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A64Venice wrote:freza wrote:arniegang wrote:I too have watched this video. I have to say he gave them a run for thier money.
GG, you either love him or hate him - personally i think we need more MP's like him prepared to stand up and actually say what they think.
I will let you into a little secret. I happen to know personally a very very senior figure currently back in the Whitehouse, but works for the US Govt in UAE.
In confidence he has told me that the VAST majority on Capitol Hill actually disagree with Bush, but no one like Galloway is prepared to stand up and say so.
I firmly believe the same exists with our own MP's in the UK.
I would love to know who that US government figure is...
The US Democratic party has let itself go - it's become servile and has reduced itself to something that is undistinguishable from the mainstream Republican party. So one can't expect much from the "moderate" Republicans themselves. The Neo-cons hold way too much power and control, despite their enormous blunders. I've read that a recent power struggle has emerged involving the most die-hards of Neo-Cons and other Republicans and that even Condi Rice is slowly being undermined. I don't know how much of this is true though...
Yeah, in the US Congress and in US politics in general, there is currently no one that even comes close to Galloway's methods of standing up for the truth in such a defiant way and without fear. It's really too bad.
Thats true, the red-neck republicans are in power till atleast the next us election. They represent conservative american's stance for an aggresive foreign policy with complete disregard for any other nation's opinion or values, except for Israel.
Bush is a Jew lover and so was his dad.
nostradamus wrote:A Hizballox-based mortar attack, which fell short of its target in Israel on Sunday and injured three Chinese members of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), has received scant media attention and no reaction from U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Late last month, after four U.N. peacekeepers were killed in an Israeli air strike in southern Lebanon, Annan said he was "shocked and deeply distressed" at the "apparently deliberate targeting" of the outpost.
While information about Sunday's incident was not immediately available from the United Nations in New York, news accounts in China reported that "A Hizballox rocket hit the Chinese contingent headquarters at 11:55 am local time causing three peacekeepers [to be] lightly injured," according to a text report from China's Xinhua News Agency.
yshimy wrote:nostradamus wrote:A Hizballox-based mortar attack, which fell short of its target in Israel on Sunday and injured three Chinese members of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), has received scant media attention and no reaction from U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan.
Late last month, after four U.N. peacekeepers were killed in an Israeli air strike in southern Lebanon, Annan said he was "shocked and deeply distressed" at the "apparently deliberate targeting" of the outpost.
While information about Sunday's incident was not immediately available from the United Nations in New York, news accounts in China reported that "A Hizballox rocket hit the Chinese contingent headquarters at 11:55 am local time causing three peacekeepers [to be] lightly injured," according to a text report from China's Xinhua News Agency.
Plz, noone feed this troll, he doesn't know the difference between a rocket and guided missiles...
Corcovado wrote:first of all thank u arnie for unlocking the thread...
second The News From Lebanon: My younger brother who works for mbc and still in lebanon , he was in Gazye shooting the last massacre by israelis right after the bombing , he told me that he saw a baby torned in half a girl crying for her mom but her mom never answered she was DEAD...
I called my younger brother tonight and when he answered i thought he was someone younger brothers voice changed ,he is older now ,he knows that humanity has lost its glory , he knows that life is cheap , he knows how ugly the world can be... i didnt want my younger brother to change or to know so soon ...he believed in happiness ...My younger brother is OLD NOW....
Corcovado wrote:my parents are coming today from lebanon ... they are on the way now ...i pray they reach safely
Corcovado wrote:my parents are coming today from lebanon ... they are on the way now ...i pray they reach safely
Corcovado wrote:my parents are coming today from lebanon ... they are on the way now ...i pray they reach safely
Corcovado wrote:they are herethank god, and thank u all for ur prayers , i love u all ..THANKS A MILLION xxxx
alexandra wrote:Corcovado wrote:they are herethank god, and thank u all for ur prayers , i love u all ..THANKS A MILLION xxxx
hey...great to hear that corcovado!i am so happy for u
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