Nuclear Iran

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Nuclear Armed Iran, what do you think?

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Nuclear Iran May 09, 2005
Since the UAE is practically a stone throw away from the Islamic Republic of Iran, I thought it would be interesting to ask.

How do you guys feel about a nuclear armed Iran? :?

I made my views known in another post (from Florence to Dubai)... I didn't make a detailed overview of my thoughts because I want some feedback before I delve into this subject in greater detail.

Thanks guys for a CIVILIZED discussion... :!:

Dubai Forums Zealot
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May 09, 2005
Allowing Iran nuclear weapons would be like giving an angry bearded baby a shotgun and letting him play with all the other kiddies!

NO, get rid of the Islamic regime Dictatorship and maybe then...
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May 10, 2005
Glory wrote:Allowing Iran nuclear weapons would be like giving an angry bearded baby a shotgun and letting him play with all the other kiddies!

NO, get rid of the Islamic regime Dictatorship and maybe then...

GLORY SHUT UP! I mean calm down too much excitation is bad for ur baby :lol: Yes I would love for that country to have nukes so spies like Bazooka who is an Iranina Emirati could go there and steal the blue print and make one ourselves in Emirates. But wait a min.... Where are we gonna test it? MMMM YESSSSSSSSS! We are gonna test on the Emirati islands occupied by Iranians. Let they be the first matyrs of Islamic bomb! :lol:
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May 10, 2005
Most of the Iranians I have met dont believe in Islam and tell me Islam is religion of Arabs. They do everything i know of smoke hashish, dis dis, weed, gamble etc. And they hate the government of Iran and told moi they have loads of brothels in Iran.
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Jun 01, 2005
I dont know too much about Iran cept for what they say in the media(which I am sure is biased). But I dont think anyone else should have nukes. There is a thing called mutually assured destruction that happened between the US and the USSR for so many years. I pretty much means NOBODY wins in a nuke war. All Iran needs is a little Christ :lol: in their lives....
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 01, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:All Iran needs is a little Christ :lol: in their lives....

Go tell the mullahs that :)

Seriously, I think that nobody needs to have the bomb. But since the US and Israel (as well as other nations) have it, then its only logical for deterrence that Iran get it if it wants to.

The US and Israel and the Europeans should ask Iran and North Korea to stop everything if they as well as the Indians, Pakistanis, and Chinese cease and desist from all nuclear weapon related acitivities and missils and active HW.

If not, then they should shuttup because they started the buildup first!
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jun 02, 2005
Good point, but that all came about from the Cold War. They are taking steps to reduce this number of nukes, but it is a sensitive issue for all concerned. Now you have to admit that Iran and North Korea arent the most stable and best run countries in the world, and it is a terrifying to everyone that they need nukes too. The world should learn from the Cold War that it just doesnt really make sense at all to have them.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 02, 2005
No nukes I agree.

PS - The BBC reported a few weeks ago that the States is way behind implementing its reduction obligations.
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Jun 03, 2005
Of course not, crazy fookers like Iran are starting shit!!!!!!!!

G Dubya aint gonna let that shit slide.

Our there will be enough to deal with any problems that make arise, but not en-masse like during the Cold War
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Jun 14, 2005
Ok so u guyz think tht iran and korea shud stop there work on nuclear arms. Bu shi*

I think iran and korea shud get nuclear weapons. If US and israel 2 of the maddest nations in the world can hav nuclear weapons then y not other countries like iran hav it.

U all are forgetting tht US has used tht weapon on Japan and will never hesitate to use it again on any country. Other than the nuclear weapons it still has bombs tht are almost equal to the nuclear. the heavy bombs tht they used in afghanistan like the diasy cutter and hydrogen bombs etc. y do we forget all tht. US is and so is israel a dangerous country who hav terrorized the whole world. US has thousands of nuclear warheads.

Iran Having a nucleaar bomb is 100 times in safer hands than in US and israel.

I think pakistan and iran should share the nuclear weapons with other poor african nations and arab countries. So tht one can counter the US and israel who are on a mission to conquer and occupy the world illegaly.
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Jun 14, 2005
I agree with and support Ady fully on his latest declaration. We need counterweight...
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Jun 14, 2005
It's talk like that, that makes it hard for the US to get rid of any of its nukes. Until they decide to use them, which in light of Iran and N. Korea getting ahold of them, is a very good idea.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 15, 2005
Oh like they were doing a good job getting rid of nukes in the first place....

And that is the only country to use them twice on humans... F$#king bastards...

And I hope Al Qaeda gets a dirty bomb. The next time the US uses depleted uranium on an arab or islamic nation like the did countless times recently in Afganistan and Iraq, let Al Qaeda set one off in LA, NY, Miami or any other city and see how we feel...
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Jun 15, 2005
That depleted uranium is a far stretch from nuking a whole city. That shit is used for the tips to penetrate armour and bunkers, not nuke whole damned cities. And it's primarily against aggresive targets. Unlike the MUSLIM suicide bomber, who killed 19 OTHER INNOCENT MUSLIMS in Kirkuk while they were waiting to cash their checks. What was the point or honor in that???????
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 15, 2005
There is no point to the madness in Iraq that was started by the Americans propping President Hussein simply because he didn't like Iran...
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Jun 15, 2005
If US can have it then y not others. Its a free world. Everyone has the right. Live n let live. US shhud mind its own business.

US always keeps on barking. They irritate me so much.

They use such bombs in afghan n iraq withot any hesitation. fu**krs are so coward. They fite from miles away n frm the air. Come to the ground n fite like real man. Then they wil know wat a real fite is.

If u say they used it to penerate bunkers and armor. then i m sure it gives every country a green signal tht they can also use it on US wen they attack them. N they can use such weapons to penetrate there bunkers in which ur president n other people will hide. :lol:
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Jun 15, 2005
You are a confused and unarticulate individual. Liban and I argue about everything but it usually has valid points and spelling. I respect him and what he says, you on the other hand just seem to spout off angry comments without looking at them from an objective point of view. Study and read some more, then come back and talk with the grown folk.

Have a nice day.

Pump Escoloa!!!!
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 15, 2005
Oh how sweet... I am touched!! :occasion7:
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Jun 15, 2005
It's really hard trying to keep this in fight club, F$&^%!!!!!! :lol:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 15, 2005
You can say that again... I keep resisting the urge to say something evil... :twisted:

But I won't... At least not here bro... :)
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