Honour Killings - What The Experts Say

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Honour Killings - What the Experts say Dec 27, 2011
Event Horizon decided to take up the challenge to find one expert who agrees with the theory espoused by Islamophobic bloggers - that Islam is somehow responsible for honour crimes/killings in the UK or elsewhere.


I presume that eh has by now e-mailed Diana Nammi, so I thought I'd create this thread in anticipation of the response.

shafique wrote:I proposed to Dillon that he should write to the experts who say religion has nothing to do with honour killings and see whether he could persuade them that your theory is right. Do you want to take up the challenge?

event horizon wrote:I'll be happy to send my bullet points to which ever expert of your choosing.

shafique wrote:Excellent - why don't you start with the group that compiled the stats in the OP:

Diana Nammi, the director, is the one who stated that 1 in 3 honour crimes in the UK are not carried out by Muslims.

Here, I'll even get you the contact details from the site:
IKWRO’s Director Diana Nammi regularly acts as a media spokeswoman and has been interviewed for television, radio, print and online media in English, Farsi and Kurdish.

You can contact Diana on 07862 733511 or diana.nammi@gmail.com.

Let us know whether they agree with your theory. Please post both your e-mail to her and her response.

Who knows, perhaps you will eventually find one expert to agree with you?

(eh - you can confirm you've contacted Nammi, can't you??)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Honour Killings - What The Experts Say Dec 27, 2011
Ok, just let me know if you want to know what the experts say on concubinage in Islam as well.

I'm sure you'll be just as interested in their opinion when it comes to that.

In the meantime, we can look at my list showing a connection between religion and honor killing:

*Honor killings are carried out by religious Muslims, not uneducated or poor.

* Honor killings carried out by Muslims are carried out for religious reasons - a family member is accused of committing apostasy or having premarital relationships of some sort - all strictly forbidden under Islam.

*Actual honor killings in Hinduism are rare and Sikhs (a religion that is a hybrid of Islam and Hinduism) honor killings seem to be limited to wives, unlike Muslim honor killings where children are just as vulnerable

* Honor killings are universal in the Muslim world - all Muslim peoples, regardless of culture, geography and so on are known to commit honor killings.

* Islamic Law in several Islamic nations condones or has condoned honor killings. The Iranian Mullahs would be happy to testify that they condone honor killing violence. It isn't secular statesmen in Iran who make and enforce the law in the Islamic Republic.

* The law of retaliation in Islam provides convenient loopholes for honor killers. Honor killers in Pakistan are usually set free after the family of the victim (the same family as the murderer) requests a pardon. If Muslim society is generally supportive of honor crimes under an Islamic legal system, then it is virtually impossible for the courts to punish the perpetrators.

* Muslims, a religious minority in the world, carry out a majority of honor killings.
event horizon
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Re: Honour Killings - What The Experts Say Dec 27, 2011
Please stop trolling eh. Your list looks like exactly the cut and paste job from Islamophobic websites I was referring to - your task is to seek out one expert that agrees with the specific Islamphobic blogger theory about honour killings.

Have you emailed Nammi to ask about your theory? Post her reply here when you get it.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Honour Killings - What The Experts Say Dec 27, 2011
Why do you need so-called "experts" to tell you what to think?

Can't you respond to my list yourself?
event horizon
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Re: Honour Killings - What The Experts Say Dec 27, 2011
You are the one that accepted the challenge, not me.

I just pointed out that no expert believes in your theory that Islam is responsible for honour crimes - only some Islamphobic bloggers.

I produced experts that disagree with your theory, and challenged you to produce one expert who agrees with your theory. It sounds like you're looking for a way to back out. [sigh]


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Honour Killings - What The Experts Say Jan 08, 2012
event horizon
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Re: Honour Killings - What The Experts Say Jan 08, 2012
A Memri special is not going to help you eh.

You boasted you'd email an expert - we're still waiting. Were you lying?

This is yet another example of a Memri special of one guy on a talk show in Egypt.

Also, eh is playing fast and loose with his spin - again. The discussion is about EGYPTIAN adultery law and he's saying that if a man kills his wife it is murder. The only exception is that if he kills her when caught in flagrante, then it is a misdemeanour and not considered murder - i.e. a crime of passion as exists in other countries. This is not an Islamic definition at all. eh is spinning this.

He specifically says that if the man leaves, comes back after an hour and kills the wife -then it is Murder.

Indeed, I wasn't sure that the word 'Islam' or Sharia was mentioned once - perhaps I missed it if it was.

The elephant in the room is that God's punishment for adultery is not death, but 100 lashes - and only after 4 witnesses are to be found. What this guy is proposing is not according to Islam. Simple.

Yet another fail. Islam does not allow honour crimes - and eh boasted that he would e-mail experts on the subject and has yet to do so. Yet another lie?

Big fat fail, eh - better luck next time.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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