The words of the Quran speak in 19:64, saying, "We come down in accordance with the commandments of your Lord. To Him belongs the past, present, and the future. Your Lord never forgets." God did not forget, for example, to tell us how to sleep (18:109, 31:27). Yet, the fabricators of such false doctrine as Hadith & Sunna have come up with religious teachings dictating to their followers how to sleep, and even how to cut your nails.
In this work, I have outlined the reasons, which lead to the conclusion that the true Sunnah (or way) of the Messenger of Islam is to follow the Book, known as al-Qur’an (The Recitation/Proclamation). Part of this book is designed to respond to the main arguments posed by some Muslims for following other books in addition to the Qur'an for religious guidance. The main reason the majority of Muslims today insist on following other books is the age old human sickness of leaving the revealed Book of Allah “behind their backs”, and blindly following the teachings of their ancestors.
I would like to ask about this PATH outlined above as it is how I view Islam.
I am not a Muslim (yet) because I refuse the 'last prophet' thing as well as the form of Sunnah practiced widely .
What do you folks think about Qur'an; The Only Sunnah