I can only imagine the life challenges this would bring to someone who is mutilated in this manner. They are effectively paralyzed from the waist down and one side of their body.
Anyone who is amputated in this way now becomes a burden for his or her family for the rest of their lives. Certainly someone who undergoes this barbaric treatment will NEVER lead a normal or productive life again.
Now, al-Shabaab - an Islamist terrorist group in Somalia - has cross amputated a 19 year old after he was found guilty of banditry.
The Koran allows for cross amputation for those who wage war against allah and spread 'mischief' in the land, where the powers that be must decide what mischief is, exactly (though historically, banditry is indeed included as spreading mischief in the land by Muslim scholars):
Koran 5:33 - This is the recompense of those who fight against God and His Messenger, and hasten about the earth, to do corruption there: they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off; or they shall be banished from the land. That is a degradation for them in this world; and in the world to come awaits them a mighty chastisement,
http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-ne ... ake-claim-
There was also another story from a few months ago of another boy who was cross amputated by al-Shabaab:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oc ... ion-ordeal
Iran also carries out the Islamic punishment of cross amputation: