Materialism Challenge#1

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Materialism Challenge#1 Dec 18, 2006
This is an excerpt from Islamic Concept of Prophethood by one of my favourite scholars Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi. It shows how the life of Moses is a challenge to the Materialistic Outlook. The reason why materialistic outlook is dangerous is because it makes life look like only cause and effects without acknowledging that there is a Creator who is not dependent on these laws. Yet, you will also see those people who believe in God but are materialistically inclined make God devoid of his rightful attributes of being All Powerful etc because their sight revolves only on the law of cause and effect.

Life of Moses- Challenge to Materialistic Outlook

The life story of Moses is a bold challenge to the materialistic view which considers causes and effects to be the only law. (For example, an individual does a computer engineering degree with the aspiration of getting a computer engineer job. Does this always happen? Wrong! Its destiny determined by God that decides what that individual will work as. There are numerous examples of this case.)

The story of Moses puts those confused who cannot see beyond the causative forces.
Prophet Moses is born in sad times, dark and gloomy, which has enveloped Bani Israel completely leaving no escape or ray of hope; the present is dark and future is bleak; the ranks of Bani Israel are getting thinner and resources depleting; their people are outraged and treated with indignity by the rulers who take pleasure in tyranny; without any refuge or protection.
THESE are the circumstances where Moses is born. Pharaoh tries that Moses should not come into the world, yet he is born; Pharaoh wants that he should not remain alive, yet he lives in a wooden chest floating on the waters of river Nile. Moses is brought up in the lap of his enemy and is protected by the same person who is thirsty for his blood. (i.e. Pharaoh’s household)

Dubai Forums Member
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