-What is Ramadan?
A month where Muslims fast. <I have no idea what to add to that>
-Why do we fast?
1)To master patience.
2)To appreciate what god has given us, instead of demanding for more.
3)To feel the hunger and yearning of those who are less fortunate than us.
4)To try out the sinless life (Since we can't sin when we fast)
-How do we fast?
1)We don't just forbid ourselves from the edibles, we also forbid ourselves from committing sin.
2)You probably all know, we can't drink, we can't eat, we can't smoke, we can't swear, or commit any harmful or ewwy act
3)We begin our fasting from al-farj prayer (4:30am) all the way to magrib (7:00pm)
If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you still think Ramadan is stupid then that's your choice, I tried my best to divert your perspective.