Sinning For Survival

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Sinning for survival Apr 03, 2008
A Jewish guy explained to me the concept of "pikuach nefesh", saying that a Jew is allowed to sin in order to survive or save somebody else´s life, with the exception of murder and cannabalism. Does such a concept exist in Islam? I grew up in a Christian environment, but I am not aware of this concept in Christianity either...

Flying Dutchman
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Apr 03, 2008
Yes, same concept applies in Islam - saving human life is paramount.

Example is given in the verse forbidding pork, c5v3:
You are forbidden (to eat) the dead and blood and the flesh of swine and that on which any name has been invoked other than Allah at the time of slaughtering and that which dies by strangling and that which is beaten to death by anything unshaped and that killed by falling and that which is gored and that which has been eaten by any wild animal, but those which you have properly slaughtered and that which has been slaughtered at any altar and the division by casting lots with arrows. This is an act of sin. This day the infidels are despaired of your religion then fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen Islam as religion for you. But whoso is forced by extreme hunger thirst without inclining towards sin, then undoubtedly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

However the consensus is that it is only not a sin in extreme circumstances, and this general principle applies to murder and cannibalism as well (in my opinion).

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 03, 2008
double ppost
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 03, 2008
Isn't there a Hadith or verse in the Quran about those that were forced to denounce their religion and God or they would be tortured. I believe that was also allowed too right?
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Apr 03, 2008
MC wrote:Isn't there a Hadith or verse in the Quran about those that were forced to denounce their religion and God or they would be tortured. I believe that was also allowed too right?

There is some controversy over the principle of lying on matters of faith when one's life is in danger (Taqiyya) - with Shia saying this an acceptable practice and many Sunnis saying that it is hypocrisy.

A good summary is given here - and does show a Quranic basis for the principle.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 03, 2008
Thanks, does this concept that you are allowed to sin iot survive also have a name in Islam? Taqiyya only talks about concealing ones faith. Also this quote got my attention when reading through the description of Taqiyya:
Sunnis believe that God decides when someone is going to die. Therefore, they believe it is wrong to deny the faith in order to escape torture or death. By contrast, the Shi'a and some Sunnis believe that life is a gift from God and should be preserved. In a life-threatening emergency, they believe that the preservation of life takes precedence over anything else, in the same way that it is permissible to eat pork during famine

Seems that sinning iot survive focuses a lot on eating pork. Is only pork allowed in extreme circumstances or also other sins?
Flying Dutchman
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Apr 03, 2008
Flying Dutchman wrote:Thanks, does this concept that you are allowed to sin iot survive also have a name in Islam? Taqiyya only talks about concealing ones faith. Also this quote got my attention when reading through the description of Taqiyya:
Sunnis believe that God decides when someone is going to die. Therefore, they believe it is wrong to deny the faith in order to escape torture or death. By contrast, the Shi'a and some Sunnis believe that life is a gift from God and should be preserved. In a life-threatening emergency, they believe that the preservation of life takes precedence over anything else, in the same way that it is permissible to eat pork during famine

Seems that sinning iot survive focuses a lot on eating pork. Is only pork allowed in extreme circumstances or also other sins?

I don't know if it has a specific name in Arabic - perhaps someone can enlighten us.

5.3 talks about other banned food - such as carrion, blood and animals slaughtered to other gods, so I guess the same applies to them. I guess referring to pork is just a shorthand for banned foods and it is the highest profile forbidden food.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 03, 2008
so a muslim would eat carrion over pork?
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Apr 03, 2008

1) Taqiyya (or Tuqya): The Qur'an explicitly spoke of Tuqya in dealimg with Kuffar (disbelievers) torturing a Muslim to compromise his faith. However; the Shi'ites apply Tuqya with AhluSunnah to protect their interests (business, jobs, security, etc) until their Imam in occultation (al-Mahdi) arises. The only two cases where they are not permitted to use Tuqya is wipping on the leather slipper and consuming alcohol.

2) The permission to consume a forbidden food to save one's life is also extended to a drink (liquor). In either case, one should only consume the amount that keeps him alive until the alternative is available.

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