the message board for Dubai English speaking community
and addressed your question about whether it was sensible or not to send soldiers to accompany a military commander and his entourage of armed men. What was unclear about my answer?
The spin of presenting a military commander and his soldiers as 'unarmed diplomats' and a group of soldiers as 'assassins' is another fascinating example of an anachronistic orientalist fantasy which relies on ignoring information.
anachronistic orientalist fantasy
backed it up with only selective quotes and have failed to address the fact that my quotation in full exposes your spin for what it is
I really can't help you if you insist on characterising a military commander and his troops as 'unarmed diplomats' and refuse to provide any new evidence for this spin.
All I did was post a fuller description of the incident and expose the fact your version is spun to characterise a military commander and his entourage as 'unarmed diplomats' and the Muslim soldiers as 'assassins'.
I understand this is unsettling for you, but I quoted the extract in full (without doctoring) and even gave you a link to the book it came from.
You may not want to accept you've been spun a tale, but I really can't see why I need to spend any more time on this until you find some new information that backs up your view.
that's your imagination running overtime.
Gabriel doesn't call Usayr an 'unarmed diplomat' - that's your spin. (Although, I suspect you've just copied this from an I-spy-book-of-Orientalism website
Therefore, by my reckoning I've more than matched (if not exceeded) the standards you've practiced and have repeatedly invited you to provide some new evidence.
I responded to Gabriel's short quote with a longer, fuller quotation. My work is done - as I've exposed that your belief is based on a selective reading of history.
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