Nice train of thought Nik.
Ahhh Quantum Physics, very interesting science.
Pumpkin what book you reading out of interest?
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
abs wrote:The single point of plasma energy that existed before time was absolutely stable for zillions of years.
Just like you say, all motion/effect need some kind of outside energy to be present and interrect with it.
When the single point plasma energy existed, there was nothing else. Nothing but space with no particles...just..nothing.
Moses: "What is your name oh mighty one? If the Pharoah asks me who is my God, what do I say to him?"
God:" Why do you ask my name? I am what I am. I am the Alpha and the Omega. Go tell him "I AM" sent you. Now go set my people free."
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Look up the "Chaos Theory" It is pretty interesting.
I dont think it matters who is right, just as long as we wonder why. "Why" is the greatest word ever, that question separates us from the beast. Just the fact that man has a hunger to want to know more than what meets the eye is wonderful. It seems to be our greatest strength, but it could mean our undoing also. Fun isnt it?
abs wrote:Pumpkin dude.
Time to cross over.
Heres what your beloved Stephen Hawkings said:
Stephen Hawking : "It is difficult to discuss the beginning of the universe without mentioning the concept of God. My work on the origin of the universe is on the borderline between science and religion, but I try to stay on the scientific side of the border. It is quite possible that God acts in ways that cannot be described by scientific laws, but in that case, one would just have to go by personal belief."
When asked whether he believed that science and Christianity were competing world views, Hawking replied, "...then Newton would not have discovered the law of gravity." He knew that Newton had strong religious convictions.
A Brief History of Time makes wonderfully ambiguous statements such as, "Even if there is only one possible unified theory [here he's talking about the unification of quantum mechanics with an understanding of gravity], it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?"(p. 174). I love that statement.
Hawking pokes fun at Albert Einstein for not believing in quantum mechanics. When asked why he didn't believe in quantum mechanics, Einstein would say things like, "Well, God doesn't play dice with human beings"(p. 56). Hawking's response is that God not only plays with dice, He sometimes throws them where they can't be seen.
The first time I read A Brief History of Time, for the first 122 pages I thought, "This is a great book; Hawking is building a splendid case for creation by an intelligent being." But then everything changes and this magnificent cosmological epic becomes adulterated by poor philosophy and theology.
For example, he writes, "These laws may have originally been decreed by God, but it appears that he has since left the universe to evolve according to them and does not now intervene in it" (p. 122). The grounds on which Hawking claims "it appears" are unstated and what happens is that a straw God is set up that is certainly not the God of Biblical history. What follows is a curious mixture of deism and the ubiquitous God of the gaps.
Now, lest anyone be confused, let me state that Hawking strenuously denies charges that he is an atheist. When he is accused of that he really gets angry and says that such assertions are not true at all. He is an agnostic or deist or something more along those lines. He's certainly not an atheist and not even very sympathetic to atheism.
One of the most famous and quoted statements in the book is, "So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator [the cosmological argument]. But if the universe is really completely self- contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?"(pp. 140- 1).
Chocoholic wrote:Everyone is entitled to have fun.
Pigs are great creatures and they only eat meat and other horrible things because that's what man has fed them in capitivity and it's now a banned practice the world over.
Dogs are also great, they are not dirty and just as horses will go nose to nose and breathe in the breath of one another to get to know another animal so dogs to the same, just not in such a nice way.
People should be allowed to live their life as they see fit, as long as it's not hurting anyone else, what's the point of living if not to enjoy life.
Chocoholic wrote:Making love to the special person in your life is the most fantastic thing.
Like I said before, not everyone believes you have to have a piece of paper saying you 'belong' to someone else to have a committed relationship, it's personal choice.
Plus the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were big fans of orgies and it was normal for men to have relatinships with other men before they found a wife, and this was thousands of years ago.
Chocoholic wrote:Plus my grandfather used to run a pig farm so don't lecture me on that!
I like them, I've seen them not in farms - so there!![]()
Some people think eggs cured in wee is a delicacy, does that make theming too!
Some people drink wee to cleanse their own bodies, I suppose they are gross too!
Most animals eat poop, normally to get nutrients they're missing from their diet, does that mean they're alling?!
Hippos, Rhinos and elephants also roll around in mud to keep cool in the sun and to provide a protective layer on their skin against biting bugs, I suppose they too are alling.
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