Ode To Dubya

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Ode to Dubya Dec 09, 2006
Ode to Dubya

by David Glick

This poem was written in the belly of the beast,
dedicated to those on the margins, those who have the least.
I didn't outsource a single word or rhyme,
as one might expect in this crazy profit-driven time.

No foreign labor was employed,
no third world economy destroyed.
All words constructed here at home,
lest American capital abroad should roam.

There was no Mexican or Haitian exploitation,
'cause I was content to simply use my own imagination.
An American-made poem through and through,
revealing capitalism's cruelty so undeniably true.

Shopping malls, urban sprawl, reality TV,
the pale lifeless culture of American democracy.
People driving Hummers while soldiers die for oil,
cause me to rant and rave and make my blood boil.

The rich getting richer day by day,
while workers labor for declining pay.
Corporations metastasize, enlarging their share,
while workers struggle just to keep their health care.

Homeless people begging in the street,
hungry for a job and something to eat.
Disposable people in a heartless nation,
might someday lead to a tragic conflagration.

Driving while black is a serious crime,
but crooked CEOs never seem to do time.
And what sense does it make to cut funds for family planning,
while railing against abortions and calling for their banning?

People marching worldwide demanding their say,
so we'd best get to steppin' or there's gonna be hell to pay.
The job of corporate media is to ignore and conceal,
but we all know what's going on, we all know what's real.

Our President wears cowboy boots and thinks he's cool,
but this macho wannabe is a dangerous fool.
He's terrified of that jive 9/11 Commission,
fearful they might stumble upon a hint of suspicion.

Now banana Clarke was angry and laid it out,
causing George Dubya to fuss and shout.
So the Prez told Condi go and testify,
but be damn sure to filibuster, obfuscate and mystify.

But when the Prez sat down to chat with the Commission,
he had Cheney by his side to ensure the truth's omission.
No recordings were allowed, no notes could be taken,
lest the nation's trust in Dubya would be shaken.

Invading Iraq for oil and empire,
any fool could have told you was sure to backfire.
It was neo-con madness of the highest measure,
driven by their lust for power and treasure.

Bush believes he's waging a messianic crusade,
which he thought would be greeted by cheers and a parade.
His reckless Middle East policy foments rage against the West,
from which I fear long memories will grant us little rest.

These are frightening times and that's for sure,
there's only one remedy, only one cure.
Ain’t no time for fussing and crying,
'cause we got that sick mother up there lying.

Mini nukes and depleted uranium,
must be something loose in his cranium.
Disposable soldiers and children dying,
can't he hear Mother Earth is crying.

He doesn't give a damn about global warming,
even though the climate it is deforming.
And as for the International Criminal Court,
he was so eager to abort.

"No Child Left Behind" sounded good on paper,
but it was just another clever White House caper.
And instead of allocating money for the AIDS pandemic,
cutting taxes for the rich was simplyacademic.

For Bush salvation comes through Christ alone,
so how explain his love affair with Ariel Sharon?
Their unlikely friendship couldn't be stranger,
but the hatred each has wrought has put the world in danger.

Dubya's lies and hypocrisy know no shame,
but his arrogant religion he's quick to proclaim.
Talk of the rapture and Armageddon,
scares me witless 'cause I know where we're headin'.

He talks with the assurance of God in heaven,
but what about his role in 9/11?
He trashed our Bill of Rights and our Constitution,
so we'd best get down and figure a solution.

Compassionate conservatism--a bold-faced lie,
so what if the poor have to grovel, starve and die.
Talking democracy while stealing an election,
we need a new president and a new direction.

David Glick
May 24, 2004
Copyright 2004

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