freza wrote:wiki also has this:
"Islam permits sexual relations between a male master and his female slave outside of marriage. This is referred to in the Qur'an as ma malakat aymanukum or "what your right hands possess".[60][61]"
shafique wrote:Wiki is wrong on this point - the Quran is categoric about s.ex is only allowed within marriage, and this is also common knowledge.
according to islamic scholars, wiki isnt wrong in this.
just depends which scholar you talk to..
shafique i already linked you with you tube links on a massive debate regarding this matter that ended up with the muslim mohajaba presenter, taking off the hijab and dropping islam all together.. because scholars could not answer to her simple question... the same question i asked you
what is god's wisdom in "ma malakat aymanohom"
of course you said that islam doesnt allow this outside of marriage, so i didnt discuss it with you further.... but they dont seem to agree with you.
they say that you are allowed to sleep with "whatever your right hand posesses" without marriage, because you own them. they are yours to keep and to sleep with whenever you want to.
again shafique, when it boils down to 2 scientists from al azhar's word, or yours... nothing against you personally, but unfortunatly with no credentials to your name, i have to take their word for it.