Islam And The West

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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010
Let's see the quote in context:


Islam’s tolerant and reverential attitude towards other religions, as shown by the reverence granted by Islam to the holy places and sites of Judaism and Christianity, should be regarded as a proof of tolerance and universalism. Islam is truly universalist and tolerant in its basic commandments. Its policy is to live and let live. It never advocated segregationism, conformity, compulsory conversion, colonialism, oppression of religious or ethnic minorities, or racialism. In contrast, it advocated egalitarianism, peaceful coexistence and justice, especially social justice. It never condoned injustice, aggression, despotism, dictatorship, tyranny or terrorism in its various forms, visible and invisible. The recent accusation of terrorism, levelled against Islam, is not fair. It is an act of flying in the face of truth, and an act of prejudice on the part of an interested party.

The tolerant and reverential attitude referred to above should have been requited by a symmetrical and equitable attitude. This has not been the case. Islam has consistently been under attack for the past two centuries. Islam is more sinned against than sinning. It is not a strange feature for Islam but to be peaceful for it has always been so. If it occasionally shows signs of revolt here and there, it is because something unfair is being done against it. Islam’s acts are purely defensive, and not aggressive. Aggression is unjust and strongly condemned by Islam. Therefore, Islam may be justly adjudged as pacifist and ecumenistic. But what can one say about the onslaught on Islam in the Balkans, in Cyprus, in Palestine, in Kashmir, in the Phillipines and elsewhere, where Muslims are denied the right to self-determination and accused on top of that of being terrorists?

Segregationism, whether religious or ethnic, is anathema in Islam, but has been practiced by Judaism in the past and at present, both in religion and in worldly matters. The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

The latest manifestation of this spirit is to select certain countries and call them at will “axes of evil”, as George Bush, president of the United States, has called Iraq, Iran and North Korea. President Reagan before him had called the Soviet Union the “focus of evil”. But where was the “focus of good”, and where is now the “axis of good”? Is evil here only whimsical or is it factual? This is divisiveness.

But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles.

This doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip. The Gentiles now are the Muslims in Afghanistan, in India, in Iran, in Iraq, in Libya, in the Sudan and, above all, in Palestine. The world, especially in the West, seems to be insensitive to the cruelties perpetrated against the Muslims in Afghanistan where they are forced in millions to leave their homes and live in ramshackle tents, dying of starvation and exposure, in Iraq where Muslims are bombarded and have been under siege for more than ten years, with as consequence a high rate of infantile mortality and in Palestine where Muslims are being killed, as Gentiles, like sheep, by organized military campaigns with all sorts of deadly weapons. The unarmed Muslims there are the terrorists. Muslims in Iran are on the list for the same unjust punishment. Perhaps North Korea will be spared, because, I suppose, it is not Muslim. This is how matters stand in the modern world: no justice and no morality.
The situation in Palestine, against Arabs in general and Muslims in particular, is an epitome of the situation in the world, where segregationism, subjugation, spoliation, expulsion, assassination are openly practiced, while the world watches, unable or unwilling to do anything.

So, in a piece entitled 'How Holy is Palestine' we have the above - the main topic is Islam, Palestine and Israel.. and in this context the above is hardly anti-semitic, or blames Jews for all the troubles in the world.. (in fact the section on discrimination doesn't mention Jews)

(Thanks for pointing out another interesting article though FD)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
So this quote is not considered anti-semitic:

The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave

The writer must have forgotten for a moment to use Zionists instead of jews.

But let me rephrase:

Muslims, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave

Islam is dividing mankind into master and slave and the whole world is suffering from it!It is aggressive and dangerous!

Yep and sharia with amputations, homophobia and lashes for the adulteres is considers justice. Allrightly then...
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010
In context the guy makes a very good point - the world is indeed being divided into 'them and us' - either you are with us or against us. We have 'clashes of civilisations' etc.

Rather than replace Jews with 'Muslims' why not put in 'Apartheid-era Boers' - that would be more apt, as I pointed out this is actually based on evidence.

Just this week, as I said before, Haaretz talks of Jewish-Apartheid roads, not so long ago 100,000 protestors in Israel marched in favour of segregation.

Indeed his point is that Islam is inclusive and not segregationalist, whereas fundamentally Judaism has a concept of Gentiles and Jews (extremist Jews don't welcome converts, for example).

So, you're trying desperately to spin an observation as an anti-semetic rant, but unfortunately the full context above stands in evidence against your view.

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
I can see doctrine of the extermination of Rabenu Moshe Ben Maimon having influence in this rabbi fellow.. ... 2C2.218%2C

A good exapmle of racist segregation in israeli schools.. ... ize=1&hd=0
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
So it is about jews.

The whole world is suffering because of them (the jews). They (jews) are aggresive and dangerous. This according to the writer Hasan S. Karmi and poster Shafique claims that in context he makes a good point.
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
So it is about jews.
The whole world is suffering because of them (the jews). They (jews) are aggresive and dangerous. This according to the writer Hasan S. Karmi and poster Shafique claims that in context he makes a good point.

Soory FD but you fail to analyze what you read...If you read what i posted you can see that the problem is not the person itself, it's the ideology they follow that shapes their both internal and foreign policies towards humanity..

The problem is not the physical human jew..The problem is what shapes human's minds and behaviour!...
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
Berrin, I already saw enough of the filth you are posting and how you think about jews.

This could have come right out of the mounth of, the by the mufti beloved, Adolf or the KKK:

The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

And it is considered as a good point when placed in the right context by some forum members. :idea:
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
Berrin, I already saw enough of the filth you are posting and how you think about jews.

No, the jews are humans, we have common creator, I can't hate them for that reason as I would be questionable against my hatred directed to the individual rather than their opinion and behaviour..
I have the right to criticize the logic for the tought that creates opinions and reflects to behaviour and actions..

Filth..according to who? you better explain why you think they are filth, so that we have a say in it and come to conclusion all together.
But I noticed that when we have a say in something in support of our argument than you get annoyed, unable to reconcile, start claiming of something else irrelevant to the subject....

This could have come right out of the mounth of, the by the mufti beloved, Adolf or the KKK:

The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave.

Again you're quick to label...Will you ever start to think , why such accused mufti thinks they are segregationists, aggressive and dangerous?. He can only lay his findings on solid grounds that is evidential.. If they hadn't been segregtionists they couldn't possibly be prejudicist,schizophrenic, hypocrite etc... don't you think?
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
Berrin wrote:Again you're quick to label...Will you ever start to think , why such accused mufti thinks they are segregationists, aggressive and dangerous?

He explained himself:

“Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got from Berlin was: ‘The Jews are yours.’”
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
Hold on there is my bad reading and mistake..I thought you addressed the writer in Shafique's quote to be the mufti..

Your quote from hitler loved mufti has nothing to do with orginal quote from Shafique..

That mufti was the agent of the British, opposing ottoman rule under many lies and rumours told them..…Obviously british needed to pamper his ago and benefit from his grief to allow jews wage war against Palestinians to complete the agenda in ME…I wonder if he'd got half the promise he was given!..
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
Berrin, the quote is from the same author as the OP, but is from another article. It could have been from hitler or the kkk though, same ideology. Shafique wrote that he makes a very good point. As a side remark i said the mufti loved hitler, as they were big buddies.
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010
:roll: :roll:

Your a very thin line away from 'he's brown skinned and has a beard and therefore wants to keeellll all Jews' :shock:

But hey, you've got to justify equating a positive post about Islam with Nazism, and kudos on not backing down in the face of exposure of your selective quotes.

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
It could have been from hitler or the kkk though, same ideology. .

you shouldn't jump to immediate conclusion to label as filth..
It's also your duty to start to think why so many people think that their actions are segregationists, aggressive and dangerous..The fact that this issue hasn't been solved for the last 60 years shows that both the west and israelies have no respect to both civil and moral rights of humans..Where is your freedom?
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010
Berrin, to be fair to FD in none of his posts has he given any indication that he actually read either the first article or the second one he quoted.

Indeed, I asked him whether he had even read the first article when he made the slur about Nazism. When challenged he went and found the other quote (which he gave without a reference) and that turns out to be out of context too - so perhaps he didn't read the second article and just searched for 'Jewish'.

So, the next step is to argue that because FD 'thinks' the author is anti-semitic, therefore he is like Adolf Hitler or the Mufti. I guess he had to quote the Mufti when I dug up the following information about the Karmi (which makes FD's imagined anti-semitism in the articles all the more pathetic):

Karmi, searching for a quiet and respectable family house, was advised by a colleague to take one in Golders Green, well known as a neighbourhood of Jewish refugees from Hitler. This was perhaps less incongruous than it seems; the family found a Jewish GP as they had had in Jerusalem. His children made Jewish schoolfriends. Karmi would later tell his daughter that at the time he blamed British betrayal more than the Jews for the dispossession of the Palestinians. Ghada Karmi makes the point in her memoir In Search of Fatima that despite their profound and irrevocable sense of grievance against Zionism and about 1948, the "gut anti-Semitism" the family encountered among some of their English neighbours was "alien to us".

You've got to hand it to him, it's an ingenious argument (can't quite make the anti-semitic label stick on the first article, try a selective quote and then quote the Mufti!!!) - all to justify a pre-conceived Islamophobic notion of Islam.

But the real reason for the hatred is the audacity you had to quote someone saying something positive about Islam!

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
I suppose the obvious needs to be pointed out for those who do believe in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

The author's quip that Jews had/have some influence in dividing the world between Good and Evil should have rang the first alarm bells:

But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles.

Imagine the rant and rave from useless Leftists if the obvious was pointed out that Islamic doctrine divides the world into two hemispheres, belief and unbelief. House of war and house of Islam. But to go one step further and claim that the source for this is Talmudic Judaism, as if Rabbinic Jews managed to have an influence over 99% of the rest of the world's population, is entirely absurd, to say the least.

This [Jewish] doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip. The Gentiles now are the Muslims in Afghanistan, in India, in Iran, in Iraq, in Libya, in the Sudan and, above all, in Palestine.

Does the seething Antisemitism in this sentence really need to be pointed out ?

Really ?

The author also suffers from classic victim-merchant syndrome. Only Muslims suffer perceived injustices. In fact, the author mentions India at the expense of its non-Muslim inhabitants. Perhaps we are also to believe that Hindus in Pakistan are living in paradise as they surely are in India ?

Perhaps North Korea will be spared, because, I suppose, it is not Muslim. This is how matters stand in the modern world: no justice and no morality.

More loon beliefs. Those wild eyed Jews are out for Muslim blood.

-- Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:45 pm --

eh believed a totally fabricated account (fabricated on JihadWatch) of an Imam condoning rape was true and not a peep when this was exposed:

I reported a story I found on the first page of google, not JihadWatch, that was a Fox news story. In other words, apart from your loon fantasy world, the seemingly incorrect story had no connection to Jihad Watch.

I wonder if you see Robert Spencer in every shadow ?

Secondly, the part about the Imam condoning rape was not highlighted in my quote about the Imam and I never mentioned it myself. What I did actually highlight was the part about the Imam claiming that non-Muslims are guilty for being non-Muslims and need to be 'punished'. Strange how you fixate so much about rape.

When the historical fact is of Israel breaking the Gaza truce, you both go into denial:

No denial there. What I said was 100% correct. Hamas, not Israel, called the truce off. That Hamas ended the truce well over a month after an alleged Israeli violation of the truce should show that Israel did not break off the ceasefire.

-- Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:58 pm --

Rather than replace Jews with 'Muslims' why not put in 'Apartheid-era Boers' - that would be more apt, as I pointed out this is actually based on evidence.

Who's taking comments out of context ?

So you would claim that Boers are responsible for giving birth to "prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave." ?

Wow, those must have been some pretty successful Boers.

But your point is neither here nor there. The author *didn't* say Boers. He said Jews. Jews are primarily responsible, somehow, for "giv[ing] birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave".

Seriously, is your brain so fried that you don't see the blatant Antisemitism and loon beliefs in the author's post ?

Of course it is. Silly question.
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010
See what I mean - no embarrassment at all. Now you're blaming Google for your post. It doesn't excuse the fact you didn't acknowledge you that you presented as fact something that was made up by your friends!

And why are you having a go at FD in your opening line above? I would have thought you'd have supported him in his imagined anti-Semitism in the articles quoted.

And I particularly love the fact you still fantasise about Hamas breaking the truce when even Mark Regev admits the truth on TV. But hey, we can all go and see your incisive arguments in the relevant threads... oh wait, what's that ? No arguments there, just- 'all mouth no trousers' again.

But anyway, you should congratulate FD for his tenacity - I just wonder who he will quote next to justify the first allegation about nazism and this author's article! ;)

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
How have Jews managed to do the following:
prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave

Wow. I think we found our loon of the year !
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010
LOL - the articles are there, why don't you read them and then argue against the ideas expressed rather than relying on snippets?

Do all you guys think that just by searching for the word 'Jewish' in an article you'll understand what is written?

If you take the time to read the articles, you won't make schoolboy errors like claiming there is anti-semitism in an article which is a positive one about Islam (the first one) or in one about Palestine (the second one).

What is extremely funny too, is that the accusation of anti-semitism is levelled against a scholar who was less anti-semitic than his English neighbours (the non-Jewish ones - as he lived in Golders Green!).

I'm starting to feel sorry for you guys.. you sure know how to lose an argument! ;)

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
I think your response in not addressing what was said is what speaks volumes.

I read what you posted on the third page of this thread in full, several times.

Apart from the loon fantasies of his article (Islam does not promote aggressiveness, Judaism does - get real), I'm shocked that someone could be arguing that what the author wrote is not blatantly Antisemitic.

Well, not really. But for anyone with common sense I would be.
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 30, 2010

I merely stated that the answer to your question is in the articles by Hasan Karmi. Let me know if you're still confused after you've read them.

You'll probably share a chuckle with me that notion that what he wrote is anti-semitic, given the facts I've also given above.

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 30, 2010
The article you copy/pasted is clear.

According to the loon author, there is no aggressiveness in Islam, all aggressiveness comes from non-Muslims.

Couldn't get anymore 'Us vs Them' than that.

FD was absolutely correct in spotting this dude's Antisemitism.

Your copy-paste only confirmed his Antisemitism and his other loon beliefs.

By copy-pasting the piece in 'defense' of the author seems to show how fried your brain is.


How could the article you quoted, especially what you chose to highlight, not be considered Xenophobic and Antisemitic ?

Just incredible.

Edit: Found another loon passage from the site you copy/pasted your article from:

The sporadic acts of protest against injustice as done by Muslims here and there, even when they are violent in nature, should not be called terrorism. The Jews, for instance, practiced terrorism through Irgun and Stern gangs and through their fanatic groups for their religious national cause, and got away with it. But Muslims, fighting for self-determination, in the Balkans, Cyprus, Palestine, Kashmir, the Caucasus, the Phillipines and other parts of the world are labelled as terrorists. Self-determination is still denied to them, but the Christian eastern Timor has been given self-determination. ... ne/CH1.php

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 31, 2010
The sporadic acts of protest against injustice as done by Muslims here and there, even when they are violent in nature, should not be called terrorism.

This so called loon passage must be a response to self proclaimed vanguard of democracy in America..
Couse they can keep firearm in self-defense/determination to shoot and not called terrorist?
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Re: Islam and the West Aug 31, 2010
event horizon wrote:The article you copy/pasted is clear.

Well, Berrin posted the article - FD quoted a snippet from another article, and all I did was quote the full context to that second article. We have to thank FD for the second one about Palestine.

event horizon wrote:According to the loon author, there is no aggressiveness in Islam, all aggressiveness comes from non-Muslims.

Sorry, are reading the same articles here? Hasan Karmi is hardly a loon - or is it perhaps that some of the words and concepts he uses confused you?

Which particular passage says that there is no aggressiveness from Muslims. In fact you've quoted him above saying that some Muslims do commit violent acts against injustices and in liberation struggles. You also quote him stating the fact that Jewish terrorists 'got away' with their terrorism (a historical fact). I would disagree with him if he stated that clear terrorist acts shouldn't be labelled as such, but I don't disagree with him that armed attacks against military, for example, are routinely mislabelled as 'terrorist acts' by many - notably Israel and her fanbois. (I challenge you to refute this point - I double dare you.) ;)

He's right that Islam's teachings emphasise unity and social justice and he contrasts that with the separatism that exists in Judaism - his theme is a strong railing against the discrimination of 'choseness' that manifests itself in injustices. He's also right to point out the religious tolerance inherent in Islam too.

I know that pointing out these facts makes him a heretic in your view - but facts are facts.

event horizon wrote:Your copy-paste only confirmed his Antisemitism and his other loon beliefs.

Which leads me to think you didn't actually read the articles. C'mon 'fess up - did you read and understand what Karmi was saying in the two articles?

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 31, 2010
Sorry, are reading the same articles here? Hasan Karmi is hardly a loon - or is it perhaps that some of the words and concepts he uses confused you?

His words, not mine:

It never advocated segregationism, conformity, compulsory conversion, colonialism, oppression of religious or ethnic minorities, or racialism.

It never condoned injustice, aggression, despotism, dictatorship, tyranny or terrorism in its various forms, visible and invisible.

Don't worry guys. There is no radicalism or aggressiveness in Islam. Also, no oppression of religious minorities or intolerance.

Those ancient Islamic scholars who advocated offensive Jihad warfare against non-Muslims must not have been Muslim after all.

And perhaps you can ask your Qadiani friends in Indonesia and Pakistan if they're feeling oppressed or segregated (and, of course, Islam does not segregate between the sexes) ?

In fact you've quoted him above saying that some Muslims do commit violent acts against injustices and in liberation struggles.

Right, which he says are not acts of terrorism. So, that grenade attack against a Filipino church the other day was an act of protest against 'injustice', not terrorism. And yeah, fighting to establish a theocracy is a liberation struggle.

Must remember, you don't consider that a loon statement.

He's right that Islam's teachings emphasise unity

Really ? Which teaching of Islam emphasizes unity between non-Muslims and Muslims ? The whole house of war and house of belief ? Jihad warfare ? Islamic supremacism ?

Do tell. I'm interested.

he contrasts that with the separatism that exists in Judaism

Well, actually he says that this supposed 'Us vs Them' attitude originates from Judaism. Perhaps, since you agree with him, you could explain that for us ???

I personally thought his whole essay was to blame anyone else but Islam and Muslims and dripped with Kuffarophobia, Antisemitism and conspiracy theories and loon beliefs.

He's also right to point out the religious tolerance inherent in Islam too.

Islam is very intolerant. Compare any fundamentalist Islamic nation - Pakistan, Gazastan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, even Indonesia, to any Western nation and there's no question which group of nations uphold tolerance, human rights, free speech, etc.

Which leads me to think you didn't actually read the articles. C'mon 'fess up - did you read and understand what Karmi was saying in the two articles?

I've already quoted numerous passages from the article you copy/pasted. Why not address what's quoted ?
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Re: Islam And The West Aug 31, 2010
Hey, a simple 'no I didn't read and understand the articles' would have sufficed!

Karmi indeed makes very good points about Islam being inclusive and not segregationalist. I challenged you to refute his specific point that Jewish terrorists got away with their terrorism (in the quote you gave) and that mislabelling attacks on military by liberationalists as 'terrorism' is wrong.

Repeating your beliefs that Karmi's excellent summary of the teachings of Islam (that it is tolerant, doesn't condone aggression etc) doesn't really address the fact that your views aren't in the article. I suggest that perhaps that is what is getting you all worked up.

Karmi does indeed state that Muslims commit violence, in the quote you gave. You either did not understand this point, or didn't read it. But yet you quoted it and then argue that he says Islam does not commit acts of violence?

I'm not sure whether you're just confused or just so blinded by hate that words don't sink in?

I challenge you again - read the articles and then lets discuss the ideas raised in them, not ones you imagine are there.

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Re: Islam and the West Aug 31, 2010
Karmi indeed makes very good points about Islam being inclusive and not segregationalist. I challenged you to refute his specific point that Jewish terrorists got away with their terrorism (in the quote you gave) and that mislabelling attacks on military by liberationalists as 'terrorism' is wrong.

Another lie ?

Karmi never mentions attacking military targets when he says that 'protests of violence' in the Philippines and elsewhere are not acts of terrorism. He contrasts this by saying that the Irgun was a terrorists group - though they never killed as many non-combatants as Islamist terror groups in Chechnya, the Philippines, Israel and elsewhere have.

I'm not sure whether you're just confused or just so blinded by hate that words don't sink in?

Hey, his words are clear to both FD and I.

When he says that Rabbinic Judaism is responsible for a great share of the misery in the world (while Islam is completely innocent), I agree with the non-loon view that the guy is an Antisemite/nutjob/raving loon.

So why won't you address the quotes I provided that I took from your copy/paste on the third page of this thread ?
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Re: Islam And The West Sep 01, 2010
You say Karmi's words are clear to both you and FD - but there's no indication that either you or FD have actually read and understood either/both of the articles in full.

Pehaps that is exactly why you agree with each other?

I mean, FD even went so far as quoting the Mufti to back up his initial baseless claim that the first article shows Islam resembles Nazism. He was challenged and found lacking (and had to first quote a different article - selectively) and then just quoted the Mufti - all because he 'thought' Karmi was anti-semitic.

As I said, you guys crumble when evidence is produced - just look at the thread below and your comment about Homose.xuality in the Bible, look at the thread in Politics about Israel breaking the truce in Gaza etc etc. Look at the thread below about Hasan Karmi himself - can you see your or FD's response there.. no? Exactly.

The fact that you believe Karmi is an anti-semite is really only down to your views of Islam and not based on reality. You seem to be afraid to actually read and understand what is written - but such as it always was with loons.

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Re: Islam and the West Sep 01, 2010
Address the quotes that have been posted on the fourth page of this thread from Karmi that I am saying are Antisemitic.
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Re: Islam And The West Sep 02, 2010
The fact that you believe Karmi is an anti-semite is really only down to your views of Islam and not based on reality. You seem to be afraid to actually read and understand what is written - but such as it always was with loons.

Which leads me to think you didn't actually read the articles. C'mon 'fess up - did you read and understand what Karmi was saying in the two articles?
As I said, you guys crumble when evidence is produced - just look at the thread below and your comment about Homose.xuality in the Bible, look at the thread in Politics about Israel breaking the truce in Gaza etc etc. Look at the thread below about Hasan Karmi himself - can you see your or FD's response there.. no? Exactly.

In summary: All Mouth, No Trousers.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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