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Servants Jan 30, 2023
We muslims are SERVANTS of God. Or in Arabic عباد الله!

Being God's servant makes us free of slavery to anyone else.
And how do we serve God? Well, by helping each other on Earth.
He allowed us to be in His service as He Himself do not interfere directly with our affairs.
And He Personally does not need anything from us beings, His creations.
When we pray to Him for help, He will inspire some of His servants to be in our service.
And whoever serves God in that way will get countless unimaginable rewards and surprises!

But some people would not be people if they would not love to feel divine themselves.
They desire to treat other people as their own servants, to judge others, to decide for others, to treat them as less worth etc. If such people are Muslims they love to accuse God for their exaltation above others and their own arrogance by misinterpreting His words from Qur'an!

One day some Muslim brother commented on my friend's FB status, claiming that God created poor people (nations) to serve them (rich)!
What a Blasphemy again!

I commented harshly, shaming him for that statement and my friend told me to remove my comment as that man is from influential family. I told him that Abu Lahab was from the Prophet's family but still he will burn in the Hell.

Allah wants from all people to be His servants, and not servants of others than Him!
How comes that Muslims want to make other people their own servants when God want them for Himself.
Are they in competition with Allah!? Nastagfirullah.

Allah said in Qur'an (51:56):
"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."

So He did not make some of people for other purposes, as He clearly stated that He created us all, alongside the jinn, just to worship Him.

And also this (3:64):
"Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah ." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."

So that it is how Muslims shall believe and think. Nobody of us is lord of other being, as Allah is Lord of all of us.

We can only be in service to EACH <----------> OTHER !

If one is a medical doctor he will be in service to a cleaner in treating and healing his illnesses. But at the same time cleaner will be in service to doctor by cleaning and disinfecting his tools and workplace, so that he does not infect or kill patients with germs and viruses.

Worker will be in service to employer with his skills and work, but employer will be in service to worker with salary, insurance, vacations and other benefits.

Maid will be in service to a family with her work but family will be in service to maid with salary and treatment as one of them own. As Prophet s.w.s. said:

"Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “They (servants) are only your brothers. Allah has placed them in your care. So whoever has a brother under his care, then let him feed him from what he eats himself, clothe him with what he clothes himself. Let him not overburden him with that which he cannot bear. And if he overburdens him, then let him lend him a hand.”

This Hadith applies also to female servants of course.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “When your servant prepares food for you and lays it for you — while he has suffered the inconvenience of heat and smoke when cooking — you should ask him to sit down and share the meal.”

Pay the laborer his wages before his sweat dries,” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said.

So habibi, if you are wearing brands your servants shall wear it as well. If you are eating organic foods your servants should eat the same!
If it is hard work you have to help them!

ARE WE MUSLIMS? I ask you and myself are we Muslims???

My former friend forced maid to pray as if she was a Muslim, but she was not. :roll: :roll: She used to give her all bags to carry while she and kids walk empty handed! And maid was older than Madam by decades!
I used to take her bags whenever I walked with them and tell her that I am younger and stronger. She would be pleased, but my friend would look at me as if I have servant mentality!
What a fool!

And also I would see families walking with maids wearing pyjamas, while they are wearing brand clothes. And also families eating and maids sitting in a corner of a table and waiting them to finish their meals.

Are we human beings even?? Why do we call ourselves Muslims when we do not follow Islamic teachings?

God is only ONE. And He is for all of us. FOR ALL OF US. For Muslims and non-Muslims, for poor and rich, for professionals and commons....

Qur'an: (43:32):
"Do they distribute the mercy of your Lord? It is We who have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of this world and have raised some of them in degrees [of rank] that they may make use of one another for service. But the mercy of your Lord is better than whatever they accumulate."

Habibi, do not be in competition with God for His servants, as you will fail!
We are here on Earth to help each <-------> other, and not to mistreat people and not to think of ourselves high as if we are chosen and above everyone else.
We are not.
We are all the same and serving each other as tools of Allah's will on Earth.

Listen what Allah says (47:7):
"يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن تَنصُرُوا اللَّهَ يَنصُرْكُمْ وَيُثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَكُمْ"
"O you who have believed, if you support Allah , He will support you and plant firmly your feet."

You see!!! Allah is Almighty but He asks every single person, poor or rich, to support HIM!!
And NO, He is not helpless and in need, He can do anything Himself.
But He made us His tool to help each<-->other and that is a way of supporting Him.

Then why do you think that person, who is able to support Allah, is less than you, and that Allah created such person just to serve you???

It is time that we all change ourselves in order for Allah to change our situation!
To deserve Allah's support in our visions, we need to treat others as opportunity and as equal.

God bless you all. Please let's do tawbah!
I kiss you my ugly frogs in order for you to turn into princes.
You can do it bi-awnillah!

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