The Religious Affairs Minister has called for suicide attacks. Now Iran is stepping up. All the time Bush and his 'doomsday prophecy' crew are rubbing there hands at the emerging vision they have been waiting for, sizing up an attack on Tehran.
Israel is planning attacks on Gaza.
Iraq is still going to pot (80 people killed in a mosque attack yesterday). 7 Children killed in US attacks in Afghanistan.
Governments have lost it. Religous power has lost it
The best hope we have is that we don't all wipe each other out. And then we can start again without need for moral frameworks dictated by religious texts and without being product slaves to capitalist corrupt corporations and democratic imperialism.
The past few years have shown that maybe Mayans were a lot smarter then originally anticipated. Religious war is coming again, but this time it won't be hand wielded weapons it will be WMD's.
As for me I am off to costa rica