Israel And Lebanon

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Jul 21, 2006
mraph33 wrote:
Lebanese are fleeing to stay alive, Israelis are hiding in bomb shelters. The discrepancy in the number of killed is only because the Israelis are better protected. They are underground while the Lebanese are above ground.

come on mraph33, i would think you are smarter than that. Will you read what you just said. Are you serious ? So the discrepancy has nothing to do with the fact that Israel gets billinons of dollars of military aid from the US which enables it to have the top of the line fighter jets and missiles ? You are trying to tell me this is an equal fight its just that the Israeli civilians are better protected ? i really hope i misunderstood you. BTW, most of the rocket attacks that hit haifa there were no warning sirens so the public didnt have time to go into the shelters.

mraph33 wrote: I hope this conflict ends as soon as possible with a few additional casulties as possible

Me too.

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Jul 21, 2006
sharewadi wrote:It's a sad reflection on humanity that we appear to like leaders who like fighting.

Personally, i was a big believer of the Peace process, and i thought we could negotiate with Israel a peacful resolution and i followed closely every step since 1991. Looking back - and i dont think i am the only one - I saw the negotiations bring nothing of what any Palestinian (or most Arabs) would want for us in a home land. We were offered bits and peices and the world was pressuring us into submission of our rights given to us by the UN. A homeland in the West Bank and Gaza with East Jerusalem the capital and the right of return to the refugees. The peace negotiations got us nowhere near that.

On the other hand i see that Hezbollah has been able to get a unilateral military withdraw from south lebanon. no negotiations, no pressure, no conditions. Hamas did the same thing in Gaza, driving israel out of the strip. This was acheived with armed resistance and inflicting pain on the occupying forces.

Trust me its the Israeli goverment who has given us this impression, it seems like we wont get any conessions unless we fight .. its sad but true. so till proven otherwise i stand firmly behind armed resistance against the occupation.
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Jul 21, 2006
I totally agree with MaaaD.

I was listening yesterday to Ihud Barak talking to Paula zahn on CNN. He was saying "we are living in the Mideast and not the Midwest. It is a region that has no respect for the weak".

Obviously, Israelis are accusing arabs countries of respecting power only. This is in spite the fact that most arab countries are already out of the conflict, and have been talking about peace as a strategic choice for many years now. The one that is still in conflict (Syria), is doing absolutely nothing.

It is obvious that Israel is the country that has the respect-power-only mindset.
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Jul 21, 2006
i am from a town called baalback in lebenon and in one hour they bombed 17 times .. my hometown will never be the same again .. i will go there and all my friends will be gone .. i will walk in baalback streets and i wont see a friendly face ...THEY ARE ALL GONE :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Jul 21, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
mraph33 wrote:
Lebanese are fleeing to stay alive, Israelis are hiding in bomb shelters. The discrepancy in the number of killed is only because the Israelis are better protected. They are underground while the Lebanese are above ground.

come on mraph33, i would think you are smarter than that. Will you read what you just said. Are you serious ? So the discrepancy has nothing to do with the fact that Israel gets billinons of dollars of military aid from the US which enables it to have the top of the line fighter jets and missiles ? You are trying to tell me this is an equal fight its just that the Israeli civilians are better protected ? i really hope i misunderstood you. BTW, most of the rocket attacks that hit haifa there were no warning sirens so the public didnt have time to go into the shelters.

mraph33 wrote: I hope this conflict ends as soon as possible with a few additional casulties as possible

Me too.

The difference between a Katusha and an F-16 is clear. And the difference in firepower between the sides is also clear. I'm not a weapons expert, but it seems to me that even against an F-16 you are safer in a bomb shelter than you are walking outside. There have been no Israeli civilian causalties of people in bomb shelters and there are buildings that have been destroyed.
Regarding the malfunction of the warning sirens, I haven't read about that anywhere. In any case, it doesn't contradict my point.
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Jul 21, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
sharewadi wrote:It's a sad reflection on humanity that we appear to like leaders who like fighting.

Personally, i was a big believer of the Peace process, and i thought we could negotiate with Israel a peacful resolution and i followed closely every step since 1991. Looking back - and i dont think i am the only one - I saw the negotiations bring nothing of what any Palestinian (or most Arabs) would want for us in a home land. We were offered bits and peices and the world was pressuring us into submission of our rights given to us by the UN. A homeland in the West Bank and Gaza with East Jerusalem the capital and the right of return to the refugees. The peace negotiations got us nowhere near that.

On the other hand i see that Hezbollah has been able to get a unilateral military withdraw from south lebanon. no negotiations, no pressure, no conditions. Hamas did the same thing in Gaza, driving israel out of the strip. This was acheived with armed resistance and inflicting pain on the occupying forces.

Trust me its the Israeli goverment who has given us this impression, it seems like we wont get any conessions unless we fight .. its sad but true. so till proven otherwise i stand firmly behind armed resistance against the occupation.

Unfortunately neither side trusts the that's what's show force.
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Jul 22, 2006
i just hope that u people are watching tv and aware of what is going on in lebanon ....Choc...please watch and see and hear and then i know u will change ur views
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Jul 22, 2006
I am watching everyday and reading about it everyday. What is happening to Lebanon and it's people is terrible, but it doesn't change my opinion that it gives you the right to want to destroy an entire nation in retalliation. That would make you no better than them!!! The real strength of people is not to stoop down to the lowest denominator, but to rise above it.
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Jul 23, 2006 ... cities.htm

I don't think any of you is brave enough to go through the whole thing and see what kind of HUMANS Jewish are.


I personally think that most animals will get upset if we call the Jewish animals

And yes, Hitler had his reasons
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Jul 23, 2006
If Choc or I, or anyone else talks about peace and everyone equally deserving a chance to live - you tell us we don't have a clue. That is illogical. I will never support the destruction of any group of people, and I don't really care what anyone thinks about that or my knowledge of the "facts". Genocide is wrong and there are no "facts" that could ever support it.
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Jul 23, 2006
Anlil wrote:And yes, Hitler had his reasons

Second time you've said this.....
Kind of funny because probably you're grandparents were not a blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryians....meaning they would have been burned in the ovens with the Jews, gays, gypsies and everyone else.
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Jul 23, 2006
I respect your view in the conflict; it is nice to call for peace,
But again, my view is different, I don’t think it is possible to make peace with those criminal murderers.
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Jul 23, 2006
Anlil wrote:Kanelli,
I respect your view in the conflict; it is nice to call for peace,
But again, my view is different, I don’t think it is possible to make peace with those criminal murderers.

The sad thing is there are people like you on both sides, as such peace will never be achieved.
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Jul 23, 2006
Exactly Fayz, but they will never admit to being part of the problem.
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Jul 23, 2006
The situation is dark.

I draw parallels with the period in South African history where there seemed no hope for the black South Africans.

We wait for a Nelson Mandela figure - but note that the US and UK viewed him as a terrorist and for years did not advocate for the rights of those whose ancestral land was stolen to be restored.

I cannot envisage a peaceful SA without the blacks being given equality in their own lands.

Currently, one Arab life is clearly not worth the same as any other human life - this situation is only going to widen the rift and make things worse. I cannot in all conciousness tell a suffering Arab that they are wrong to feel hatred and contempt towards Israel and the US, and yes even the UK who I am ashamed to see is going against the will of her people yet again in refusing to call for an immediate ceasefire.

War crimes are being committed in full view of the media - being shown graphically in all Arab media and less graphically in general, but shown never-the-less - and this can only fuel the rage and frustration of anyone with a heart.

And what does the Uk and US do? The US sends more bombs to Israel.

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Jul 23, 2006
It is very frustrating to be a citizen of a country that stands by and watches all the atrocities. I sign petitions and write e-mails to government officials, but I still feel helpless. I'd march here but am afraid to do that in this country - wouldn't hesitate to do it and did do it in other countries. I give money for aid, but that doesn't stop the bombing or help influence the political situation at all.
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Jul 23, 2006
That is another myth, part of the brain wash that is going on, the Jewish and thier lovers trying to convince people that Hitler was going to kill gays gypsies, Asians Africans, Etc.

The fact is different; he actually had treaties with many countries that did not have blond hair and blue eyes. (Italians and Japanese were not Arians)

But we know well how many people trying to change history for the favor of the Jewish cause.

and some people Refuse to admit the source of the problem.
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Jul 23, 2006
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 23, 2006
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Jul 23, 2006
kanelli wrote:It is very frustrating to be a citizen of a country that stands by and watches all the atrocities. I sign petitions and write e-mails to government officials, but I still feel helpless. I'd march here but am afraid to do that in this country - wouldn't hesitate to do it and did do it in other countries. I give money for aid, but that doesn't stop the bombing or help influence the political situation at all.

I did all those things also. That is what you do when you live in a democracy. And I do think that 1 person makes a difference. Just in a democracy, the change takes a little longer.
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Jul 23, 2006
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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A good link Jul 23, 2006

I haven't been monitoring the forum for a long time, as I've been away for a while. Anyway, just wanted to point out a good link on this crisis.
It's a good site for keeping up to date on the latest developments, and includes ways to help people in Lebanon. Apologies in advance if it's already been posted.


Lebanon Under Attack: Temporary Forum about the war on Lebanon:
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Jul 23, 2006
Sorry, I'll behave myself now. Back to the subject, not personal attacks.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 23, 2006
thank u kanelli ... please all enough personal attacks ..we really dont want this thread to be locked please
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Jul 23, 2006
Guys, I realise that everyone is passionate about their beliefs to varying degrees but please discuss your views is a respectful and constructive manner, and refrain from personal attacks - no one here is the enemy.
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Jul 23, 2006
The Real Cost of US Support for Israel: $3 Trillion[url]

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Jul 23, 2006
Anlil wrote:That is another myth, part of the brain wash that is going on, the Jewish and thier lovers trying to convince people that Hitler was going to kill gays gypsies, Asians Africans, Etc.

The fact is different; he actually had treaties with many countries that did not have blond hair and blue eyes. (Italians and Japanese were not Arians)

But we know well how many people trying to change history for the favor of the Jewish cause.

and some people Refuse to admit the source of the problem.

There is evidence that refutes many of these claims. That likely doesn't matter though. :lol: Some people try to change history to paint the Jews as evil demons to suit their own agendas. Some people refuse to admit that their own attitudes and biases are part of the problem.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jul 23, 2006
Jewish Racism and Terorrism According to Rabbi Ginsburg

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, head of the Kever Yossev Yeshiva (school of Talmud) in Nablus stated, "The blood of the Jewish people is loved by the Lord; it is therefore redder and their life is preferable."

The killing by a Jew of a non-Jew, i.e. a Palestinian, is considered essentially a good deed, and Jews should therefore have no compunction about it. Source: Yitzhak Ginsburg, "Five General Religious Duties Which Lie Behind the Act of the Saintly, Late Rabbi Baruch Goldstein, May his Blood be Avenged"

the Jews as evil demons???? ohhhh poor them :twisted:

Part of the problem is not the source of it
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Jul 23, 2006
That is another myth, part of the brain wash that is going on, the Jewish and their lovers trying to convince people that Hitler was going to kill gays gypsies, Asians.

GET YOUR FACTS correct Hitler did exterminate a vast numbers of Gay’s Gypsies, Asians.

Edited: Inappropriate content
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Jul 24, 2006
nostradamus wrote:That is another myth, part of the brain wash that is going on, the Jewish and their lovers trying to convince people that Hitler was going to kill gays gypsies, Asians.

GET YOUR FACTS correct Hitler did exterminate a vast numbers of Gay’s Gypsies, Asians.

Edited: Inappropriate content

excuse me did u read anything in the topic?? or at least did u read the title? first 2 lines are fine ... the rest is totaly out of context so please edit it :?
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