Should I Leave Dubai?

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Should I leave Dubai? Mar 06, 2008
Soon a Dutch politician will publish a movie critizing Islam. Knowing this guy it will be much much worse than the cartoons. Although I think Dubai is a safe place, I am considering leaving Dubai asa this movie will be live. I am right or is it okay to stay?

Flying Dutchman
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Mar 06, 2008
I guess Lurpak will be unavailable again :)

As for your safety - be afraid, be very afraid - but there is a simple solution, just go around humming ABBA songs, carry an Ikea bag and pretend you are Swedish.

It also depends on how long it takes people to get stirred up by the film - the cartoons initially did not cause any issues, but this film is getting a lot of publicity before it has been aired.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Mar 06, 2008
I would not worry to much. You would more likely be at risk living in Iran, Sudan or High Wycombe in Berkshire.

The main reaction really depends on the content. If it depicts the prophet or shows Muslim ladies wearing burkhas - but flashing a bit of wrist or ankle it will get the nutters frothing at the mouth for some blood. If it is more of an overview of critic, it may not cause violence as there are other films out there already covering the less savory sides of Islam.
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Mar 06, 2008
shafique wrote:I guess Lurpak will be unavailable again :)

He's Dutch, not Danish :).

Hide your clogs FD ;).
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Mar 06, 2008
bonk wrote:
shafique wrote:I guess Lurpak will be unavailable again :)

He's Dutch, not Danish :).

Hide your clogs FD ;).

Dutch/Danish - they all look alike to me! :)

Good thing I didn't mention Danish bacon then - I guess Edam and Tulips will be banned then :) :)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Mar 06, 2008
jabbajabba wrote:I would not worry to much.

The main reaction really depends on the content.

It criticises the Koran as far as I know, the producer (director?) I think wanted to ban the Koran.

I heard Dutch embassies in the Gulf are warning citizens to be careful.
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Mar 06, 2008
There's nothing to be afraid of really, I havent heard of any case or incident before that resulted from the publications of cartoons here in Dubai.
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Mar 06, 2008
heheh you will be safe. ppl here dont care for some reason. they too busy doing other stuff :D.

what i dont get is y this dutch dude wants to ban the koran :S what a nutter.
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Mar 06, 2008
rudeboy wrote:what i dont get is y this dutch dude wants to ban the koran :S what a nutter.

Well, he thinks the Quran incites hate and violence and compares it to Mein Kampf. To try to prove his point he his making this movie and hopes for a lot of violence reactions so he can say "you see I am right". So you can be sure it will be extrememly provocative. To show how much of a nutter he is he also wants to ban halal food in government institutions.
Did a bit of reading about him and it appears his hatred for Islam originating during a study trip to Damascus during his uni years. He visited a mosque and when we wanted to leave, his shoes were gone. That´s how it started...
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 06, 2008
Flying Dutchman wrote:..and it appears his hatred for Islam originating during a study trip to Damascus during his uni years. He visited a mosque and when we wanted to leave, his shoes were gone. That´s how it started...

So the moral is - don't steal a Dutch's shoes!

Going off on a tangent (as I often do) - I also remember hearing someplace (I think it was in a soap opera - probably the West Wing) that the origin of the word 'sabotage' comes from incidents of Dutch workers throwing their clogs (sabot) into industrial machines in protest...? Is this true?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Mar 06, 2008
shafique wrote:Is this true?

No, it´s a myth/theory without any evidence.
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 06, 2008
Flying Dutchman wrote:
rudeboy wrote:what i dont get is y this dutch dude wants to ban the koran :S what a nutter.

Well, he thinks the Quran incites hate and violence and compares it to Mein Kampf. To try to prove his point he his making this movie and hopes for a lot of violence reactions so he can say "you see I am right". So you can be sure it will be extrememly provocative. To show how much of a nutter he is he also wants to ban halal food in government institutions.
Did a bit of reading about him and it appears his hatred for Islam originating during a study trip to Damascus during his uni years. He visited a mosque and when we wanted to leave, his shoes were gone. That´s how it started...

lol hahha man my slippers have been nicked so many times from the mosque but hey there are so many lying there, just wear a pair and walk off :D the dutch guy should have done the same. silly bugger.

and y the hell is it that everyone goes to Syria and they hate islam lol first wafa sultan who started hating islam because i dont know whether this is true or not but according to her some "islamic freedom fighters" killed her professor in the 1979 when there is no record of any shooting in any of Syrias unis. and now this guy. oh well he has it coming as well then :D.

by the way the guy wants to ban mein kempf which was riten by hitler who as we know killed so many jews and had a thing for black ppl and brownese. hmmmm so whats the difference between the Dutch guy and Hitler?? wouldnt you say his policies are those of a left wing politician?? is it the rise of the lefties in europe??? hmmm i guess its ok since there is already a left wing president in USA :D.
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Mar 06, 2008
rudeboy wrote: wouldnt you say his policies are those of a left wing politician?? is it the rise of the lefties in europe??? hmmm i guess its ok since there is already a left wing president in USA :D.

I assume you mean right wing? Otherwise I have no idea what you are writing about...
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 06, 2008
rudeboy wrote: he has it coming as well then :D.

Do you have a list of ppl. who have it coming?
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 06, 2008
right wing left wing they all the same. blooody "democratic" fascists.

yep the muslims have it coming to them
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Mar 09, 2008
Zabihullah Mujahid has stressed that the Taliban will increase their attacks on Dutch military and humanitarian peacekeepers in Afghanistan, if the film was ever aired

Wilders received a fatwa by Al-Qaeda, calling all Muslims around the world to assassinate Wilders in the name of Islam.

Syria's Grand Mufti, leader Ahmad Badr al-Din said that if Geert Wilders pictures the image of a burning Koran in his film, the Dutch people will be held responsible and possible attacks against Western public interests are not out of the question.

Iran has threatened it will review its diplomatic stance with The Netherlands, should the film be aired.

On March 6th 2008, the Dutch government raised its national terroristic threat level from the status 'limited terroristic threat' to 'substantial terroristic threat' because it fears Muslim terrorists will launch attacks against European targets because of the film

and i thought iran was one of the most backward of the lot...
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 09, 2008
ebonics wrote:
Zabihullah Mujahid has stressed that the Taliban will increase their attacks on Dutch military and humanitarian peacekeepers in Afghanistan, if the film was ever aired

Wilders received a fatwa by Al-Qaeda, calling all Muslims around the world to assassinate Wilders in the name of Islam.

Syria's Grand Mufti, leader Ahmad Badr al-Din said that if Geert Wilders pictures the image of a burning Koran in his film, the Dutch people will be held responsible and possible attacks against Western public interests are not out of the question.

Iran has threatened it will review its diplomatic stance with The Netherlands, should the film be aired.

On March 6th 2008, the Dutch government raised its national terroristic threat level from the status 'limited terroristic threat' to 'substantial terroristic threat' because it fears Muslim terrorists will launch attacks against European targets because of the film

and i thought iran was one of the most backward of the lot...

Thats a great job by media to portrait Iran as the most fucked up country in the region.

The majority of Tehranis (mostly the youth) are athiests. they abondoned their faith in Islam after the islamic revolution because of the corruption of the gevernment which is also the religous lead in Iran. and Iranians are the most tollerant toward expats and tourist (the few who dared to visit). At the heat of the time of those danish cartoons, I was traveling with a danish friend in Iran who was suprised by the warmth he was treated even by religous people who got quite mad about those cartoons.

No one supports a single action by the government. It's a state of dictatorship ruled by force and violence and if the someday the current geverment collapse, you will see the wildest flip you can imagine in Iran.
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Mar 27, 2008
Okay, the guy keeps on prosponing with all kind of excuses. Do I dare saying that this might turn out a Aprils fools joke (just a hunge)? Do Muslims also know Aprils fools?
In the mean time I already got quite some uncomfortable questions and remarks from people about this guy. Like " all Dutch people are equally responsible"! How the hell am I responsible for the actions of all persons with the same passport??? Besides that, nobody knows what´s inside the film (if it exists), so how can they already judge it?
It made me a bit uncomfortable, not threatened though. My mummy insisted to leave if and when it is aired...
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 27, 2008
fd are u leaving then? if so can i have ur car and anything else u want to give to me as a freebie and i can tell everyone what a wonderful dutchman were u :P :D.

y dont u get a funny accent and be south african or scotish :D.
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Mar 27, 2008
rudeboy wrote:can i have ur car

U Paki?
rudeboy wrote:y dont u get a funny accent and be south african or scotish :D.

Somehow, I have this notion that if I am in a place were I have to hide/deny my indentity for my safety, I donot want to be there.
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 27, 2008
Flying Dutchman wrote:
rudeboy wrote:can i have ur car

U Paki?
rudeboy wrote:y dont u get a funny accent and be south african or scotish :D.

Somehow, I have this notion that if I am in a place were I have to hide/deny my indentity for my safety, I donot want to be there.

lol whats me being a paki got to do with having ur car :S

hmmm i like your policy and u r rite you shouldnt hide ur roots and you should be urself instead of being someone else. but dont worry nothing drastic will happen.
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Mar 27, 2008
Flying Dutchman wrote:Do I dare saying that this might turn out a Aprils fools joke (just a hunge)?

Oops, I was wrong, film is just aired. Already planned my weekend somewhere else, so will see...
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 28, 2008
but wots a paki got to do with ur car :S
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Mar 28, 2008
according to al jazeera this morning - fitna is now officially on the internet.. ... 154F47.htm

The film shows a young girl in a headscarf being asked about Jews

this footage is already on youtube, and i linked to it in a previous thread, the young girl denounced the jews calling them pigs and monkeys, and said that tthe prophet teaches to kill and fight against them (which is also confirmed by the azhar's fatwa that suicide bombings in isreal are considered a martyr act and is completely acceptable)

There is also concern for 25,000 Dutch citizens living in Muslim countries.

get out while you can comrad.

Wilders has been under heavy guard because of death threats since the 2004 murder of Theo van Gogh, a Dutch director who made a film critical of Islam's treatment of women.

validates what the movie is about - so does the above re: jews. i dont see why people are so up in arms about it, and why do they deny the truth, rather than try to work as civilised human beings to change the way things are when it comes to extremist and political islam inciting violence and hatred towards none muslims....
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 28, 2008
my god i just watched it....

it is a LOT worse than what i thought it would be.

recommended viewing, but very very graphic..
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 28, 2008
i also urge anyone that finds the link to it, to not post it here.
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Mar 28, 2008
I've just watched it. I also encourage people to watch it - I don't think it will change any one's mind.

It may encourage some people to read the Quranic verses quoted.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Mar 28, 2008
i agree it will not change any muslim's mind.

but it will make none muslims very weary how a large portion of muslims see them, and under which light.

and weather or not the verses, are literal or not, the proof is - it produces literal reactions and acts from the muslim community against none muslims today
Dubai Expat Helper
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Mar 28, 2008
I don't think it will change the minds of non-Muslims either.

Most people are quite rational and won't blindly swallow propaganda, especially if it is sensationalist as this. Those who are already prejudiced won't be changed.

My experience though is that many will be spurred into asking questions about Islam and when they find a disconnect with what Muslims actually believe and what is portrayed by the film, they will reject the Islamophobic views. So, in a way I think this film will bring many seekers of truth closer to Islam.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Mar 28, 2008
The movie is an important step for the western world. We must realize, that Islam will always fight for world domination, and the western world needs to fight against that by all means and with all available force.
Islam is an evil religion, which is penetrating our society.
In future each terroristic act commited by muslims should be retaliated with nuclear weapons.
We are able to teach these guys a lesson they will never forget and show them who is superior, so why are we hesitating?

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