I think the main reason for the banning of headscarves was to prevent prejudice. It is deemed too visible a sign of one's religion and could cause problems in a mixed-religion, mixed-cultural setting.
The solution to keep "safety" in a multi-cultural society, is to force one unique group of people to look like the majority?? I fail to see the logic.
Really, it is more for the protection of the Muslims wearing them, because it seems that France is aware that too much visibility of Islam could stir up problems with the non-Islamic citizens - probably the ones with long French ancestry who might feel threatened about an increasing group of immigrants from a different religious background
This is your interpretation, but I disagree.... They banned the headscarf to protect muslims? Muslims don't really need protection, they are a big and thriving sector of French society.
What you're basically saying that instead of educating the "original" french (are you implying that a "new" french is less of a citizen?) about tolerance, the solution would be to ban muslims from practicing their religion?
If the french have allowed immigrants under the premise of eqaulity and secularism, then they should maintain their promise.
I belive that this ruling is unfair if Christians and Jews and people of other religions are allowed to wear symbols of their faith.
Wearing a cross or the star of david is not a religious duty. Headscarf is.
I understand that some European countries who had a homogenous culture for hundreds and hundreds of years are struggling with immigration and cultural issues
I'm a European (Of a pure Scandinavian lineage). Nevertheless, my motto has always been : "You can't change the rules of the game, once it has begun"
It's criminal to allow people in, promising them freedom of practice and equality, then discriminate against them and FORCE them to integrate when you clearly think of them as less than you are.
I think a solution is to stop immigration to Europe. I mean the initial reason was rebuilding after WW2, and that has long ended, so closing down the doors of immigration -because society can't take it- is more fair than screweing the ones you already have.
Just my two cents