . How is that possible?
He said to me: O Ibn Kaisaan, Have you not known that Allah [swt] took a clay from paradise and a clay from hell and mixed them together and pulled this out of this, and that out of that? So whatever you may see of honesty, good morals and good appearance from those (Sunnis), is because of what have gotten into them from the clay of paradise, but eventually they go back to the clay they were made of. Likewise, whatever you may see of dishonesty, ill manners and crookedness from those (Shi’ites) is because of what have gotten to them from the clay of hell, but eventually the go back to the original (clay) they were made of.
[Reported by al-Kulainy, al-Kafi vol. 2, p. 4, al-Barqi, al-Mahaasin, vol. 1, p. 229]
(6) The Shi'ites Are of Filthy Mouth & Filthy Attitude:
Úäå¡ Úä ÃÈíå¡ Úä ÚÈÏÇááå Èä ÇáÞÇÓã ¡ Úãä ÍÏËå ÞÇá : ÞáÊ áÃÈí ÚÈÏÇááå (Ú): ÃÑì ÇáÑÌá ãä ÃÕÍÇÈäÇ ããä íÞæá ÈÞæáäÇ ÎÈíË ÇááÓÇä ¡ ÎÈíË ÇáÎáØÉ ¡ Þáíá ÇáæÝÇÁ ÈÇáãíÚÇÏ ¡ ÝíÛãäí ÛãÇ ÔÏíÏÇ ! æÃÑì ÇáÑÌá ãä ÇáãÎÇáÝíä ÚáíäÇ ÍÓä ÇáÓãÊ ¡ ÍÓä ÇáåÏí ¡ æÝíÇ ÈÇáãíÚÇÏ ¡ ÝÃÛÊã ÛãÇ ! ÝÞÇá: Ãæ ÊÏÑí áã ÐÇß ¿ ÞáÊ : áÇ ¡ ÞÇá :Åä Çááå ÎáÞ ÇáØíäÊíä ÝÚÑßåãÇ - æÞÇá ÈíÏå åßÐÇ ÑÇÍÊíå ÌãíÚÇ æÇÍÏÉ Úáì ÇáÇÎÑì. Ëã ÝáÞåãÇ ÝÞÇá: åÐå Åáì ÇáÌäÉ ¡ æåÐå Åáì ÇáäÇÑ æáÇ ÃÈÇáì ¡ ÝÇáÐí ÑÃíÊ ãä ÎÈË ÇááÓÇä æÇáÈÐÇÁ æÓæÁ ÇáÎáØÉ æÞáÉ ÇáæÝÇÁ ÈÇáãíÚÇÏ ãä ÇáÑÌá ÇáÐí åæ ãä ÃÕÍÇÈßã ¡ íÞæá ÈÞæáßã ÝÈãÇ ÇáÊØÎ ÈåÐå ãä ÇáØíäÉ ÇáÎÈíËÉ æåæ ÚÇÆÏ Åáì ØíäÊå ; æÇáÐí ÑÃíÊ ãä ÍÓä ÇáåÏí æÍÓä ÇáÓãÊ æÍÓä ÇáÎáØÉ æÇáæÝÇÁ ÈÇáãíÚÇÏ ãä ÇáÑÌÇá ãä ÇáãÎÇáÝíä ÝÈãÇ ÇáÊØÎ Èå ãä ÇáØíäÉ . ÝÞáÊ: ÝÑÌÊ Úäí ÝÑÌ Çááå Úäß
"From him, from his father, from Abdullah bin al-Qaasim al-Hadhrami, from someone narrated to him the following saying:
I said to Abu Abdullah [as]: I may, on one hand, see a fellow man of our persuasion (Shi'a) with a filthy mouth, filthy attitude and of seldome honoring to appointments, which puts me into a great dipression. On the other hand, I may see a man of our opponents (Sunni) with good appearance, good guidance, and who honors appointments, and that puts me into a great dipression.
He said: Do you know why is that? I said: No. He said: Allah has created both clays, He then rubbed them - and he placed both his hands (palms) one one another- (Syed_Shia: take a due note) then He splitted them and said: This (clay distaned) to Paradise, and this (clay distaned) to Hell and I do not care.
Therefore, the filth of mouth, profanity, bad attitude and dishonoring of appointments from your fellow man who is of your persuasion, is because of the traces caused by the filthy clay, but he (eventaully) gets back to his (original) clay. As for the good guidance, good appearance, good attitude and honor of appointements from those opponents, is due to the traces caused by the (good) clay.
I said: you've relieved me, may Allah relieve you."
[Reported by al-Barqi, al-Mahaasin, vol.1, p. 230, and by al-Majlisi, Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 5, p.251
(7) The Wrath of Allah Befell Them:
Úóáöíøõ Èúäõ ÅöÈúÑóÇåöíãó Úóäú ãõÍóãøóÏö Èúäö ÚöíÓóì Úóäú ÈóÚúÖö ÃóÕúÍóÇÈöäóÇ Úóäú ÃóÈöí ÇáúÍóÓóäö ãõæÓóì ( Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã ) ÞóÇáó Åöäøó Çááøóåó ÚóÒøó æó Ìóáøó ÛóÖöÈó Úóáóì ÇáÔøöíÚóÉö ÝóÎóíøóÑóäöí äóÝúÓöí Ãóæú åõãú ÝóæóÞóíúÊõåõãú æó Çááøóåö ÈöäóÝúÓöí
"Narrated Ali bin Ibrahim, from Muhammad bin Issa, from some of our associates, from Abul-Hasan Musa [as] saying:
Verily the Wrath of Allah befell on the Shi'ites, and He gave me the choice: Either myself or them, by Allah I shielded them by choosing myself."
[Reported by al-Kulainy, al-Kafi, vol. 1, p.260]
(8) Shi'a Men: Shameless & Jealousless:
æÝí ÑæÇíÉ ÛíÇË Èä ÅÈÑÇåíã¡ Úä ÃÈí ÚÈÏ Çááå (Ú) ÞÇá: ÞÇá Úáí (Ú): íÇ Ãåá ÇáÚÑÇÞ äÈÆÊ Ãä äÓÇÆßã íæÇÝíä ÇáÑÌÇá Ýí ÇáØÑíÞ ÃãÇ ÊÓÊÍíæä¿ æÞÇá: áÚä Çááøóå ãä áÇ íÛÇÑ
"According to the narration of Ghiyaath bin Ibrahim, from Abu Abdullah [as], that Ali [as] said:
O People of Iraq, I was informed that your women date the men right on the streets, have you no shame? And he said: May Allah curse who has no jealousy."
[Reported by al-Barqi, al-Mahaasin, vol.1, p.204-205; al-Majlisi, Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 79, p.115
(9) Sign of the Shi'ites:
ÃóÍúãóÏõ Úóäú Úóáöíøö Èúäö ÃóÓúÈóÇØò Úóäú ÈóÚúÖö ÃóÕúÍóÇÈöäóÇ Úóäú ÃóÈöí ÚóÈúÏö Çááøóåö ( Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã ) ÞóÇáó ãóÇ ßóÇäó Ýöí ÔöíÚóÊöäóÇ Ýóáóãú íóßõäú Ýöíåöãú ËóáóÇËóÉõ ÃóÔúíóÇÁó ãóäú íóÓúÃóáõ Ýöí ßóÝøöåö æó áóãú íóßõäú Ýöíåöãú ÃóÒúÑóÞõ ÃóÎúÖóÑõ æó áóãú íóßõäú Ýöíåöãú ãóäú íõÄúÊóì Ýöí ÏõÈõÑöåö
9- Ahmad from Ali b. Asbaat, from some of our fellows, from Abu Abdullah [as]: Whatever it may be, three characteristics cannot be found in our Shi'ites: (he) who asks (begs) with his hand, there's none among them who is blueish greenish, and none among them who is screwed in the rear.
[al-Kulainy, al-Kafi, vol.5, Ch: Who Lets (Others) to Screw Him, p. 551]
Also reported by Ibn Babawaih al-Qummi in his "al-Khisaal" Ch. Three Charateristics Cannot Be Found Among Shi'ites" p. 131, narration 137 with the following link:
Narrated to us Sa'd b. Abdullah, narrated to me al-Hasan b. Ali b. al-Nu'man, from Ali b. Asbaat, etc.
Also reported by al-Majlisi, Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 70, pp 306-307, narration 32.
ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈí ÞÇá: ÍÏËäÇ ÓÚÏ Èä ÚÈÏ Çááå¡ Úä ÃÍãÏ Èä ÃÈí ÚÈÏ Çááå ÇáÈÑÞí¡ Úä ÚÏÉ ãä ÃÕÍÇÈäÇ¡ Úä Úáí Èä ÃÓÈÇØ¡ Úä ÈÚÖ ÃÕÍÇÈäÇ ¡ Úä ÃÈí ÚÈÏ Çááå(Ú) ÞÇá: ãÇ ÇÈÊáì Çááå Èå ÔíÚÊäÇ Ýáä íÈÊáì ÈÃÑÈÚ : ÈÃä íßæäæÇ áÛíÑ ÑÔÏÉ¡ Ãæ Ãä íÓÃáæÇ ÈÃßÝåã¡ Ãæ Ãä íÄÊæÇ Ýí ÃÏÈÇÑåã Ãæ Ãä íßæä Ýíåã ÃÎÖÑ ÃÒÑÞ
Narrated to us Sa'd b. Abdullah, from Ahmad b. Abu Abdullah al-Barqi, from several of our associates, from Ali b. Asbaat from some of our associates, from Abu Abdullah [as]: Whatever Allah may try our Shi'ites with, He will not try them with four (characteristics): That they be basta/rds, or that they beg with their hands, or that they be screwed in their rears, or that a greenish blueish be among them.
(Greenish Blueish is an idiom for a person who holds a great animosity twords others, usually a character of a person with a green or a blue eyes)
[reported by Ibn Babawaih, al-Khisaal, Ch. Four (Characteristics) Shi'ites Cannot Be Tried With, p. 224, narration 56]
ÍÏËäÇ ÃÈí ÞÇá: ÍÏËäÇ ÓÚÏ Èä ÚÈÏ Çááå ¡ Úä ãÍãÏ ÚíÓì Èä ÚÈíÏ¡ Úä ÒÑÚÉ Èä ãÍãÏ ÇáÍÖÑãí¡ æ ãÍãÏ Èä ÓäÇä ¡ Úä ÇáãÝÖá Èä ÚãÑ ÞÇá: ÓãÚÊ ÃÈÇ ÚÈÏ Çááå(Ú) íÞæá: ÃáÇ Åä ÔíÚÊäÇ ÞÏ ÃÚÇÐåã Çááå ÚÒ æÌá ãä ÓÊ - Åáì Çä ÞÇá - Ãæ íäßÍæÇ Ýí ÃÏÈÇÑåã
Narrated to us my father, narrated to us Sa'd b. Abdullah, from Muhammad b. Issa b. Obaid, from Zar'ah b. Obaid al-Hadhramy & Muhammad b. Sinaan, from al-Mufaddal b. Omar saying:
I heard Abu Abdullah [as] saying: Allah has saved our Shi'ites from six (characteristics) ...down to his saying ... Or that they be screwed in their rears.
[Ibid, ch. Allah Saved The Shi'ites From Six Characteristics, p. 336, narration 8]