I have nothing against Palastinian and i support them 100% in their war for liberation of their land...but we muslims need to stop ignoring other parts of the world that need our help more than Palastine right know...Example the natural disaster that has claimed 3000+ people in Indonesia, the femine, war, genocide that has claimed at least 50000+, and many other parts of the world were we muslims ignore fellow muslims who need our help more than the Palastinians. Palastine is important...but it has also become excuse for rich Arab leaders like the onese in Gulf to help other poor muslims who are in worse condition than the Palastinians..
For onese lets talk about how to help the earthquake victimese in Indonesia... close to million refugees chased out their homes in Darfur... How to help the poor people in Kashmire...how to help femine stricken muslims in Chad and East Africa...