Scientists In Japan Confirm Islam Is The Correct Religion

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Scientists in Japan confirm Islam is the correct religion Aug 17, 2009

Scientists in Japan microscopically confirmed islam is the correct religion
Written by Farooq Hussain General Jul 31, 2009

Please study and embrace islam to win Paradise. As you can see in this wonderful video from Egyptian national TV studio the seated scientist from Japan presented his findings of the effect of the holy Quran islam and the islamic prayer call (the athan) on water molecules under electron microscopy. The egyptian scientist explained the water molecules took beautifull shapes everytime they are exposed to air vibrations from reading the holy Quran or saying the word islam or the muslim call to prayer the athan. The scientist added because water constitute 70% of our body this makes us happy and explains the feeling of happiness after people embrace islam and worship Allah. Please watch read the holy Quran and embrace islam. Pakistan Daily Press News Agency (

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Aug 17, 2009
The same Japanese scientists and to be more specific Dr. Masaru Emoto also "confirmed" that all religions are correct... And all positive thoughts result in beautiful water crystals while negative thoughts result in ugly water crystals.

But in reality Dr. Masaru Emoto proved only the observer-expectancy effect.

The "happy Water" experiment was not double-blind, so the same person who wrote the words or thought the happy thoughts also examined the crystals afterward, making it easy to hand-pick sections of ice which matched his expectations.

In a real experiment, the person examining the crystals and rating their aesthetic value should have no idea what word or thought was used when the water was frozen.
Dubai Forum Admin
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Aug 18, 2009
Andyba wrote:The same Japanese scientists and to be more specific Dr. Masaru Emoto also "confirmed" that all religions are correct... And all positive thoughts result in beautiful water crystals while negative thoughts result in ugly water crystals.

But in reality Dr. Masaru Emoto proved only the observer-expectancy effect.

The "happy Water" experiment was not double-blind, so the same person who wrote the words or thought the happy thoughts also examined the crystals afterward, making it easy to hand-pick sections of ice which matched his expectations.

In a real experiment, the person examining the crystals and rating their aesthetic value should have no idea what word or thought was used when the water was frozen.

You're underestimating the power of the Quran.

Anyways, I heard the Japanese scientist converted to Islam after this.

He's one of many scientists and astronauts who have reverted to Islam:
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Aug 18, 2009
The Egyptians have been producing kooks with funny views for a while - eg breast feeding fatwas - always good for a laugh. It is interesting to see the Japanese elbowing in for a laugh as well though! :)

I guess each community have their crosses to bear - the Christians have George W and Catholic-convert Blair, 'young earth' scientists etc - we have crazeee Mullahs!;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Aug 18, 2009
Funny! The same effect was seen on the water crystals when exposed to the wailings of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath!

Please, anyone with half a brain, a basic knowledge of chemistry and the effects of acoustics and vibrations can understand that these effects can be achieved with ANYTHING! Even a Sparrows fart!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 18, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Funny! The same effect was seen on the water crystals when exposed to the wailings of Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath!

Please, anyone with half a brain, a basic knowledge of chemistry and the effects of acoustics and vibrations can understand that these effects can be achieved with ANYTHING! Even a Sparrows fart!

I really think there is a good lesson behind this story . Positive impressions affect the chemistry of our bodies , our feelings and thus our attuides. That observation may say that Islam is a positive religion :roll: .
Dubai chat master
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Aug 18, 2009
Hmmmm and have you also heard of the 'brown note'. Where by certain frequencies, below the human range of hearing can spontaneously lose control of your bowls, OR make people explode.

It has nothing to do with what is being said, but the tone and frequency in which it's being said. :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 18, 2009
could you clarify more what you mean ? :roll:
Dubai chat master
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Aug 19, 2009
Thought it was pretty obvious mate. It's not the words that are being spoken, it's how they are being spoken. Tone, volume, etc etc.

Experiments like this have been done time and time again.

Eish don't you watch Mythbusters? or Brainiac?

We did this kind of thing at school.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 19, 2009
Aha .. I see ..
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Aug 19, 2009
Every single molecule or cell resonates to a different frequency.

Ever been to a club and certain tracks make you feel really uncomfortable, even sick? Whereas others make you feel great! This is the effect such things can have. And as I said not necessarily what the sound is.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 19, 2009
You were talking about sounds and frequencies and how they are affect us . May be the secret is there , behind such words .. My theory is that words have different frequencies that affect us in different ways . Good words affect our mental helath , our mood to better and vice versa for bad words . And that may be explained by their affects to water molecules as stated before ... :roll:
Dubai chat master
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Aug 19, 2009 It doesn't matter what it is, but the frequency, tone, etc at which molecules would react to it in a certain way.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 19, 2009
Chocoholic you have heared about ' power of words ' and how they affect people . You may know the story of the eagle that spent its entire life believing it is a hun and based on that it couldn't use its distinct features .
I really agree to what you have just said but I want to add that molecules will act in certain behavoir depending on the input :roll: ..
Dubai chat master
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Aug 21, 2009
Does Dubai import lots of Japanese goods?

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Aug 23, 2009
are you serious ?
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