... comparison
Its a bit long, but once you start reading it will take u to finish it ...
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
angel32 wrote:Well,
Quran is best way to get success in your whole life.
You can get guidance about every field of life from it.
angel32 wrote:Well,
Quran is best way to get success in your whole life.
You can get guidance about every field of life from it.
Bethsmum wrote:You will even get lessons in English from an Egyptian!
Mahmoud04 wrote:Bethsmum wrote:You will even get lessons in English from an Egyptian!
I am touched aunty
is there difficulties in understanding as well
you being the one offering English lessons.
Mahmoud04 wrote:you being the one offering English lessons.
u mean the other thread! but it wasn't a lesson, it was something else of course,
but u know its good u still remember school, "anty ra`aa, 'aunty' "....
Mahmoud04 wrote:you are =anty
aunty= aunty... `amma or khala
I knew I will have to say it twice
Mahmoud04 wrote:Why is it in the past! So what google translated sounds arabic to u!
What u brought says, u were a wonderful aunt.
Btw aunt in arabic has more then a word, there is one for mother's sisters, and another term for father's sister.
What I sent to u, was how it should sound, unless u read arabic letters! I doubt.
Mahmoud04 wrote:I have to agree with u aunty. Of course I don't have a right or wrong reason, but I do what is easier for me as long as ppl get it, if they don't then definitely will change.
Could be also the use of chat! Bb!sms! U know generations differences, isn't is!, doesn't Beth do it!
About using english letters and numbers to write arabic, really don't know, I write with arabic letters sometimes but I think I just go with what's easier, sometimes its faster, sometimes not. No real reason.
Mahmoud04 wrote:All respect to aunty BM, but I don't see standards in it, its not a business email, forums, chat, sms, bb is where we do what is easy and quick.
And again I believe I sms and bbm different generations than u talk with.
I guess many new terms and slangs has been added to languages in the past few decades, what do u think!
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