Liban wrote:HP wrote:Chocoholic wrote:Oh big whoop now lets all go get pissed and celebrate!
why are u always against Islam . If you can not show your appreciation then avoid posting childish reply. " growing up is optional"
keep up the good work Liban. I watched it on Danish TV few months back

The days are not far when Choco will accept Islam and her name will be fatima ben anderson

Choco is a bigot and a racist. You cannot expect a "person" with those characterisitcs to be open to Islam or anything else...
Also, typical of her kind (ie. racists and bigots like Kanelli and arniegang), she doesn't want to learn and be more open to others and the associated truth.
Pitiful creatures is what they are.
hi Liban , i dissagree with you on this .... not specifically about Choco ,,nor about anybody ,, you know the story of Omar Ebn Al Khattab, how he turned to islam,,,, so i think you are wrong on that .