Chocoholic wrote:Ok, I have to ask this question as it's one that's been a hot topic among many of my friends for a long time.
Should Turkey be given admittance into Europe?
I'm sorry but what the heck? Are you seriously telling me that you could drive all the way from the UK to the borders of Iran?
The motivation is obviously money and I wonder how many arab nations are backing them to get a foot-hold into Europe. All 25 member countries have to agree to the membership and many don't want them to have full membership.
Would not letting them in cause tensions between Christian and Muslim countries? And can you seriously have a country a member of the EU where 40% of the population think honour killings of women are acceptable?
Would Turkey be willing to accept all EU laws, rules and regulations?
1) Turkey should join the EU if it wishes. But I would be against them joining if it meant them begging to get in on hands and knees.
2) And whats wrong with extending the borders. Please Cyprus is no more European than Greece or Turkey. To think otherwise is synonymous to saying that the sky is pink.
3) Arab nations are not backing Turkey. On the contrary, given the chance, most arab countries have an axe to grond with Turkey as a result of the Ottamon Empire when we were second class citizens.
4) Turkey is in better position to join than either Greece, Spain or Portugal were when they got in. To say nothing of Romania or Bulgaria... please!
5) Turkey is already changing most of its laws and has changed many of them.
If the EU rejects Turkey then it is doing itself a disservice.
i) It will be viewed as a Christian only club
ii) Claiming that Turkey is not in Europe is a mute point. Cyprus is closer to Lebanon (1 hour boat ride), than it is to a EU country. Europeans will look like geographic buffoons.
ii) It will throw Turkey into the arms of the Arabs and Iran. Turkey has already asked for observer status in the Arab League and has got it. And its not even Arab!! Now Turkey being thrown in the hands of the Arabs is not a bad thing, but I doubt Europe would want that.
I am ready for rebukes!!
PS - I am Arab and the Turks commited many bad things in Arab lands in the past so I am not what you would call a Turk lover. But someone who sees things as they are...