Lionheart wrote:for 8 soliders killed and 2 abducted, Isreal goes out and kills 60 Lebanese civilians, wiping out a 2 whole families. There is no justification for what Isreal is doing right know to Lebenon and Gaza and they have been doing this for 60 years right, act as if they are above any international law. Imagine if IRan did this, if they invaded Iraq or Afghanistan because their soliders were abducted by Afghans or Iraqis...the Americans would not congrulate them the same they congrulate Isreal for bombing the shit out of weaker nation...but instead they would push for case to invade Iran because they threat to their nieghbors. But Isreal no matter many of its neighbors it kills or invades...they are immune for any guilt. When Isreal kills 60 civilians with their air raids they are excused as being provoked...but when Hizabollah or hamas retaliates against isreal aggression they are seen as terrorist

I'm not suprised at Isreal's reaction, because they have always reacted like this. I'm suprised at the lack of coweredness shown by Arab leaders as usual and the usual double standard shown by American administration...condenming terrorism by Hizabollah and Hamas...okeying the terrorism by Isreal. I'm suprised that Western media who blasted Zidane for retaliating violently by headbutting someone who insulted him is know making excuse for Isrealis violent reaction to an incident that could be solved by negotiating..instead chose war that could lead to what I'm afraid will be World war 3.

Your arguments would have more validity if
1. You stuck to the topic (Zidane is a different story).
2. Were consistent - you're saying Zidane's overreaction is acceptable but Israel's is not?
3. Made sense (Iran/Afghan comparison sounds like nonsense. You say you're surprised at "lack of coweredness" of other Arab countries - it doesn't sound like you are).
4. Did not make inaccurate generalisations...
America did not congratulate Israel.
Israel is not immune from guilt - Israel has at times punished their own soldiers for killing civilians (not that I expect it will happen with these events).
You're still focused on blaming Israel. For hundreds of years both sides have been claiming it's the other side's fault and they started it. When will the two sides ever focus on trying to find a workable solution? Hizbullah's solution involves destroying Israel and you're supporting that? It's hardly a realistic proposition, irrespective of the rightness or wrongness of it.
The Lebanese were focused on trying to get their country to work after years of turmoil, and this episode will be a major setback for them. That's why I feel so sad for them.
Seems to me like somebody is using Hizbullah to prevent Lebanon from moving forward, and perhaps try and stir up a regional conflict.