Some muslim guy in a post said," Where is the next hitler to kill the jews again?" .
Even though alot of things about Israel, killing, etc etc have been going off on both sides. I would answer this question as "hopefully NEVER EVER"
Yes we have differences, Yes we hate each other but never to wish something as bad as hitler would stand upon them. World War 2 was the bloodiest war in history. Millions of innocent people died, Nazis blamed jews for problems as an excuse
Even though most muslims hate jews I wish they would never think about such a thing happening again.
Families parted,
children from their mothers.
the death camp where millions of jews were burned after their death.
stripped off and had to walk 100 miles to the border in rain and snow.
humiliation, torture...its sad only a demon would be happy to see this...
"If you feather us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
- William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
All humans are same, we should accept each other for who they are, It is true somethings will not go back to normal after all the blood is spill but then why drag this blood longer while we can fix things right, love each other.
Even though im not a muslim,jew or a christian, infact its not even my place, but we shouldnt create differences, it encourages demons like hitler to do repeat such a thing , if stand up for each other's religion. Hope their faith in their religion stays on and we wish the best for others.
Christians, Jews & Muslims, our community has some bad people in one time or another, we cant blame each other but unite and eliminate the hate.
peace be with you