Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise?

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Is Saddam Hussein in Paradise? Mar 03, 2012
Saddam Hussein recited the shahada (lengthened form) moments before his death.

Does saying the shahada before death guarantee a free pass to paradise?

And, how does your opinion reconcile with ahadith which confirm that reciting the shahada guarantees paradise?

Here are some articles posted on forums I've found which tackle this question.

It's interesting to note that most Muslim posters are sympathetic to Saddam and believe he's in Paradise: ... heed-2468/ ... in-shaheed

And from the subject in front of us, concerning the belief upon which Saddam Hussein died, then there are a number of matters which prevent a ruling of apostasy, beginning with the general rulings followed by those which are more specific:

1 - Such a ruling at this time would serve only the interests of the Crusaders and their treacherous agents, as mentioned by Shaykh Abu Basir at-Tartusi (hafidahullah).

2 - His death has come and past, and the matter was doubtful in the remaining three years of his life. So we leave his affair to the Will of Allah (Subhanahu wa-Ta'ala).

3 - It is at least doubtful whether Saddam died upon Iman or Kufr. So long as there is the slightest doubt he was a Muslim, then we refrain from calling him a kafir. Shaykh Tartusi said: "The implications of the haste in error may have dire consequences."

4 - Saddam called for Jihad against the enemies of Islam and said that it was fard for the Muslims to fight against the invaders of Iraq.

5 - He served as a thorn in the eyes of the Rafidah Shi'ites and helped prevent the spread of Shi'ism. So he stopped the expansion of the Rafidah revolution of Iran from spreading to Iraq and the Peninsula, as was the stated intention of the Khomeini gang.

6 - He suppressed the innovated practices of the Shi'ites, such as their committing Shirk at the grave of Hussein (radiallahu anhu) and cracking down on their public celebrations on Ashura. And at the same time when the Saudis and other than them were giving the Shia much greater freedom in their rituals, Saddam was suppressing their evil.

7 - He helped unite the Sunni Muslims of Iraq and strengthened the call of Ahlus-Sunnah, creating an environment which would later nurture the call to Jihad and the Islamic state, whose foundations is one of Tawheed.

8 - He invoked Islamic prayers and employed Islamic historical and religious themes, which ran contrary to the secular, kafir, Ba'athist ideology.

9 - He brought the Holy Qur'an into the courtroom and repeatedly invoked the name of Allah (Subhanahu wa-Ta'ala), in a manner which at least puts his infidelity into doubt.

Add to this what occurred during his hanging, when the Rawafid executioners were taunting him with "Muqtada! Muqtada!". So it was clear that the Shi'ites hated him since he stopped them from making Iraq into a Shi'ite state, which they have now accomplished with the aid of the Crusaders.

There is much in the fact that it occurred around the same time Shi'ites celebrate Ashura and that it occurred close to one of the holiest of all Shi'ite shrines. It becomes clear that the Rafidah Shi'ites have become greatly emboldened by their actions in Iraq and the entire region, and revel in the unprecedented influence they now exercise throughout the region.

Saddam remained firm in the face of all these odds, and warned Muslims about the growing threat of Shi'ite expansionism represented by Iran and noted their hypocrisy when it comes to posing as the "defenders" of the cause of Palestine.

And it was reported that before his final death, Saddam made the shahadah. The important thing to remember about this is that the execution was private and it was videotaped by secret only. So Saddam was a man facing his last minutes and yet he made affirmation of his Iman, the Islamic belief upon which he died.

We judge based upon what's apparent from the individual and the preceding information has convinced me that it is at least very likely - and we have no indication to the contrary - that Saddam Hussein at-Tikriti died a shaheed.

We ask Allah to accept his martyrdom, use his death to waken the virtuous Ahlus-Sunnah Muslims of Iraq, to awaken the wider Ummah to the conspiracies of the enemies of Islam, whether they be from the Zionists, Crusaders, or the Rafidah.

May Allah admit Saddam into the ranks of the other shuhadaa who died in the Jihad for Iraq, including our martyred shuyookh Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi and Abu Anas as-Shaami - may Allah have mercy upon them all. May Allah admit them into the widest reaches of Jannah and make them an inspiration for the Muslim youth. Ameen!

And Allah (Subhanahu wa-Ta'ala) knows best.

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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 05, 2012
Islam is very clear on this point - only God decides who goes to heaven. Saddam is definitely not promised heaven under any interpretation of Islam (anti-Muslim blogger version aside, of course).

As a Muslim, my view is that Saddam is destined for hell for the sins he committed - but ultimately we don't know and God decides, and God is just. Saddam did not die as a Martyr (he didn't die for religious reasons) and therefore will be judged like all other human beings.

Unlike the similar question posed to eh about Adolf Hitler - Muslims aren't guaranteed heaven if they repent and accept a faith before dying.

It appears to my reading that if Hitler (or indeed Saddam) had sincerely accepted Christ as saviour moments before their respective deaths, Christians would believe both are in heaven. This is in contrast with Islam - even if both had sincerely became Muslim before dying, they would not be guaranteed heaven under Islamic teachings - it would only count as one good deed that will be taken into account on the day of judgement.

Thanks for raising this thread eh - it does serve to contrast a fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity.

(I have warned you about checking with Muslims first before you post your opinion about Islamic theology and misinterpretations of Hadith etc. )


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 05, 2012
"If a person's last words are Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, Paradise will be guaranteed for him."

Narrated by Ahmad, 21529; Abu Dawood, 3116; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa' al-Ghaleel, 687
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
Now, what did I tell you about embarrassing yourself with blogger-only interpretations of Islam? Have you come across a Muslim who believes that Saddam is in heaven because they take this Hadith literally, or is only your Christian bloggers who believe this to be the case?

You get yourself into enough trouble running away from questions about the Bible and should know better than to tell Muslims what Islam actually teaches about who gets to Heaven or not. Ask a Muslim, not a random blogger.

But what is very interesting is that you're not disputing the Christian position that Hussein and Hitler would be in heaven if they accepted Christ sincerely before they died - you're seemingly trying to imagine that Islam has a similar theology. Sorry, but it doesn't. Just ask any Muslim and they'll put you straight.

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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
Just to add what shaf said, they are not guarrantted heaven, God is just. But to my understanding many will come out of hell after spending time there. So everyone goes to hell doesn't necessarily stays in hell forever. God will do everything justly. The only unforgivable sin in Islam is shirk.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein in Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
Now, what did I tell you about embarrassing yourself with blogger-only interpretations of Islam? Have you come across a Muslim who believes that Saddam is in heaven because they take this Hadith literally, or is only your Christian bloggers who believe this to be the case?

I take it you didn't read the article or the two links I posted.

you're seemingly trying to imagine that Islam has a similar theology. Sorry, but it doesn't. Just ask any Muslim and they'll put you straight.

Muslims who read the hadith I quoted would believe otherwise.

So everyone goes to hell doesn't necessarily stays in hell forever. God will do everything justly. The only unforgivable sin in Islam is shirk.

Non-Muslims will spend an eternity in hell but Muslims are guaranteed heaven.

Martyrs, Koran memorizers and those who recite the shahada before death are guaranteed straight entry to Paradise.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
Nucleus wrote:The only unforgivable sin in Islam is shirk.
Poor Hindus... :)
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
DFT , I don't know the outcome of each individual, even in our courts where there is a clear punishment for something the outcome is not same in every case. But that is the unforgivable sin, the rule in Islam, aside from individual circumtances.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
event horizon wrote:Muslims who read the hadith I quoted would believe otherwise.

Again, don't believe what your blogger friends tell you about Islam - ask the Muslims. Produce one Muslim that agrees with you on this point. Otherwise you should stick to answering questions about the Bible.

Thanks again eh for not denying this fundamental difference between your faith, Christianity, and Islam. You don't deny that Saddam and Hitler would be considered in Heaven by Christians if they had accepted Christ sincerely just before they died. This concept does not exist in Islam.

Because you believe in this concept of going to heaven just for 'seeing the light' just before death - does not mean you can project this belief onto Muslims.


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein in Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
A human soul must be respected. These people did not respect the human soul. The man was calm and kept his cool. He refused to be blindfolded, and insisted upon facing death with open eyes.. and said the two parts of the shahada....The man died saying: 'There is no God but Allah'....Anybody whose last words are 'There is no God but Allah' goes to Paradise. The thing that improves [the record] of Saddam Hussein is that in his final years – as the brothers in Iraq tell us – he was a changed man. He began to strictly observe the prayers, to read the Quran, and to do charitable work. He would hasten to do anything that may help people. He would help build mosques, and would say that if anybody wants to build a mosque, the government should pay half the cost of the building materials. When they entered his secret hideout and caught him, they found a prayer carpet and an open Quran.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
A Memri quote on Wiki!! Really?

Now, focus on the point raised eh - focus. Are you arguing that your interpretation of Islam is that it is like Christianity on this point - that you agree that Hitler and Saddam would be in heaven if they accepted Christ sincerely before death?

Why do you wish to believe Muslims share this Christian belief that a profession of faith sends one to heaven?


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
Well now here's a quandry, what if heaven and hell don't actually exist? He's in the ground rotting, done, finished - there isn't that much easier?
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
Good point Chocs. Christians and Muslims do believe in Hell and Heaven though.

However, this whole line of reasoning started with a question to Eh about the Christian view about whether Hitler would be considered as sitting in Heaven if he had accepted Christ sincerely before dying. The answer seems to be a simple 'Yes' - but is one of the many, many, many simple questions that eh is cowering away from.


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein in Paradise? Mar 06, 2012
Well, we now know that the Muslim belief is that Saddam Hussein is in Paradise.

A "change of heart" was not required of him to be saved.

He was guaranteed paradise for reciting a few lines.

We can add him to the list of recent shahids - although the other individuals were devout believers and acted in the cause of Islam:

Osama bin Laden
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Saddam Hussein

However, 99% of Muslims who die (unless they recite the shahada at their death bed) do not immediately enter Paradise.

The surest way to Paradise is Koran 9:111 - to die violently in struggle. That means Osama, Hussein and Zarqawi are currently enjoying unlimited pleasure while all other deceased Muslims suffer torments of the grave.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 07, 2012
event horizon wrote:Well, we now know that the Muslim belief is that Saddam Hussein is in Paradise.

This is called wishful thinking at best, and a wilful lie at worst.

Rather than fantasing about the Muslim view - why don't you address the Christian perspective:

the Christian view about whether Hitler would be considered as sitting in Heaven if he had accepted Christ sincerely before dying. The answer seems to be a simple 'Yes' - but is one of the many, many, many simple questions that eh is cowering away from.

Are you ashamed to admit this is the case?


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 07, 2012
This is called wishful thinking at best, and a wilful lie at worst.

What would you call claiming:

Saddam is definitely not promised heaven under any interpretation of Islam (anti-Muslim blogger version aside, of course).

Muslims aren't guaranteed heaven if they repent and accept a faith before dying.

I make statements on same basis of fact.

Your statements are based on opinion.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 08, 2012
Your beliefs about Islam are based on nothing more solid than anti-Muslim blogger fantasies.

Your avoidance of the questions on your faith is just pure cowardice.


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein in Paradise? Mar 08, 2012
Your beliefs about Islam are based on nothing more solid than anti-Muslim blogger fantasies.

Now what did I tell you about wishful thinking?

I've provided Muslim texts and teachings showing the Muslim belief regarding Paradise and reciting a "death-bed" confession.

All you've done is provide an incorrect opinion of what Islam teaches.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 08, 2012
Thanks for sharing your views on a religion you believe is false.

Why avoid telling us what Christianity teaches on the subject?


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein in Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
When someone converts to Islam, God forgives all of his previous sins and evil deeds. A man called Amr came to the Prophet Muhammad and said, “Give me your right hand so that I may give you my pledge of loyalty.” The Prophet stretched out his right hand. Amr withdrew his hand. The Prophet said: {What has happened to you, O Amr?} He replied, “I intend to lay down a condition.” The Prophet asked: {What condition do you intend to put forward?} Amr said, “That God forgive my sins.” The Prophet said: {Didn’t you know that converting to Islam erases all previous sins?}
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
shafique wrote:Thanks for sharing your views on a religion you believe is false.

Why avoid telling us what Christianity teaches on the subject?

So, what is your view - would Hussein and Hitler be in heaven if moments before death they both sincerely accepted Christ, or not?

There's no need for me to repeat what Muslims believe (as opposed to what you think Muslims believe).

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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
There's no need for me to repeat what Muslims believe (as opposed to what you think Muslims believe).

I've quoted what Muslims believe and what Muslim texts say left and right in this thread.

This isn't what I think Muslims believe but what you imagine Islam teaches.
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
I understand what you believe Muslims think - you've been very clear. But I suggest you stick to questions about Christianity - you seem to be also confused over what the Bible teaches - and that perhaps explains why you're so willing to accept what anti-Muslim bloggers tell you.

So, what is your view - would Hussein and Hitler be in heaven if moments before death they both sincerely accepted Christ, or not?


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
I understand what you believe Muslims think

You must be confusing the texts of Islam and Muslim beliefs I've quoted in this thread with my belief.

I can assure you the beliefs I posted belonged to Yusuf Qaradawi and other Muslims.

According to what Muslim scripture says, not your belief, is Saddam Hussein in Paradise or hell?
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
shafique wrote:So, what is your view - would Hussein and Hitler be in heaven if moments before death they both sincerely accepted Christ, or not?

I refer you to my first post which addresses the Muslim (as opposed to anti-Muslim blogger) opinion on the subject.

Now, what is your view from the Christian perspective? You can run, but you can't hide.


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
So is Yusuf Qaradawi less of a Muslim than you?

His opinion directly contradicts what you said Muslims believe.

Is he wrong or are you?
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
shafique wrote:So, what is your view - would Hussein and Hitler be in heaven if moments before death they both sincerely accepted Christ, or not?
shafique wrote:Now, what is your view from the Christian perspective? You can run, but you can't hide.

I do not agree with your anti-Muslim blogger interpretation of Islam based on Memri translations - that has been made clear so many times in the past. Let's address your Christian views.


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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
Are the links I provided in the OP and second page "memri specials"?

When someone converts to Islam, God forgives all of his previous sins and evil deeds. A man called Amr came to the Prophet Muhammad and said, "Give me your right hand so that I may give you my pledge of loyalty." The Prophet stretched out his right hand. Amr withdrew his hand. The Prophet said: {What has happened to you, O Amr?} He replied, "I intend to lay down a condition." The Prophet asked: {What condition do you intend to put forward?} Amr said, "That God forgive my sins." The Prophet said: {Didn't you know that converting to Islam erases all previous sins?}
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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
Why the wriggling and avoidance of your faith eh? You're not going to convince anyone that your blogger-only view of Islam is the correct one...

So, let's hear what your view is (I think it is quite clear that you want to show that Islam agrees with your view about Salvation.. when in reality it doesn't).

So, what is your view - would Hussein and Hitler be in heaven if moments before death they both sincerely accepted Christ, or not?

(My patience is stronger than yours - you can run but you can't hide)

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Re: Is Saddam Hussein In Paradise? Mar 09, 2012
Why the wriggling and avoidance of your faith eh? You're not going to convince anyone that your blogger-only view of Islam is the correct one...

That's why I quoted Muslims in this thread.

Who is wrong about Saddam going to Paradise - you or the Muslims I quoted?
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