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Chocoholic wrote:Sad to say that while there are people who're blood thirsty and wish hatred towards others for whatever reason there will always be conflict.
In my humble opinion, if you oppose peace between nations and encourage destruction, then YOU are part of the problem.
nostradamus wrote:U.S. rushing bunker-busters to Israel
The United States has approved an Israeli request for "accelerated deliveries" of precision-guided air munitions to Israel.
Officials said the Bush administration approved an Israeli request for bunker-buster weapons days after the outbreak of the Hizbullah war on July 12. They said the Israel Air Force concluded that its heavy air strikes on Hizbullah strongholds around Lebanon have been ineffective.
The Joooos will know what to do with these mammas. .... GO JOOOS, GO!
Chocoholic wrote:Also interesting to note that no-one has bothered to mention the fact that the U.S. has just sent a 30 million dollar aid package to -oh - wait for it! The people of LEBANON!
It's all to easy to brand certain people as monsters first and humans last.
While people still let their emotions of hate, anger and revenge get the better of them, situations like this will continue.
Chocoholic wrote:My god, what the hell is your problem!
You're now getting ridiculous. This is exactly what I'm talking about, you're too emotional about the whole thing, you're blinded by your anger and hatred, it's quite sad really that someone can carry such hatred.
It's a shame because I actually thought you were quite sweet the other night, but just goes to show that people show they're true colours when they can hide in a chat room.
I also find it really pathetic that you can't even see when others are trying to help. So maybe the U.S. should tell you to carry no suffering and withdraw their aid, I suppose that would make you happy. But of course you're not suffering are you because YOU are NOT THERE! You're here living it up, singing and drinking and having a laugh! That's what's really sad.
Chocoholic wrote:The DF Peacekeepers!
Well the men don't seem to be getting anywhere, so maybe it does need a womans touch.
Reading through some news stories this morning and at last, people are finally starting to disagree with Mr Bush, who would happily sit back and watch it all implode. Whereas Ms Rice and Lapdog Blair for their faults, actually want a resolution both short and long term.
We can but wait and see.
mraph33 wrote:Maybe we should send the DF moderators with Condoleeza on her Mid-East tour
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