In Respond To Israel And Lebanon Post...

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In respond to israel and lebanon post... Aug 07, 2006

this post is to nick81, as the other post was filled, i'll open this and please, let's not discuss the things that you discussed again in this one, as i would like to highlight some stuff in here...

nick81, ana konet 7abeb a7ky bel 3araby, bas mo3dam el nas ma befhamo 3araby hoon fa 3ashan heek khaleena nektebha english ba3ed iznak.

khayyeh, Hizb Allah is now a plague? ente lebnany? i doubt it man! yeah i guess REALLY most of your childhood was spent in fear, that's why you are a coward then!

i'm Sunnih, and Palestinian, and lived in palestine all my life except one year and a half, and i never ever said that Hamas is a plague! ma 3ajabny el wade3 so i got out! and i'm working here in emirates, but to come and say stuff about the resistance in my country? this's cheap dude!.

this's a part, but when you said this
Poor Palestinians? Yeah. Israel is to blame for everything? Maybe. But why do we have to pay the price EVERY SINGLE time
that just made things esclate for me! what price are YOU and when i say you i mean ONLY YOU are paying? NOTHING, and what price is lebanon paying to Palestinians? remind me please! and Israel is not the one to blame? cool man! what's next? Israel has the right to bomb Palestine and Lebanon? yeah sure, it's normal for you, you know why i care? because i'm an Arab! and a Muslim too, i'll care for Palestine, Lebanon, Libya, all arab and muslim countries! i'll care for them all, this's the least i can do when we can't fight cuz when there are no guns and if there are guns no leaders and if there are leaders they are bought by Israel and USA!

dude wake up! this's what israel wants you to believe, this's what they want you to say, "F*** Hizb Allah, They are Khawan" i don't know you! and i never meant to step on your toes or to say any bad thing to you and this's not my intention, i did this post because really you said some stuff you shouldn't say, think about what you say next time.

w bardo, even if hizb allah took those two soldiers, why don't israel bomb hizb allah? do they have to bomb all lebanon? i have so many friend who are lebanese, men traplos la 7ata el b2a3, w they are closer than brothers, some are christians some are muslims, i never ever heard anyone saying anything about hizb allah!... ofcourse except el khawan ele ba3o el 2adyeh 3ashan el dollar, mesh 3am balame7 ma tkhaf, wala 3am basame3 7aky.

get israelies out of your country, then deal with hizb allah if hizb allah is annoying you that much.

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Aug 07, 2006
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it contains abusive language and is not written in English

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