This post or question is not to hurt anyone's feelings or shackle anyone's faith, its just some random thoughts raised from experiences in life and thinking beyond. Religions and economic divide, 2 most imp things that r braking the world into pieces.
The Good and the Bad
I wouldnt say that any popular religion is bad or they teach wrong, because they all were formed to make this world a better place and educate its people about moral values. But in doing so it has lost its purpose... reasons, world grew smaller.. and people of different religions came together, they had to interact with each other. then , world started facing issues. and people have been tought and mislead to believe their religion is superior to others'.
The question of a Perfect religion, deepest faith
My arguments are multifaceted, to my understanding, faith and concept of God were created by men to find logic for unanswerable questions and to make human beings stick to moral values as acceptable to the majority of a society. A few good, noble men were catalysts in the structuring of new religions, in doing so they only had good faith and well being of people in mind. And then came the writings and scriptures of religions.
Sacred Books
All the religious books are so enticing and awakening to read. Be it be Quran, Bible or Vedas, Upanishads, and etc etc. All the popular religions believe that their scriptures were not man made or they are the teachings of God. Hindus believe that the Vedas are 'apaurusheya' (not human compositions) like wise the belief of other religions. An open mind can understand that these rules of life, teachings of God, rode to a good society were all created long, long back in time. Just as everything else in life, change has to happen to everything. To people's viewing of these scripts as well. Most of the concepts in these sacred texts are written in the form of parables, which were a very common and effective way of expressing ideas and educating the seekers in the era of face - to - face education or oral tradition. But sadly, trying to understand the written text and taking its meaning as it seems is the most common mistake followed by masses. Even if u give your time to understand what is meant by a parable, you would miss many a things due to the fact that these scriptures were written at a different time. and most of the teachings are dependent and concerned to that time. Due these reasons, religious scripts or for that matter most of the dated scripts are open to be interpreted and understood in many different ways, often only helping the reader to get the wrong message.
God and Religions
Sometimes, I feel sad for the fate of world. Ask about God to people of different faith, u'll know that most of them fail to understand the core concept of religions. These are the teachings of ways to reach God. But God as such is omnipotent, or to my belief is in everything, everywhere, in u and me.. everything in the universe. Again it may differ with an 's' in differnt faiths.. everything is GOD's or Everything is GOD. I believe God and Universe are the same. or just like I read from a book called mustard seed, the concept of God is like a mustard seed. the tiniest seed u can spot with naked eyes, yet it grows into such a big plant. If someone who had not seen a mustard seed comes and digs to see the mustard seed anywhere in the roots or branches, he'll only be disappointed. Faith in God, again a personal choice, is similar to that story. If people understand that Mr. Bush being addressed as Bushy.. by his friends, or as Booboo by his grandchildren or as Big.B by some dic, doesnt make him a different person. Its just the different names for the same reality.
Problems with religious Faiths
Performing rituals and following a faith should be strictly by choice. It shouldnt be forced up on to anyone. Politics, ruling and religions should never be mixed. Religions shouldnt promote such faiths and rituals that separate people from the society. They must try to unite in every possible way. In appearance, social life and approach.
Give freedom,education and love to the younger generation. Who knows, we may see yet another prophecy.