One section of their site that I'm currently going through are religious restrictions in the world today - government and social hostilities (think mob violence in Pakistan or suicide bombings against churches in Egypt).
In both categories, the Muslim world (Middle East and North Africa) lead the way, ahead of even Asia which is filled to the brim with communist and cult of personality dictatorships.
Having read up on the progression of law in the Muslim world - where most countries in the Muslim world have been influenced by Napoleonic code (Egypt, North Africa, Turkey) or English common law (or both), very few Muslim majority nations are actually purely Islamic (the Ottoman empire never was). One exception is Saudi Arabia.
The Muslim narrative is that Muslim majority nations promoted tolerance and equality between the faiths. But most of the Muslim majority nations that discriminate on religion today do so on the basis of sharia - regulations against Church building, apostasy from Islam, prohibiting open displays of Christianity, restrictions on proselytizing, blasphemy laws, etc., are all based off of pure Islamic law, not secular law, obviously.
Simply put, if the sharia elements of law in Muslim countries were swept away, Muslim majority countries taken as a whole would be far more tolerant.
Far from stagnating or retrograding, as the claims/excuses go, Muslim countries have actually progressed in regards to the introduction of positive law ('man-made', or Western derived, in this case) into their systems of governance (however, Muslim countries have never fully secularized or progressed nearly as fast as the West/rest of the world).
This is, of course, the inconvenient fact that apologists wish to cover for when advocating the mythical historical tolerance of Islam. But the proof is in the eating, and one can see how tolerant Islamic law truly is in the present day. Hence, Westerners are right for being skeptical of any claims to the contrary: ... ent.aspx#2